Top 100 Quotes From Uncharted

Victor: I can't leave a cat here, it'll shit all over my floor
Victor: [on bringing his cat] What? Mr. Whiskers? I take him everywhere.

- What are you talking about?
- Ask Sully.
- No, no, no, no, no. No.
- Chloe, please tell me what happened to my brother.
[WHISPERS] Please.
- You're a good guy, Nate.

- Hey, you still with me?

- Sully: All right, Victor, you got this.
- Come on.
- Easy.
- Sully: Hey, Jo.
- Follow that ship.

- You ain't gonna play me.
- Typical Sully.
- He'd rather lose the gold than...
- Thank you.
- Nate: Does that look like a ladder to you?
- Yeah.

- ♪ Take the money
- And run, run, run ♪
- ♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- ♪ Take the money
- And run, run, run ♪
- ♪ Don't you dare turn around ♪
- ♪ Take the money
- And run, run, run ♪
- ♪ Take the money and run ♪

- Here.
- Tony, take us to Teterboro.
- Unless you want to get dropped off somewhere else.
- Oh, yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
- Sorry, Sully, but I'm all in.
- Hey, Tony, Teterboro.

- But instead,
- I'm stuck here with you, so this is how this is gonna go.
- I'm gonna finish what my brother started, and then we go our separate ways.
- All right.
- It's a deal, kid.

- Nate! Come on!
- Trust me.

Hotel: [on seeing Nate and Chloe coming out of the ocean] Whoa! What the hell happened to you two?
Nathan: [exasperated] Fell out of a car that fell out of a plane.
Hotel: [bluntly] Huh. You know something like that happened to me once.

- What are you trying to tell me, buddy?
- "There's a whole world you haven't seen, but you will."
- "There's a whole world you haven't seen..."
- "Haven't seen."

- It's not flirting, all right?
- Not with you.
- That is Jo Braddock.
- You ever see her coming, you need to run the other way.
- I'm serious.
- She's coming this way now. Look.
- Yeah, then you know what to do.
- You'll thank me later.

- Sully: What's happening?
Chloe: No.
- It's got to be here.
- Yeah, or why all the tricks?
- Answer me, guys.
- What do you got?
- The gold's not here.

- Okay, come on. Come on, come on.
- "There's a whole world you haven't seen, but you will.
- Promise. Sam."

- Sully!
- Sully, no!
- Please!
- Sully: Shit.
- Hey, Braddock!

- I don't think you've been counting.
- You've only got one shot left.
- I got to give it to you, Frazer.
- A fighter to the bitter end.
- This is a very bad idea.
- BRADDOCK: But this is the end.

- ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
- ♪ Ooh ♪
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
- ♪ And then I dream ♪
- ♪ And I know
- It's getting closer ♪

- MAN: Holding steady.
- You ready for a mutiny?
- Why not?

- Oh, you mean the big guy who doesn't talk and his sidekick, the Highlander?
- Yeah, they didn't find me.
- Diversified investment.
- I hired Miss Frazer the same day I hired you.
- Of course, she will lead the operation from here on out.

Nathan: Hey, look. You could stay up here and get shot in the head or come down here for a quick cuddle. Up to you. I'm goin' down.

- Chloe?
- Salt.
- Chloe? I think we have a problem.
- Chloe?
- They used salt to store food, but...
- I don't know why they'd put...

- It's hard to find a good partner in this game, huh?
- Well, maybe you'll learn to appreciate me a little bit more.
- All right, let's find some parachutes.
- Parachutes? What?
- Unless you know a better way to jump out of a plane.

- Whoa!
- Nate?
- Oh, come on!

- What's going on?
- Come on, we're so close!
- Ah, shit!
- No, no, no!
- No!
- Damn!

Victor: It's Braddock. We'd better get small. Or, in your case, smaller.
Nathan: Hey! You're only like one inch taller than me, max.
Victor: I think it's a little more than that, kid.

