The Best The Sinner, Season 1, Episode 1 Quotes

- Can you please lift your head?
- We need to see your neck.
- Take off your shirt and hand it to the officer.

Harry: [about Cora murdering Frankie Belmont] She attacks him in public, and there are knife wounds all over the place. That's an impulse killing; it's emotional; that's why this doesn't make any sense.

- Tell me.
- It looked like he recognized her.
- When he saw who it was, he let her go.
- You think he knew her?
- And then he let her kill him.

- when you woke up this morning, is it?
- I think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud.
- I realize that.
- Then you can tell us anything.
- Whatever you can.

- This one's my favorite.
- Guys, this one's my favorite.
- You're torturing me.
- You know that, right?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
- Seriously?

- He won't sleep.
- My husband forgets.
- Ma'am, you can make a phone call the minute we get to the station.
- Just please get in the car.
- Mason! Mason!
- Mason!
- Mason!
- Mason, please! Mason!

Cora: [about Frankie Belmont] I'm telling you, I've never met him before.
Dan: Then why kill him?
Cora: 'Cause they were playing that music, and they kept turning it up.

- I just need a minute.
- I just need a minute.
- I just need a minute.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- See what you do.
- Hmm.
- I'll be right in.

- I'm sorry. It's too late.
- We have to take you to County.
- No. What do you mean?
- You said that you'd tell me when he came.
- You promised.
- He never did.
- He didn't call. Sorry.

Dan: [about Cora] It's crazy, man. She just seems so normal; just a mom with her kid.

- There's Mommy and my da, my daddy.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm gonna go for swim.
- Can you watch him?
- Mmm-hmm.
- Whoa! Avalanche!

- She said something like,
- "You're okay."
- "You're safe," and, uh, "he's gone now."
- Like she was saving her?
- Hmm, I mean, yeah.
- That's what it looked like.

- was in some kind of delusional state, then I'm gonna bring that to Judge Baird.
- She'll never accept that guilty plea.
- You know you only have two hours, right?
- The arraignment's at 4:00.
- Yeah. Yeah, no, I know, I know.

- Are you coming?
- Stop!
- Hail Mary, full of grace.
- The Lord is with thee.
- Blessed art thou amongst women.
- Holy Mary, Mother of God.
- Pray for us sinners.
- Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

- Hold his shirt here.
- Call an ambulance.
- I need an ambulance.
- There's been...
- Someone's...
- Mommy!
- Oh, my God.
- Over here!

- The first time.
- Right in the neck.
- Frankie grabbed her arm.
- Like that.
- And the thing is,
- Frankie's a strong guy.
- He could have forced her off of him.
- So why didn't he?

- What an idiot.
- I know. But if you want it, just call him right now...
- All right, goodnight, Mom.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight, Laine!
- Hey, I'll take him tomorrow if you two wanna sleep in.
- Bye. I love you.
- Bye, Mom.

- Look, Harry, I get what you're saying, I do.
- But how does this play out any other way?
- Well, the DA's got more than they need.
- And, you know, I'm already getting too many calls on this.
- So, you call them, get it filed.
- All right.

- Get down.
- Hands.
- I keep thinking about you all the time.
- Good.
- I can't not.

- He likes to bring his buddy.
- Two of them?
- How does that work?
- At the same time?
- My tips don't exactly buy me new brake pads.
- Don't tell me you're jealous.
- Maybe.

Cora's: [to a 4-year-old Cora] When you were a baby inside of me, you took up all my strength, enough for three children. So when Phoebe came, there wasn't any left for her. That's why she's so sick, but I prayed in that hospital, I prayed like I've never prayed before, and it worked. You see? He was testing me. It's all a test. Every single thing he expects of us, every single thing he expects of us, we have to do. Do you understand? Do you?
Cora (4 y.o.): Yes.
Cora's: It's the only way she'll live.

- Every single thing he expects of us, listen to me.
- Every single thing he expects of us, we have to do.
- Do you understand?
- Do you?
- Yes.
- It's the only way she'll live.

- You see those white pine across there?
- They got a blight.
- An ecosystem out of balance.
- Other side.
- Okay. Please face forward again.
- I need to see your hands.
- Put them out there.

- Pray for us sinners.
- Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
- Are you coming?
- Cora?
- Goodnight, Cora.
- Cora...

- Yeah, it's in there.
- That's all we need.
- Dad, I'm gonna go home and wash up.
- I'll meet you there, all right?
- No, no, I'm leaving too.
- I gotta say, these look good.
- Pretty soon I won't even need to come in to work.

- Here, won't you let me hold it?
- No, I've got it.
- Here. Just sit down and rest.
- I've got it. Just let me do it.
- Let me do it. Let me do it.
- William. William, please.
- Cora?
- Cora? Come see Mommy.

- I don't know.
- I just...
- I just did it.
- And I don't know why.

- Stop it! Get off her! Get off!
- Stop it! Stop! Stop it!
- Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
- Stop, stop! Stop it! Stop!
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- Cora! Hey! Cora! Hey. Hey!

Harry: [to Cora] I'm guessing that this isn't where you thought you'd be when you woke up this morning, is it? I think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud.
Cora: I realize that.
Harry: And you can tell us anything. Whatever you can
Cora: I don't know. I just... I just did it. And I don't know why.

- No, no. We're gonna go set up on the beach.
- We'll come back and visit.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- More water.
- Okay.
- I have some right here, actually.
- You got some right here.
- There you go.
- Got some.
- You've got some.

- And this is not your fault. You were such a good husband to me.
- I never thought that I would have a normal life and I did.
- Cora...
- I really did.
- And it's because of you.
- Mason.
- I gotta go, okay? Okay.

- You don't mean that.
- You do too.
- You do too.
- Goodnight, Cora.
- Mrs. Tannetti?
- Mrs. Tannetti?

- Sorry. I can't do that.
- You don't understand.
- I need it.
- Please.
- I won't tell anyone.
- Hello?
- Hello?

Ron: You should go to the station.
Lorna: You need to eat something.

- Like that. Like that.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- I should go to the station.
- You need to eat something.
- Hey, this is Mason.
- Leave a message.

- You can sit here.
- No touching.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How's Laine? Is he okay?
- He's eating?
- Yeah, he's fine.
- He's just confused.

- Detective,
- Detective please!
- Did she know?
- Did she know the victim?
- Detective, please!