The Best The Sinner, Season 4, Episode 1 Quotes

- Yeah. Oh, I just bumped my head on the towel thing.
- It's nothing.
- Let me see.
- How did you do that?
- I'm okay, seriously.
- I'm fine.
- And then she left, and that was the last time
- I saw her.

- really bothers me.
- Weird stuff.
- "Connecting to the Spirit of the Earth."
- Somebody could have just loaned it to her.
- Yeah, maybe, but something was shifting in her.
- She started collecting stuff like that.

- What's she doing?
- Look, someone's there.
- She's scared.

- It's an investigation.
- I mean, are you a cop?
- Um...
- Ah.
- Keep going.
- Keep going.

- Uh, after everything with Jamie, it just didn't feel right anymore.
- I want to paint light now, the sky.
- You know,
- I-I think I'm going to leave you two to catch up, and I'm gonna take a stroll.
- Oh, okay.

- Leave me alone.
- Leave me alone.
- I'm serious.
- Stop it!

- There.
- There she is.
- Okay, it's 2:52.
- That's about five minutes before I saw her.

- Sure.
- Okay, uh...
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Uh, don't miss Herring Cove while you're out here-- the best sunsets on the island.

- Get that out of the way!
- Got a second crate!
- Watch it. Coming through.

- Hey!
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Hey!

- You went down in the hull.
- You... left me alone for, what, ten minutes?
- I trusted you.
- Grams, you realize
- I was seven.
- You were ready.
- That Muldoon blood of yours knew exactly what to do.

- That's about a half hour after your 911 call.
- After?
- He's pretty sure about the timing?
- Yeah, well, he's up at the same time every morning.
- What do you make of that?

- Look, I know this whole thing is--is creepy and weird, but you look so energized and alive.
- I actually think... it would be a good thing to get back into it.
- Maybe.

- I usually even wonder if nature notices us at all.
- I think she does.
- Yeah, all the time.
- Well, my time's up.
- You have a good one.
- Yeah, you too.

- Uh, what looks good today?
- I just got a haul of mackerel in this morning.
- Oh, great.
- I'll take two pounds of that, please.
- That'll be $22.95.
- Thanks for coming in today.
- Thank you.

- Then on her way back...
- No juice.
- The car dies.
- She's stuck.
- Then she walks from here and is never heard from again.
- Nothing much between here and town.
- What's the deal with that over there?

- It's just...
- I'm never quite sure how hard to do it.
- I-I don't want to hurt you.
- Was that hard enough?
- Looked like you wanted to hurt me.
- So it was perfect.

- East cove is clear!
- Let's move over to the west.
- Bring your men back in!

- "on Bazegw Cliff to appease a vengeful God.
- "Miraculously, the cod returned for everyone but De Paor."
- Another story of male overreach.
- He must've been hungry.
- Come on.

- And I can't solve this for you.
- I want to, but I can't.
- I can only listen and be here.
- How about I pick up some fish from the market tonight?
- Ah.
- It's Chief Raskin.

- I-I really think that's something I should know about.
- Yeah.
- You're right.
- Won't that just make your insomnia worse?
- No.
- It'll be fine.