The Best Twin Peaks, Season 2, Episode 21 Quotes

- Truman: Settle down. Everybody settle down. Don't panic! This way.
- I will help you.
Annie: Aah!

- Of course we do.
- Like brother, like sister.
- How about here?
- In the cake saver.
- In plain sight.
Andrew: So we have a key.
- Woman: Yes, we do.

- Part of it's been damaged.
- I've tried to replant, but nothing's taken root.
- Every forest has its shadow.
- I can see half my life's history in your face, and I'm not sure that I want to.
- I don't wanna talk about trees anymore.

- Why, who in the world let major Briggs loose, Leo?
- It couldn't have been you, could it?
- No, no. No punishment, Leo.
- It's too late for that to do us any harm.
- And I have a new game for you.

- Hi, dick. We're on break.
- Hi, Lana.
- Would you mind helping me find something in the storage room?
- Storage room?
Lana: Mm-hm.
- We're missing a very important prop.
- Come on.

- I hope you've had a good weekend.
- And welcome to the miss twin peaks pageant, in which one of these lovely and talented young citizens will soon be crowned miss twin peaks.
- And now, commencing our talent section of the show,
- Lucy moran.

- Lana?
- Oh, did I do that?
- What are you looking for?
- Well, now, I don't know the exact technical name for it, but...
- Does anything...?
- Does anything in here look like it?
Lana: Oh, I think this might be it.
Dick: Oh, by George, I think you've got it.

- It is time to make the announcement.
- The winner of the contest and our new miss twin peaks is...
- Annie Blackburn.

- house security, I want the works.
- As soon as she's announced.
- Our next entry is Lana budding-milford, who will perform a dance of, uh...
- Contortionistic jazz exotica.
- Lana?
- Agent Coop...

- Come on.
- Small town, man.
- So, what, did you bring your whole family?

- Woman: What's happening?
- Man: Everybody, please, please, stay calm.

- ever obedient and faithful.
- An overall a for effort, Leo.
- But I'm still a trifle miffed at your release of major Briggs.
- But then, you'll have plenty of time to reflect upon that, won't you?
- Good bye, Leo.
- And good luck.

- This bonsai's from windom earle.
- He's way ahead of us, and we've been working for him from the beginning.
- What time does that contest start?
- Any minute.
- Let's go.
- Andy: Agent Cooper. Agent Cooper!

- Don't remind me.
- Come on, if you entered today, you'd win.
- Look at you, you're already working on the judge.
- Well, since you mentioned it...
- Who are you gonna vote for?
- Maybe you could split your vote.

- Ed, is there something that you'd like to tell Nadine?
- Nadine...
- Norma and I plan on getting married.
- Really?
- Well, that's wonderful, Eddie, because Mike and me are getting married too.

- Don't sound so disappointed.
- My god, Lucy.
- I'm so honored you made this decision.
- And I promise I'll be a great father.
- But right now
- I've got to find agent Cooper.

- This is an outrage.
- She's been living in this town about 15 minutes.
- And what the hell got into you?
- She gave a beautiful speech.
- Inherent in her message were words even the most craven of us can ill afford to ignore.

- Save Shelly. huh?
- Save Shelly.

- Man: Good lord.
- This way.

- Man: I can't believe a little crumb like that can stand up to this cram Jack all-duty vise.
- On three. One, two and three!
- I'm sorry, Andrew.
- That was my fault.
- Dumb boxes!
- Andrew!

- or lose it forever.
- Thank you.
- Man: Thank you, Audrey horne.
- Now a brief musical interlude.
- Thanks, daddy.
- I'm gonna go out there.

Deputy: [Lucy has chosen Andy over Dick] My God, Lucy. I'm so honoured you made this decision. And I promise I'll be a great father. But right now, I've got to find Agent Cooper.
[He leaves]
Lucy: Men.

Windom: Eureka! It's fear. That's the key. My favorite emotional state. And all this time, it's been staring me right in the kisser... These night creatures that hover on the edge of our nightmares are drawn to us when we radiate fear. It's their bread and butter. A perfect symbiosis. Oh, nature, perfect in design and aspects. You do not disappoint!

Annie: I'd like to quote these words from Chief Seattle, leader of the Suquamish tribe. "Your dead are soon forgotten and never return. Our dead never forget the beautiful world that gave them being. They still love its verdant valleys, its murmuring rivers, its majestic mountains." When the last red man has vanished from this earth, these forests and shores will still hold their spirits. For the Indians love the earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. Why have we all lost touch with this beauty? Maybe saving a forest starts with preserving some of the feelings that die inside us every day - those parts of ourselves that we deny. For if we cannot respect that interior land, then neither can we respect the land we walk. So let us, in walking gently upon the earth, leave behind a simple legacy: that we're new warriors, mystic warriors, who love the earth, and try to save it. Thank you very much.

- If you're not gonna tell me what I need to know,
- I'll find out from Benjamin horne.
- No.
- Then tell me.
- All right, this is your choice, not mine.
- Donna.
- Donna!