Top 30 Quotes From Jupiter's Legacy

Sheldon: [to his son] You're gonna be here long after I'm gone. And one day, God willing, you're gonna be the Utopian... And every evil you can imagine is gonna rise up against you, against mankind, and not for justice, for vengeance. And in those moments, the only thing that you will have to guide you is the Code. It has to stand, Brandon, even if we fall.

Jack: The world has always been chaos and shit, my friend.

Brandon: I just remember what my dad told me a long time ago. He said the Code wasn't meant to make our lives easier. You have to care about people, about this world. That's not easy to deal with sometimes, but what we do, it's never about the easy way out. That's what separates us from everyone else.

Brandon: But it never stops, Mom, the hate, people killing each other for no reason. What good is setting an example if no one ever follows it?

Sheldon: We don't kill. We don't lead. We inspire.

Grace: Because I'm a dame in a skirt and not some sap with a penis to swing around.
George: Debatable.

Sheldon: Ah, you worry too much.
Walter: Yeah, 'cause you don't worry at all.

Sheldon: Let's watch the swearing, please.
Grace: Yes, gentlemen, watch the shit you say.

Grace: Oh, I know shit when I smell it, Larry! Don't wave it under my nose and call it a bouquet!
Larry: Come on, Grace. Be reasonable.
Grace: Oh, "Come on, Grace." Shove it up your ass, Larry, and don't stop until the shit hits your brain if there's room for any more up there!

Hutch: Gabby and Jacinda won't do it without you
Jack: Did... did they say that?
Hutch: Yeah.
Hutch: They say we need you.

Janna: You're better than this.
Chloe: No. I'm not.

Grace: We've been married for 60 years. You don't get to have secrets.

Raikou: Aren't you the one who knows when people are lying?
Grace: Oh, I don't need powers to know when you're full of shit.

Sheldon: How do you know my code?
Grace: We've been married for 60 years. You don't get to have secrets.
Sheldon: Oh, that's disturbing.

Sheldon: The world never used to be so intentionally cruel. It used to be that if you gave your kids everything they needed, they'd be okay. That you protect your country, they call you a hero.

Big: And get a haircut. You look like an idiot.
Hutch: Thanks for the tip.

Hutch: What are you doing here?
Chloe: Saving your ass, idiot

Grace: You know what they say about men who talk about their rods?

Sheldon: What's the use in doing good if nobody perceives it that way?

Chester: All your life, you try to build something. Try to build it bigger, better, faster. Build a legacy. Then, one day, it turns out you've been building your own box, and you're the one inside of it.

Utopian: We have these powers for a reason. And with great power comes great...
Young: Responsibility.
Utopian: No. Yes.

Walter: I wanted to give you a chance, your last one.
Blackstar: More intimidating if I knew what the shit you were talking about.

Sheldon: Look, he needs to see that there are consequences to his actions.
Grace: This isn't a lesson. This is a punishment.
Sheldon: Since when are those two things mutually exclusive?

Hutch: The world is changing. So I guess I'm gonna have to change with it.

Chloe: No one can live up to the great Utopian.

Sheldon: There is a terrible gift to loss. Which leaves nothing left to lose, which means you have everything to gain.

Utopian: Service, compassion, mercy, those are the words we live by. That is our Code, and it's the most important thing in the world.

Walter: You're out of beer.
Sheldon: There's half a case in the fridge.
Walter: You're out of good beer.

Chloe: [to Brandon] You do the right thing, somebody dies. You do the wrong thing, somebody dies.

Barnabas: [to Brandon] If your mother had any sense, you'd be calling me Daddy.
Walter: Can we just skip being an asshole?