The Best The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Season 2, Episode 5 Quotes

- Staff sergeant mallick?
- The lieutenant colonel is looking for you.

- They need to know what their "alliance partner" did.
- If they catch us, they could kill us.
- Kill all of you.
- They want you and hope working towards the future, right?
- If we get caught, why not leverage that for our safety?

- But...
- We've all bought in to what we're doing.
- Yeah...
Elton: It's Silas.
- He'll come around.
- We exiled him.
- He exiled himself.

- All of 'em?
- Oh, it was them.
- We have to get hope and my dad out.
- You, too.
- Silas, we need you.
- Please say you'll help us.

- They're finally letting me.
- No, no, no, dad, you can't.
- You can't... I should've told you. It's okay.
- Raising a little hell, not taking no for an answer, it finally paid off.
- Just like it did with will and...

- Yes. You?
- Yeah.
- How's hope? She okay?
- I mean, you never really said anything.
- S... uh, she... she's good.
- This time tomorrow, you can ask her yourself.

- Hey.
- We gotta be close, right?
- Should be just over this Ridge.

- Into it, should get it done.
- I'm gonna go cover the north end
- 'til he's back.
- You know how to reach us.
- Hey.
- Not yet.
- Just wait.

- That means the crm really...
- This changes everything.
- What about Silas? He's alive.
- At a culling and maintenance post not far from here.
- If he's where she says he is,
- I might know a way to get everybody out.

- Yeah. Uh...
- Would you mind if I borrowed the box truck to tow 'em to the dumpsite?
- You know how to drive?
- My uncle taught me.
- Yeah. [Chuckles]

- I'll see you on the other side.
- It's time to go.
- Here.
- These are for your wrists.
- We'll tie you up and blindfold you when we're close.
- Here we go.

- We need to talk.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- Now.
- I wouldn't be coming to you if it wasn't life or death.
- Please.

- just take care of yourself.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- You guys should go.
- Yeah, thanks, big guy.
- We'll see you tomorrow.

- Yeah.
- So much for making our lives count, huh?
- I thought that's what we were doing.
- Yeah. So did I.
- What?
- Why do people keep looking at me like that?

- and wash it off.
[Chuckles] It became our thing.
- I don't remember.
- I wish you did.
- Yeah.
- I wish I did, too.

- Smart and safe.
- Just like you taught us.
- Stay low, keep to the shadows...
- And watch for spotters.
- We will.
- Hey, come on.
- Come on.

- You tell him any of this, we're dead.
- They're liars.
- They're the reason the only family we got is dead.
Iris: I know it's a lot, but time's not on our side.
- And we can't do this without you.
- Are you in?

- Place was fully stocked.
- We got lucky.
- Uh, are we good?
- I'd really like to see my dad.
- I'm sure you would.
- It's a process.

- Everything alright? Yeah.
- H-Have you seen Dr. Belshaw?
- She's not in her office.
- I think I saw her in the teaching lab
- 'bout an hour ago.
- It's just down there on the right.
- Yeah.

- As you requested.
- Came in from the civic republic.
- Male.
- Age 24.
- Healthy.
- He's a soldier...

- Stop! Hands high!
- One false move, we shoot.

- Well, if it helps at all...
- I've come to realize I'm that kind of idiot all the time.
- I should, uh, probably get going.
- Hey.
- It was nice meeting you.
- It was nice meeting you, too.

- Sentries?
- Not exactly.

- I metal sport I what're you doing here?
- I'm so glad you're okay.
- Good to see you, big guy.

- You were so gentle then.
- So trusting.
- I couldn't bear the thought of anyone else destroying that in you.
- You should put the pasta in before it gets to a hard boil.

Elizabeth: And indira said she found them yesterday?
- Pierce: Her story checks out with theirs.
- We separated and questioned them.
- No apparent inconsistencies.
- Send for staff sergeant mallick.
- Yes, ma'am.

- It is.
- But...
- What if it's also the future?
- I don't mean the crm...
- The researchers?
- The research?
- Look, even if we could run, do you really think...

- but some of the people killed back home were being used for research.
- Research I think is still being done right here.
- I need your help finding out what the hell's going on and who's involved...
- So we can stop it.

- that'll one day light a path to a new world where the dead have been neutralized as a threat.
- You should be proud, hope.
- It's early, but this could be big.
- Uh, uh...
- Could you guys excuse us?
- I just need to talk to my dad alone.

[Chuckles] Oh.
- You're here.
- Yeah, I'm here.
- I'll explain everything.

- this is the only choice we've got.
- I need to say goodbye to Lyla.
- Maybe she could come.
- Uh... Lyla. Is she...
- The only person outside this room we can trust.
- I have to talk to her.

- It hasn't been so bad having you in our hair.
- You'll get to see hope.
- Are you sure this is what you want to do?
- Knowing what you could lose?
- It's their turn to lose.
- And I'm gonna make damn sure they do.