The Best Jack Ryan, Season 1, Episode 7 Quotes

Cathy: Can we order something stronger than red wine?
Jack: Please, god, yes!

- No, no, no... look!!
- Lefsleaveifl the seven remaining are enough.

- Sit down, everyone.
- And thank you, everyone, for coming in.
- At least I know the traffic wasn't bad.
- Mr. President, we sent you the sat images of the compound.
- And if you direct your attention to the monitor on your side, we'll continue.

- Okay. Everybody, take one of each, and then, uh, then pass them around.

- Breacher up.
- Up against the wall.
- We're Americans.
- Hands in the air. Come on.
- Move, move, move.
- Let's go.
- Push left. Clear.
- Captain, over here.

- There it is.
- Slowly, slowly.

- Your mother decided to leave us.
- She went to live with the enemy.
- Allah punished her for this.
- The enemy...
- Killed your mother.
- May god have mercy on her.

- Yes. Thank-thank you.
- How is your son?
- Have you thought about letting me examine him?
- My son is fine.
- Are you sure?
- Quite sure.

- Yes.
- Can we order something stronger than red wine?
- Please, god, yes. Excuse me.
- Yeah.
- Come in.
- Boss, seg just sent these over.
- What is it?
- Some of the shredded material from the compound.

- Covenant, this is kilo actual.
- Interior courtyard empty.
- Something's wrong.
- Heads up. This could be an ambush.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Moving to target bedroom.

- He keeps a rifle by the bed, a pistol under the mattress.
- He also keeps a knife in the bedside drawer.
- All right, well, I'm gonna take a leak before we do this again.
- You better be right about her, doc.
- This is us going through that door, not you.

- persistent surveillance with rpas.
- We're still waiting for visual confirmation that suleiman is on site, but potus is ready to approve a halo insert for isr advance.
- Jsoc is working up an assault plan.
- Good work, gentlemen.

- Covenant, this is kilo actual.
- All right. Here we go, everybody.
- