The Best The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

- Still nothing.
- And what about the missing member of Dr. Bennett's security detail?
- Trail's gone cold.
- You think there's a connection?
- Ready a transport.

- You put them at risk.
- We were the ones who chose to look away.
- What was it you said?
- It was an error in judgment?
- Word of advice...
- I wouldn't make any more.
- You're excused.

- So, when the crm finds people out there, do they always send 'em here?
- What, so the others, like Grady and tiga and...
- They signed on.
- They want to be a part of something bigger.
- This?

- I'll stop you, and you'll go to prison.
- Probably for a long, long time.
- I you're a kind little woman I
- I but you don't do me no good I you gonna tell me where we're going, or...?
- I but someday baby, you ain't gonna trouble I

- This is war.
- Even if they don't know it yet.
- Yes, it is.
- Come on.
- And until we can figure out a way to hit them back...
- Well, at least we can hit something.

- Right here? Mm-hmm.
- It's the right height.
- He's a little thin, but maybe... a little?
- He's practically dust.
- We gotta keep looking.
- I got this.

- Only needs to work from a distance.
- You two go grab the soldier.
- I'll take him.
- We'll meet at the drop-off.
- Hey.
- It'll work.

- They only want me.
- Come on.
- Oh, wait. My code books!
- If we don't hand them over, you know what we could lose.
- And that's not what we're about.
- Not a word.

- maybe as a guard.
- But that place can change everything.
- Yo, man, why you asking?
- Know someone there?
- Yeah, secret lady friend, perhaps?
Tiga: Maybe him and Dennis got that in common.

- I was very happy to get your call.
- You were right.
- I wasn't gonna make it alone.
- That's what you get.
Iris: [Breathing heavily]
- That's what you get.

- Put this on.
- Keep moving.

- Do it!
- Man: Gamma 5, gamma 5, this is base team.
- Way is clear to marker 6.
Felix: Stay down.
- North to northwest, oven gamma 5, copy.

- Plaskett.
- Leave that.
- Follow me.

- They heard us.
- We can't let them hit the ground.

- Thank you. Okay.
- Hey, is it cool if I meet you there?
- I think I saw a bathroom with four walls, and that's a pretty hard thing to pass up.
- Your dad's lab is right through this door, to the right, all the way at the end.

- You sure there isn't something you're leaving out?
- Whatever it is, I need you to be honest with me.
- Hope...
- What the hell's going on?

- Uh, I know your dad was supposed to meet you, but he's waiting on an update on your sister.
- I was thinking
- I could give you a tour?
- Or we could do it some other time if that's better.
- No, no. It's... it's cool.
- Show me everything.

- Kill it.
- Stab and twist.

- You know, if we allow for secondary interpretations of data viewed from a more holistic vantage point...
- Your indiscretion saved my daughters' lives.
- If they hadn't left home when they did...
- You're being kind.
- I'm being honest.

- The crm is searching the area, but they haven't found them.
- You and huck took the truck, and you said that
- Felix could barely walk, so...
- No, I-If they felt like they should move,
- Felix would move.

- Are you all right?
- You hurt?
- He was going to find me.
- We gotta get outta here.
- Wait.
- They'll find him like this.
- Oh, shit. Go. Let's go.

- I should probably have my soldiers search the village just to make sure that no one slipped in unnoticed.
- No, no, no, that's not necessary.
- The wall's been fixed, and our lookouts do a fine job.
[Chuckles] They do.
- Of course they do.
- You can never be too careful.

- You're sure it's them?
- We can deploy a recovery team to examine the...
- The bodies look likely to wash away before they get here.
- But we should try.
- Let's limit this to authorized crm personnel.
- Dr. Bennett doesn't need more bad news tonight.

- Maybe we had something they wanted.
- They wanted hope.
- You saw how far they went to take her.
- I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind, too.
- Hold up.
- I think we got a winner.

- Okay, sounds good.
- Young woman: That's her, right?

- Out.
- Looks like we've located our missing soldier.
- I'm so sorry for the intrusion, indira.
- I hope that next time,
- I'll have an opportunity to talk more.
- I'm sure we will.

- Dude... what?
- It... it was clever.
- Really wasn't.
- Webb, tiga, Grady, this is plaskett.
- Plaskett is joining us here in decontamination.
- You're all responsible for training him and setting him up with gear.

- we lure the dead in with lights and music, blow 'em up, then we clean 'em up.
- So where...
- Where do the parts go?
- Resort in the Cayman Islands.
- Uh, we take them off-site.
- We got trucks.