- You can't change my mind.
- I'm making the arrangements.
- This scavenger hunt is over.
- Padre.
- Do you really have no faith in me?
- In Him I have faith.

- Yeah.
- Are you high?
- You know this has been years of my life?
- You get ten percent, and that's me being generous.
- Wow.
- That's awfully generous.
- What are you gonna do with that kind of money?

- SCOTSMAN: Braddock.
- We cannae find them.
- They're nae on board.
- They must have filled their pockets and fled.
- BRADDOCK: Keep an eye out anyway.
- Sully's a cockroach when it comes to gold.

Chloe: [VOICE-OVER] I'm sorry, Nate.
- I like you. I really do.
- But I learned the hard way the minute you start to trust someone, you lose.
- Yeah, well... too bad you're headed in the wrong direction.

- Hallelujah.
- One's bad enough.
- Nate?
- Do you see what I'm seeing?
- Well, if what you're seeing is endless open ocean, then yeah.
- Holy shit.

- Whoa!
- No! No!
- Come on!

[first lines]
Nathan: Oh, crap!

- Bye-bye, now.
- Hey, Goldie, let me get a beer.
- Sure.

- Oh, we will.
- Nate [OVER EARBUD]: This is amazing.
- I mean, we're the first ones down here in 500 years.
- Find the other two.
- I've got Sully.
- Aye.

- Get out.
- Okay. Jump.
- Let's go.
[CHUCKLES] Not bad.
- Very good.

- All right, come on.
- Oh, Jesus.
- She's flying the ships out?
- And us with them.
- What do you mean, she's flying us out?

- Why? Did you miss me?
- Sully! [SPITS]
- It's now or never, buddy!
- We're running out of options down here!
- Nate, look at me.
- We can do this.
- Okay.
- We can do this.
- Deep breaths.

- "The keys are your compass."
- "The keys are your compass."
- "The key..."
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Some compass, my ass.

- Now, today... is the day I restore the Moncadas' fortune.
- And I bring honor back to my house.
- And I earn my place in...
- Daddy was right... you don't have what it takes.
- The House of Moncada dies with you.

[GRUNTS] Whoa!
- Whoa!
- Oh, shit. [GASPS]
- That one's a little more your size.
- Yeah, cute.

- Juan Sebastián Elcano.
- The 18 were here all right.
- Nate: Look, if that's the cathedral, then these must be the stairs, and they lead... that way.

- Where's the cross?
- It's in my bag.
- Check your bag. Do it now.
- Shit.
- You let her take the cross?
- You let her take the cross.
- Shit.
- You better get that cross back!
- You got to be kidding me.
- What a rookie mistake.

- I'm not gonna do that.
- We're in a church, man.
- Come on, have some respect.
- Scared of a little old nun?
- Well, you haven't met
- Sister B, have you?
- Hold that.
- Here.

- Raise the anchor!
- Hoist the mainsail!
- Hey, Jack Sparrow, stay sharp.
- Oh, come on, man,
- I've been waiting to do this my entire life.
- Hey, guys.
- MAN: Hey!

- I think that did it.
- I still got it.
- Oh, shit.

- ♪ Ooh, I be schemin'
- In my sleep ♪
- ♪ My body's lucid ♪
- ♪ Quality control
- Nothin' diluted ♪
- ♪ I don't think about it ♪
- ♪ I just do it ♪
- ♪ I don't pay no mind ♪

- He would call every once in a while, swore he'd come back, but he never did.
- The Sam that I knew disappeared a long time ago.
- So, nah, you'll have to find somebody else.
- Wow.
- I'm really losing my touch.

- Oh, shit!
- Nate: Move!
- Out of the way!
- Move, move, move!
- Move!

- Who the hell are you?
- Get out of my car!
- Santiago, what are you doing?
- Forgive me,
- Father.

- Holy shit.
- Blue goes there.
- And red goes there.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God. Chloe.
- Okay.

- Did you kill my brother?
- I said, did you kill my brother, Sam Drake?
- Nate! Come on!
- Whoa.
- Whoa!
- Oh, God!

