The Best Gladys Flatt Quotes

Lester: Well aren't you comin' in, Darling?
Gladys: No, Lester. Miss Hathaway's going to drive me right to the studio for wardrobe fitting.
Earl: You're both gonna miss Granny's vittles.
Gladys: Yeah.

Gladys: Not one man whistled at me all morning.
Lester: Who's gonna whistle at a woman with a sawed-off shotgun?
Earl: Especially when her husband has a machine gun.

Gladys: When we get to the rubato strain on the reprise, glissando into the major 7th and we'll take it in moderato on the subdominant. okay?
Earl: There she goes with that music school talk again.
Lester: I wish I knew what it meant.
Earl: Me too, Lester, me too.

Gladys: I changed my mind about being a movie star. I just wanna be this man's wife.
Lester: Gladys, I ain't one to thump a free melon, but how come?
Gladys: Well, I never realized how much you love me, Lester. Any man who can eat my horrible hoecake and not complain.
Lester: I've eaten worse things.
Gladys: You have?
Lester: Yeah, your grits.

Louise: I had a chitlin nightmare last night.
Gladys: What do you mean?
Louise: Well I dreamt I was a chitlin, all three kinds. I was hand-slung, stump whipped, and dog pulled.