The Best CHiPs, Season 1, Episode 1 Quotes

Officer: Sometimes, with everything that's happened, I wonder if he really likes me.
Officer: Who, Getraer?
Officer: No - God! I know Getraer doesn't like me!

Officer: [after Jon and Ponch have successfully maneuvered the crooks into driving to the LA County Jail] Do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

Officer: [after Ponch storms out after being reprimanded] Listen, Sarge, I don't want this to sound like a p.r. job, but I mean if you took a closer look at his jacket, maybe... maybe you'd find some citations and recommendations. I mean, the guy's put some righteous criminals behind bars.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Look, you've had to babysit him for six months now. What is it? His temper? No presence of mind? What?
Officer: I dunno. Sometimes the guy overdoes a role. Sometimes he doesn't know when to back off. Weird things happen to him. Ya gotta be there. He can't see 'em comin' and once they're there he can't stop them.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Yeah, well, maybe I should've partnered him with an exorcist.

Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Just what happens to you out there? You and Jon ride three feet apart, eight hours a day. You respond to the same calls. You stop the same violators. You get into the same situations. Yet, anytime anything happens, it's always your bike that comes back here looking like we ought give it a funeral.