- ♪ Don't know where
- This road is takin' me ♪
- ♪ But I don't pay no mind ♪
- ♪ I don't pay no mind ♪
- ♪ I'm-a chase that light ♪
- ♪ Keep on moving
- That's the remedy ♪
- ♪ So I don't pay no mind ♪

- Sam [VOICE-OVER]: Lost. Not gone.
- There's a difference.
- If something's lost, it can be found.
- We did it, Sam.
[WHISPERS] We did it.

- Hey, Braddock!
- We found your loose end.
- Now get rid of her.
- Oh, crap!
- We can patch this up, Frazer.
- Drop the gun.

- What's going on?!
- Sully, will you please just shut up?
- I'm working on it. Okay.
- Sully: That's your idea?
- Ah, come on!

- It's for the best.
- I've been trying to quit.
- Well, maybe it's a sign.
- Or maybe you just need to get one that works.
- This old thing?
- Oh, it works.

- No, no, no, no.
- No, no, no.
- Oh, God!
- Oh, shite!
- What a shot!

- Thank you very much.
- SCOTSMAN: Grab him by the trousers and get him by the balls!
Auctioneer: Security, can you go down and find out exactly what's going on?
- You're doing great.
- Hang in there.
- Oh... Oh, shit.

Nathan: [on the ship] Can't put a price on that.
Victor: Yes you can, four or five billion dollars.
Nathan: [as the boat starts to sink] Not to worry, we can get a diving crew...
Victor: [cuts him off] No we can't, it's now property of the Philippines goverment.

- Nate, this is not a time for shots. Let's go!
- God, those guys suck.
- Where the hell are we?
- Well, well, well.
- Look for a way out.
- Nate: Think I found one.

- Say hi to your brother for me, will you?
- You first. [GRUNTS]

- What do you say?
- You missed the read, Victor.
- I'm not a Mark in some bar.
- And some of us here would really like to go home, so... get out.
- Fair enough.

- Perhaps.
- But I've been told, uh, he was seen in the Barrio Gótico.
- Maybe you should look into it.
- Yes, sir.
- Good.

Nathan: [to Chloe] So, uh, when did you decide to become Indiana Jones?

- You have a cat?
- The man from the app said he was gonna feed her, but he didn't text me back yet.
- I don't know what's cuter... your concern or the fact that you just said
- "the man from the app."
- Stop.

- No, I wanted to do this with my brother Sam, not with you.
- I know.
- I'm sorry.
- But look around, kid.
- You did this.
- He'd be proud of you.

- but you know what I think?
- I think that's just who you are.
- I don't think there was ever a better version of you.
- And whatever this is... now I'm done.
- Kid.

- These ships are worth a fortune on their own.
- You put a hole in my boats,
- I put a hole in you.
- Oh, I'm not going in there.
- Hey, look.
- You could stay up here and get shot in the head or come down here for a quick cuddle... up to you.
- I'm going down.
[SIGHS] Oh, God.

- Okay, ready?
- Three, two, one.
- Did you see that?
- What are you waiting for?
- Whoa. What the...?
- Sully: What's happening?
- We found it.

- All right, who's clear?
- What is it with you and small spaces?
[GRUNTING] Got this thing jamming up my ass.
- Wow.
- Don't even think about it.
- Oh, I'm thinking about it.
- Oh, my God.

- Nate: Oh, great.
- Nuns. Why's it always got to be nuns?
- All right, let's just split up and figure out where the keys go, huh?

[GRUNTS] Sully, if you don't turn that damn key, we're gonna drown.
- It's gonna take a little longer than I thought, kid.
- You got to help me.
- Gonna try to get this grate up, okay?
- Okay.

- Sully: Uh, almost caught up.
- Hey, you got that key?
- Yeah.

- So you know I will never leave it behind.
- I will always be with you.
- It says "sic parvis magna."
- "Greatness from small beginnings."
- That's you and me.
- OFFICER: Let's go, kid.

