The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 18 Quotes

Frankie: So Harper's got game.
- Harper, Athena, Fiona.
- She's got dozens of identities.
- A different scam for every name.
- It's tough to chase someone like that.
- I need data.
- What else do you know about her?

- An extra 50 if you break every speed limit.
- Well, my work here is done.
- I should go.
- Finch: Is there a problem?
- Can I help?
- You're a good friend, Harold.
- But this one I have to do alone.

- Why? We know Ray's there.
- Watch and learn, Johnny.
- Look out.
- Stay here.
- Yeah, right.
- Man 1: Don't shoot.
- Man 2: Pratt's not here.
- She told me I could have the car.

- It's so wrong.
- It's like a cop dating a fireman.
- It's that bad.
- Okay.
- I've tried to stop it.
- I could lose my job, for god's sakes.
- Ajob I love. And I tried, but I kept finding that every time I'm with you...
- I just feel I...
- Oh, to hell with it.

- I don't wanna see you for a while.
- Of course.
- It was a brilliant plan, Harold.
- The trojan horse.
- But it would've gotten professor whistler killed.

- I know. John!
- Get off me!
- Worthy: Ms. Wells.
- I'm Mr. Worthy.
- How are you doing?
- Unh.

- I promised he could leave the building, not the state.
- You tell them, Crockett.
- I'm gonna miss you.
- So, John, you gonna look me up too?
- Maybe next time.
- Because, you know, I got handcuffs.

- We just call her that.
- She, uh, likes the sound of it.
- Likes the sound of it?
- Are you impaired, Johnny?
- I like you, but you're the one who needs to answer questions.
- And prove who you are.
- Bail contract's in my pocket.

- You disappoint me, Harold.
- How long do I have?
- Hi. My friend needs to get to the hospital...
- In 11 minutes or he's dead.
- I won't go.
- When they come, I won't go.
- And legally, they can't force me.

- Then it was all for nothing.
- Months of planning, Hong Kong, Beth.
- The trojan horse was important.
- It could've given us a chance.
- It's okay if we're not friends anymore.
- You being alive is enough.

- Actually...
- I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.

- Did you text me a new number earlier?
- Reese: Yeah, can you handle that?
- I'm a little busy right now.
- This is very important.
- The new number, when did it come in exactly?
- About 9:15 this morning. Why?
- Finch?
- I'll call you later, Mr. Reese.

- Call me when you're a free man.
- My office.

- Anything.
- Reese: She goes by Harper Rose or maybe Fiona Dubois. Anything?
- No recent arrests.
- Oh, thanks anyway.
- Yeah, I owe you one.
- Detective. I didn't see you there.

- Hello?
- Hey, Pratt!
- Pratt: Hey, gorgeous.
- You got them?
- Dl, passport, birth certificate and ticket to Brazil. You leave at 5.
- Come on up.

- When are you gonna be sending it to them?
- Oh, day after tomorrow.
- I still have a little final tinkering to do.
- Have dinner with me tomorrow night.
- We'll celebrate.
- Oh, I'd like that.
- I promise to tease you about precautionary principles all night.

- It had to be, Harry.
- You hurt a good woman.
- And you're alive too.
- Despite your best efforts.

- So I guess I'm gonna have to be sorry for both of us.
- Frankie.
- No, no.
- Harper.
- All right.
- Ain't this a hell of a thing?

- Last year, a couple months before ray got arrested...
- This accountant got his throat slashed.
- Brutal work. Cops said it was a mugging.
- No one connected ray to the death.
- But you did.
- Ray was his boss. Argued with him.
- Next day, the accountant ended up in an alley with his throat slashed.
- Frankie could be in trouble. And Harper.

- Six of the best places to get counterfeit ids.
- I hear the real expert is the one who works out of this bar.
- Her online handle is Athena.
- She's gotta be around here somewhere.
- You two need a room?
- Both: Shut up.
Frankie: Ray.

- Ray, get in.
- Athena?
- Hey, Riley.
- You know her?
- Yeah, and her name's not Athena.
- Come on.

- This kid Joe used to beat me up every damn day...
- Until Deacon broke Joe's arm.
- He said, "some people need to be made truly sorry."
- That's why I like skip tracing.
- To catch people who did wrong and make them truly sorry.
- Ah. Got it.
- They're coming.

- You are so fired.
Frankie: Let me get you a shirt.
- Stop. Relax.
- I really need this job. Sorry.
- Come on, come on. Let's go.
- He's got a temper.
- Please, please.
- It's okay, everybody.
- We just found our perp.

- And track down this Harper chick.
- I'll see you later.
- Hold up.
- I'm not letting you go out there alone.
- We have reason to believe that your life's in danger.
- Danger? Oh, jeez, whatever will I do?
- I'll put you in a cell.
- Heh. You'll try.
- I am the best hope you have of finding Harper.

- Was it all just a fake?
- Hong Kong...
- Everything?
- No.
- Not everything.
- Goodbye, Harold.
- Good bye.

- Uh-huh. So you do know him?
- Well, actually, some say it's a her.
- Get out of here.
- Yes, sir.
- Hey, Harold. Call me.
- Harper's getting texts from the machine.

- What is it with you and me and handcuffs?
- Aw. Frankie.
- Come on.
- Worthy was right. I am a liar.
- And I have to catch ray myself.
- I'm sorry, John.

- Really, Harold. You should go.
- Ms. Groves.
- The threat to Beth's life...
- Is it you?
- Yes, Harold.
- I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill her.

Dr. Iris Campbell: I have feelings for you, John.
John: Oh.
Dr. Iris Campbell: [Before she kisses John] Which is inappropriate, wrong, completely unethical. I tried to stop for weeks, I could lose my job, which I love, but everytime I'm with you, I just feel... oh, the hell with it.
John: Actually, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.

- You win. I won't kill her.
- I give you my word, Harold.
- Beth will live. Please.
- Just please believe me.
- All right, I believe you...
- Root.
- Okay, then. Come on.