The Best Lana Budding Milford Quotes

- They just had all these really big horses, you know.
- And you will not believe what they made him do.
- What?
- What?
- They made him... thank you.
- They made him stand in the middle,
- Truman: Yeah.
Lana: And take his clown costume completely off.

Dick: Alright class, what did that sip reveal for us? What flavors are we enjoying?
Lucy: Tastes kind of woody.
Dick: No, not really. Anyone else? Lana?
Lana: Banana?
Dick: Yes. There is a hint of banana. That's the metaphoric acid. Very good. What else?
Deputy: Chocolate!
Dick: Correct, Andy.
Lucy: Why don't we just skip the wine and have a banana split?

- Lana?
- Oh, did I do that?
- What are you looking for?
- Well, now, I don't know the exact technical name for it, but...
- Does anything...?
- Does anything in here look like it?
Lana: Oh, I think this might be it.
Dick: Oh, by George, I think you've got it.

- Hi, dick. We're on break.
- Hi, Lana.
- Would you mind helping me find something in the storage room?
- Storage room?
Lana: Mm-hm.
- We're missing a very important prop.
- Come on.