The Best House M.D., Season 8, Episode 10 Quotes

- Would you tell me what's going on? What's wrong with me?
- I have no idea.

Dr. Gregory House: [to Taub as House is skeet shooting and can't hit anything] I'd turn around and shoot you but apparently I'd miss.

- through guilt-colored glasses.
- It's all her fault.
- House, don't bully her, she's overwhelmed enough.
- It's nothing compared to how she's gonna feel when her daughter dies from the aneurysm she decided not to treat.

- And then go back to sneaking around behind his back?
- Yes.
- Why would you want to do that?
- I don't know.
- This just feels wrong.
- I think I'm gonna go.

- which can attack tumor cells.
- Maybe she has cancer.
- No hypercalcaemia, no elevated blood proteins.
- She and her mom mentioned a trip they took to Florida a couple of years ago.
- What about dengue fever?
- Cholera?
- Great ideas. If dengue fever or cholera laid in wait for two years before suddenly...

- Because I was only looking to solve the case, not their lives.
- I don't care if the people who work for me are screwed up, in fact I even encourage it, but absolution, do that on your own time.
- Or not at all.
- 'Cause clearly you suck at it.

- This is a good thing.
- It's not a good thing,
- 'cause it's not a thing.
- It is a thing, which you'll prove when her parents show up, and you start protecting her from them.
- The sound I make is "moo."
- And the sound I make is "quack."

- I'm not giving up.
- You wanna bet?
- One shot, one birdie.
- You hit, you make the call.
- You miss, never mention it again.
- No. Why would I agree?
- Because your only other option is you call and I fire you.

- I know you don't want me here, but they had banana muffins downstairs.
- Reminded me of our St. Pete's trip.
- Remember?
- We used to walk and get some every morning at that bakery.
- I guess.

- What makes it a big deal is that she should hate you.
- Playing the biology card doesn't change anything except where she lives.
- Your daughter's better off without you, so let her be better off without you.
- I'm gonna do the surgery.
- I'll take the fallout from social services.

- Oh, god!
- We thought it was the salt pork...
- But all the menfolk been eating it and we're the only ones that sick.

Dr. Jessica Adams: Do you think people can change?
Dr. Robert Chase: No. But I don't think that's gonna change your opinion, because... people don't change.

- Wow, two sentences in and you're already making promises.
- Okay. Maybe we need to take a minute here and give Callie some space.
- No, I don't need a minute. I need her out of my life. [Coughing]
- Is she okay?
- I will be once you just...
- Oh, my god!
- Taub: We need help in here!

- She's feeling much better, walking on her own.
- Getting along with her mother?
- As long as I keep bringing her muffins.
- Did someone come take her for a test?

- I have no interest in taking your word for it.
- No tenderness. No pain.
- Right. Looks like you're telling the truth about something.
- The ear canal is fine.
- And you don't have a fever.
- Pay the man. He's late for a trashcan fire.

- I'm multi-tasking.
- General, do not light out.
- We swore that we would see the elephant together.
- Far be it from me to come between two nut jobs and their elephant.
- I could add some Mercury if you want to make it more authentic.
- The confederacy thanks you, doc.

- I said that I was, and that you were the reason.
- And he was okay with that?
- Not initially. It was a pretty tough conversation.
- Neither of us is ready to give up on the marriage, and I am not ready to give up this.
- You don't have to feel so guilty anymore.

- drug use, HIV...
- All things which could explain her symptoms.
- No sign of malnutrition, tox screen's clear, std panel was negative and is that foreman?
- Oh, my goodness, it is.
- Hi, Dean foreman!

- With polyester uniforms?
- Confederacy gave men $21 every six months for uniforms... you poisoned us both.
- At least I have principles.
- Because they don't cost anything.
- Brother against brother.
- Now that is authentic.

- over some tawdry bit of gossip.
- But what about compromising it in a minor way, reduced clinic hours, unlimited Internet porn budget.
- That makes much more sense than the nuclear option of ruining both our lives.
- You can keep these.
- I got copies.

- He was closer to Callie than I was, and I missed him so much.
- And it was too hard, and taking oxyjust made things easier.
- Right up until it made me lose my daughter.
- I hurt Callie a lot.
- But one of the only things that I can feel okay about is that I never hit her.

- Wow, 127 quarterback rating.
- Do you know what sound he makes?
- Okay. Oy!
- This is Terrell Owens.
- People call him to.
- Do you know what sound he makes?

- But once they hatched, the worms got to work on her lungs, her ear, and the nerves in her legs.
- The worms got agitated by the steroids we gave her, which started them on their journey to the esophagus.
- And, ultimately, to the heart.
- A few pills of mebendazole, and she'll be fine.

- Even if you are right about it, why take your word over mine?
- I'm her daughter.
- Because she's your mom.
- And for the first time she's acting like it.
- It's a little late for that.
- Good night.

- Mr. Chips looks like he wants it.
- 100 bucks says he'll make soup out of Franklin.
- You're on.
- How'd the mom seem to you?
- If you're asking if she looks like someone who beat her kid, you're a moron.
- Move your ass, Mr. Chips!

Dr. Gregory House: [House is skeet shooting and keeps missing and is referring to a clay target he can't hit] Well, that one clearly took evasive action.

- Were you high on that trip?
- Not when we were together.
- I used to wait until you went to bed.
- You can stay, if you want.
- Okay.