The Best Andromeda, Season 1, Episode 17 Quotes

Gerentex: You know, hurtful stereotypes like that give people like me a bad name.
Trance: No! People like you give people like you a bad name.

Seamus: Fine. A game of chicken. Let's bring it.
[bounty hunter veers off]
Seamus: Entering slipstream. Woohoo! Damn, I'm god!
Gerentex: Hello? Does anyone remember whose idea it was?
Seamus: Shut up, rat. Just tell me where to go.
Gerentex: I have several suggestions.

Trance: I am so sick of this, you two, with your violence and your threats and your shooting stuff! Neither of you gets it, do you? There isn't enough love in the universe as it is, and you're both just helping to kill off what's left. So shape up! Because if you don't show each other a little peace, love, and understanding, I am going to kill you both.
Seamus: Trance, you don't mean that.
Trance: I do. You know why? 'Cause I could get away with it because I'm cute.
Gerentex: You wouldn't.
Trance: Oh! Dylan, it was so horrible. They just... they killed each other right in front of me. And I tried to stop them, really I tried, but I couldn't.
Gerentex: By the sacred light, she's right. I can just see that High Guard fossil now, hugging her and saying, "Trance, it'll be okay," while, while we lay here dead.

Seamus: So there's a price on your head. Oh, good. Maybe I'll get my money back after all.
Gerentex: If I were you, I'd spend less time trying to plot *my* downfall and more time trying to guess what I'm going to do with the two of you.
Trance: Oh, I love playing guessing games.
Gerentex: [chuckles] Call me a traditionalist, but when I kill someone, I really do prefer it when they stay dead. Now, be quiet, the two of you. I'm trying to think.
Seamus: Don't strain yourself.

Rommie: Harper. The amount of garbage he creates and consumes boggles the mind. Take this disgusting substance, for example. Sparky Cola. It has no nutritional value, rots the teeth, and slowly dissolves the digestive tract. And yet he imbibes at least three thousand millilitres of it every single day.

[last lines]
Seamus: You know what you've done, don't you? You've kissed off our entire tundra flower monopoly, our best commodity.
Trance: No, I haven't. I gave Gerentex a beautiful thing to call his own. Beautiful things can make sad people happy, and bad people good. When you think about it, beautiful things can change the universe.

Adulasia: Shh. I prefer my men strong and silent.
Trance: Well then you won't like Harper.

Gerentex: Don't stand there staring like he's the Vedran Empress! Get us out of here! He'll kill us all!

[first lines]
Seamus: Trance, I'm telling you. That waitress really dug me. We shared this thing, this, uh, pure, special cosmic connection.
Trance: Wasn't that what you said about that stripper you met on Mendocino Drift? The one who had the elbow spikes and threatened to perforate you, stick a light in your rib-cage, and turn you into a planetarium?

Gerentex: You know, now that the moment is upon me, I must admit to feeling a tad misty. Once I find Tarn-Vedra, all the painful struggle, the years of yearning will finally be behind me. I'll buy a lake. Or maybe a small sea. Start a harem of fecund Nightsider females who'll fill the water with furry tadpoles, and watch as the strongest of our young devour the weak in the ancient dance of life.
Trance: Oh. That is so beautiful.
Gerentex: Isn't it? You know, all I've really wanted was a home and a family of my own. To change myself for the better.
Seamus: You wanna change your life for the better? Put a bullet in your head.
Trance: Oh, Seamus Zelazney Harper, you take that back this instant.

Seamus: Try me. See if you can wrap your little rat brain around this. You kill her, I kill you. You lose. You kill her and you kill me, the ship blows up. You still lose. Either way, you lose.
Trance: Uh, excuse me? Can we please discuss the killing her part?

Gerentex: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Let's have old Gerentex take us into his confidence, and reveal his latest scheme for wealth and success, and then we'll betray him and keep it all for ourselves!
Trance: We would never do that.
Seamus: I would.
Trance: True.

Trance: This enough?
Adulasia: Definitely. Pleasure doing business with you.
Seamus: Hey, if you want pleasure, you're talking to the right guy.
Adulasia: Thanks, but I prefer my men alive.

Trance: Harper, be careful. He has two loaded guns. You only have a bad temper.

Gerentex: Aren't you... dead?
Trance: I got better.

Gerentex: Et tu, Trance?

Gerentex: There are two kinds of people in this universe, Mister Harper. The kind with loaded guns, and the kind who open doors. You open doors.

Gerentex: Well, you know, in this business, you're only as good as your latest scam. My strip-mining venture on Infinity Atoll, my RobotoCourtesan manufacturing plant, the religion I founded. All gone. Forgotten. Pfft. Uh, this is the part where you're supposed to say, "Oh, Gerentex, that's so sad."
Trance: Oh, that's so sad!
Seamus: Oh, you're breaking my freaking heart!