The Best Nan Flanagan Quotes

Nan: [about vampires] We're citizens. We pay taxes. We deserve basic civil rights just like everyone else.

Nan: You wanna lose your area, Viking?
Eric: You don't have that kind of power.
Nan: Hey, I'm on TV. Try me.

Eric: Russell will not stop killing. What if the human public learns of it?
Nan: That's why you're going to take care of it. Quietly, discreetly, and most important of all, completely off the books. You wanted revenge, it's yours.
Eric: What resources are you gonna give me?
Nan: None. We're not getting near it.
Eric: How do you expect me to kill him? He's three times my age.
Nan: Listen, you whiny little bitch. The only link between Sophie-Anne, Russell and the Magister is you. You brought us this steaming pile of shit and you're going to make it go away. Bring me his fangs, or I will have yours.

Godric: I'm sorry. I apologize for all the harm I've caused, all our lost ones, human and vampire. I will make amends. I swear.
Nan: ...Take it easy. It's just a few signatures.

Nan: The Authority will review your statement against the frankly, strong possibility that I've lost an entire night's worth of air time promoting the VRA in order to listen to a load of bullshit. But some do believe in a fair hearing. Americans.
[Rolls eyes]

Steve: [over the TV] It's a beautiful sunny morning in America, Ms. Flanagan. I wish you were here.
Nan: [tartly] Give me twelve hours, Reverand Newlin. I'll be right there.

Nan: The downstairs is clean.
Eric: Well, I told you there was nothing.
Nan: It's been wiped.
Eric: Well, I'm a Virgo. I like to be neat.

Nan: [to the vampires in attendence] Do you have any fucking idea of the PR mess you've made? And who has to fucking clean that up? Me, not you, Me. We should drain everyone of you bastards.
Eric: Stan went to the church on his own. None of us knew anything about it.
Nan: Oh really? Because everyone who met Stan in the last three-hundred years knew that he had a kink about slaughtering humans. But you, his nest-mates, his sherrif has no clue.
Isabel: And how were we supposed to know that this time he meant it?
Nan: Not my problem. Yours.
[to Godric]
Eric: [seething] Don't talk to him like way.
Nan: [to Eric] Don't talk to me that way!
[to Godric]
Nan: Lets get to the point, sheriff. How'd they manage to abduct you?
Godric: They would've taken one of us sooner or later. I offered myself.
Nan: Why?
Godric: Why not?
Nan: [pinched] They wanted you to meet the sun and you were willing?
Godric: What do you think?
Nan: I think you're out of you mind and than I hear about a traitor?
Godric: Irrelevant. Only a rumor. I'll take full responsibility.
Nan: You bet your ass you will!

Nan: This is a disaster.