- Yes!
- Sully: You got to do something.
- They're coming right at us.
- I think I have an idea.
- Okay.

- We'll drop our supplies from the air, land in Kiamba, Philippines, where we'll be met by our local forces.
- We should find the pot at the end of the rainbow here, in Cala de Oro.
- Vámonos.

- Hey, two Commonwealths.
- Okay.
- What are you doing?
- I'm causing a distraction.
- Oh, for God's sake.

- What the hell are you doing?!
- You just hit me with a car!
- You don't have a parachute?
- You don't have a parachute!
- Follow me!
- What?
[GASPS] Come on.
- Whoa! Oh, shit!

- I better get going.
- I'll come back for you, Nate.
- Promise.
- Sam [VOICE-OVER]: Never forget, you're a Drake.
- I love you.

The: [with strong Scottish accent] You shouldnae have come out to play with the big boys, wean, cos you're about to get a proper Scottish welcome!
Nathan: I'm sorry?

[PANTING] Okay. Okay.
- Gunpowder.
- Sully: Look at that.
- There we go.
- Come on, baby.

- Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, let me guess.
- Piña colada?
- The Eye.
- You think you're a comedian, do you, sunshine?
- Okay, I got it, I got it.
- Sex on the Beach.

- Sam [VOICE-OVER]: Wish you were here, bro.
- There's a whole world you haven't seen, but you will.
- I promise.

- Try to get the...
- Load 'em up!
- Go!
- Go!
- Nate: Come on.
- Clear!
- Go!
- Sully: All right, let's see what this shitcan can do.
- Shite!

- Nate: And then for every letter you write down, find the corresponding letter.
- So, "Wish you were here, bro."
Chloe: I'm gonna go to sleep.
[SIGHS] Come on, Sam.
- What are you trying to tell me?

- I got you, kid. I got you.
- Come on.
- Nate: Look at her.
- You can't put a price on that.
- Yeah, you can, actually.
- Like four to six billion.

- Nate: Yeah, we're good.
[SNIFFLES] We're still alive.
- All right, then what are you waiting for? Get a move on.
- Thank you.
- You had it.
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Where's Frazer?
- No loose ends.

- Just in case.
- Hey. You want to go show 'em what's what?
- That's nice.
- Let me see it for a second.
- Yeah, nice, huh?
- Yeah, real nice.
- Hey. [GROANS]

- Sam [VOICE-OVER]: Never thought I'd be back in church, but this one's special.
- Hey, Sully.
- What?
- Nothing.

- We could just get a diving rig.
- Not before those guys.
- It's property of the Philippines now.

- Pull the cord!
- Nate, come on!
[STRAINS] I'm trying!
- Hold on. Hold on!

- Son of a bitch.
- Hey, hey, hey, get your head out of your ass.
- Whoa.
- I'm so sorry. I didn't see ya.

Braddock: [to her cohorts] Those ships are priceless in themselves so you put holes in my boats
Braddock: I put holes in you.

- Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!
- That was purely reactive.
- Whoa!

- Okay.
- Well, there's hell.
- Whoa!
- Holy shit. You found 'em.
- Hey, what does that look like to you?
Chloe: A keyhole.

- Let's go. Hey.
Guard: Hey!
- You two! Don't move.
- Hey! Hey!
- Oh, crap.
- We came here first out of respect, Sister B.
- But this is his third strike.
- Go get your things, Sam.

- We better keep moving.
- What are you doing?
- Blending in.
- Yeah, it's not a bad idea.
- Hey, listen, I'm not really much of a dancer.
- ♪ Straight gassed
- Got the whole place hype... ♪
- Let's go.
- Okay.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Whoa!
- Could you move any slower?!
- I got a bad ankle, kid.
- I can't be running around out here.

- Come on, I spent ten hours in a trunk with him.
- I couldn't help myself.
- Let me show you to your room.
- Thank you.
- BRADDOCK: Moncada's money has bought us everything we need.
- All right, let's get to work.