The Best Sister Nicci Quotes

Darken: [conjured up] Sister Nicci, you spent your life praying to be united with the Keeper. Now here you are back in the world of the living.
Sister: My sisters brought me back so I could do what you and your minions failed to do time and again: capture the Mother Confessor.
Darken: If you have the Mother Confessor, then why are you not laying her lifeless body at my feet?
Sister: I sent word to the margrave of Rothenberg asking him to send his Gars for her. She's in the margrave's dungeon. A place where the Seeker and his friends will be unable to use magic to rescue her.
Darken: [taunting] Very clever. So clever, in fact, that I'm left wondering what you could possibly need from me.
Sister: In exchange for turning the Mother Confessor over to me, the margrave wants a guarantee, signed in the Keeper's blood, that when the Keeper puts an end to all life, he and his court will be granted eternal immunity from death.
Darken: Do you think the Keeper is interested in almost winning?
Sister: Remember the Prophecy, Darken Rahl. As long as the Mother Confessor's pure heart beats, the Keeper is doomed to fail.
[shakes her head]
Sister: A handful of lives isn't many to spare in exchange for millions.
Darken: I will convey your message to the Keeper. And persuade him to accept your terms.

Sister: Lord Rahl, have I displeased the Keeper?
Frederick: The stench of your failure passes through the veil to sicken him even in the Underworld. Yet there is one way you may regain his favor.
Sister: Tell me.
Frederick: Bring me the Stone of Tears.
Sister: Lord Rahl, the compass that points to the Stone of Tears only works in the hands of the Seeker.
Frederick: Well then, if you cannot control the compass, you must find a way to control the Seeker.
Sister: What about the Mother Confessor? The Prophecy says the Keeper is doomed to fail as long as her pure heart beats.
Frederick: We can address the problem of the Mother Confessor's beating heart once you get the Stone from the Seeker.
Sister: [struck by idea] I may know a way to control the Seeker, find the Stone, and kill the Mother Confessor.

Sister: [to Richard] I'm going to the bridge now, and if you're not with me by the time I get there, the Mother Confessor and I will meet the Keeper together.

Richard: Even if we find the Stone and you destroy it, even if you kill yourself and take Kahlan with you, you won't win.
Sister: Your fight against the Keeper is futile. In the end, he will win. He always does. Life is fleeting, death is eternal.

Sister: If the Keeper walks among the living, we have no time to waste.
Kahlan: Yes, Mistress.

Kahlan: Richard's boots made these tracks, Mistress. But they're at least half a day old.
Sister: He's been here and gone. That way.
Kahlan: Mistress... I know Richard. He's clever. He may have realized you're tracking him, and he's setting a trap for you.
[shakes her head, tearfully strokes Nicci's cheek]
Kahlan: I couldn't bear it if any harm came to you.
Sister: [slaps Kahlan very hard] Stop groveling! The Seeker isn't going to kill me. He's going to serve me.
Kahlan: How?
Sister: He trusts you.
[washes her hands in trough]
Sister: Once we've caught up to him, you'll get close enough to confess him. That's why I didn't take all of your han.
Kahlan: I will do whatever you wish, but how is the Seeker going to serve you if he is confessed to me?
Sister: You will order him to give me the Stone of Tears. It has the power to bestow immortality, even while the Keeper does me the great favor of destroying all of the pathetic life that inhabits this world. You will order Richard to be my consort. And he and I will start a new race in our image, a people that follow my will, and my will alone.
Kahlan: Mistress... if we don't catch up to Richard in time...
Sister: That's why you're gonna help me slow him down.

Sister: [chant] Great Keeper of the Underworld, as I walk in the path to eternal darkness, grant me the strength to carry your will.

Sister: What would you do with a horse whose leg was broken? You'd put it out of its misery. This world is like a lame horse. Helping people only prolongs their suffering.

Sister: Marissa, do you really think your han can compete with mine?
Sister: I'm not here to compete with your han. I'm here to take it.
Sister: There are only four of you. Either you overestimate your power, or you underestimate mine.

Sister: [to the raven] A srrand of the Mother Confessor's hair. You have served the Keeper well.

Sister: [to disguised Zedd] Maybe you don't remember me because you're not the only one who's appearance has changed since the last time we saw each other. But how could I ever forget the man who killed me? This is no woman! This is the Wizard Zeddicus Z'ul Zorander!

Richard: [seething] And what is it that you want?
Sister: You're going to lead me to the Stone of Tears. And if any of you attempt to follow us, Kahlan will die.
Zeddicus: And so will you!
Sister: I serve the Keeper. I'm not afraid of death. Neither are the four powerful Sisters of the Dark who are trying to kill me and take my han.

Darken: [bathing in his indoor pool, interrupted by rogue Sister Nicci slaying two Mord-Sith] Quite a dramatic entrance, Nicci. Even for you. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Sister: It appears you and I now have something in common. Neither of us serves the Keeper anymore.
Darken: Tiresome old creature, isn't he? So hard to keep him happy.
Sister: And you won't be very happy when the Seeker fails and your former master gets his hands on you again. He's not known for forgiving those who betray him.
Darken: And the Seeker is not known for failure.
Sister: Have you forgotten the Prophecy? He will deliver the Stone to the Enemy of the Light.
Darken: If there is one thing I've learned, it's never to wager against my brother. Prophecy or not, he will succeed.
Sister: Your overconfidence can only mean one thing. You know that Richard already has the Stone, and where he's taking it. Tell me.
Darken: Why in all creation would I tell you?
Sister: I can protect him, but only if you tell me where he's going.
Darken: And how do I know that you're not still in league with the Keeper?
Sister: So the great Darken Rahl is just gonna wait for his little brother to save the world?
Darken: Oh, waiting's not so bad, as long as one finds amusing ways to while away the time. Why don't you join me? The water's warm.
Sister: [evil smile] Not as warm as it's going to be.
[zaps pool with lightning bolt, boils Darken Rahl alive]
Sister: Where is the Seeker taking the Stone?
Darken: [in scalding water] The Pillars of Creation!

Sister: I could still force you to lead me to the Stone.
Richard: [sword ready] I will fight you until my last breath.
Sister: [It's a standoff with him glaring at her as she looks at him with cold disdain] Prophecy says you'll find the Stone and give it to the Enemy of the Light. You're more use to the Keeper alive than dead.
[walks off]

[last lines]
Darken: [conjured up by Nicci again] The Keeper is not pleased.
[voice makes an echo]
Sister: Actually, I've been thinking about the Keeper. And since it appears you still run his errands, perhaps you could deliver a message for me. Tell your Master I no longer serve him.
Darken: Don't tell me the Seeker has gotten to you.
Sister: My loyalties aren't with the Seeker. Nor are they with the Creator or the Keeper.
[eyes turn cat-like, glowing eerily in the dark]
Sister: My strength is mine and mine alone. And from now on, I serve only myself.
[full jungle-cat demonic glare, then she smiles all angelic again, and as if blowing him a kiss, blows him away]