The Best Robbie Sinclair Quotes

Blarney: [singing with kids named Jeff and Tim] Okay here we go. I am Blarney I love you. E-I-E-I-O. And if you're nice you'll love me, too. E-I-E-I-O.
Robbie: Well, it does seem to have quiet him down a little.
Blarney: [still singing] With a love love here, and a love love there, here a love there a love, everywhere a love love.
Fran: It's interesting, he strikes a chord with children. Something about Blarney inlooses the purest feelings of warmth and affection.
Baby: [with a baby bottle on his slingshot] EAT GLASS, BLARNEY!
Blarney: [Launches the bottle at the TV] AAAAAHHHH!
Baby: [TV blows up and Fran and Robbie were shocked in surprise] DIE SUM, DIE!
Robbie: [as Baby cackles] Well, I gotta say, I'm with him.
Fran: That does it! I am fed up with your bad behavior, you are going to your room!
Fran: You are going to your room, there will be no more presents.
Earl: It's present time!

Robbie: [watching a holiday themed paint commercial on TV] Using Refrigerator Day to sell paint kind of cheapens the holiday, doesn't it?
Charlene: Oh who's to say? That's one of those big confusing moral issues.

Robbie: We could get the fridge back.
Charlene: [sarcastically] Oh right, Rob, let's just go to the store and swipe it, I'll take my extra large purse.

Baby: You got spit up?
Earl: Yep.
Baby: You got spit up too?
Robbie: Yeah.
Baby: Did you bring me a present?

Fran: Robbie, show your father your report card.
[goes to answer phone]
Earl: Hit me with it.
Fran: [on phone] Charlene? What?
Earl: [reading report card] F, F, F, F, F, M... M? What's an M?
Robbie: Well, halfway through grading me, the teacher forgot the alphabet.
Fran: Earl! It's Charlene, she needs a ride home.
[hangs up]
Fran: She can't remember where we live!
Earl: That doesn't prove a thing, she never was the brightest kid.
Fran: Earl, you've got to put smarter shows on the air! Everyone's gotten TOO dumb!

Robbie: Dad, you're going to coat the entire continent with poison? Isn't there some safer alternative?
Earl: Like what?
Charlene: Well, trim back the vines as much as we can, live with a little discomfort, and hope that nature eventually restores the balance.
Earl: That's inconvenient and time consuming, my idea is exciting and high tech.
Robbie: Yeah but have you tested this stuff to make sure it's safe?

Earl: Maybe we went a little overboard with the poison.
Charlene: A little? Your stupid spray killed all plant life!
Earl: Hey, what are you complaining about? You never liked salads anyway.
Robbie: You've destroyed the global food chain! No plants means no food at all!
Earl: Nonsense! There's a wide variety of commercial snack foods which have virtually no natural ingredients.
Fran: Earl, we can't live on Ho-Ho's!
Baby: I can!

Earl: You stay away from my son you pea pusher.
Robbie: Dad, so what if they eat a few peas? They're proud of who they are. You know, I have a dream that someday a dinosaur will be judged, not by the contents of his lunchbox, but the quality of his character.

Robbie: Charlene, I'm gonna bite your head off!
Charlene: Ooh, he's not a carnivore, he's a cannibal!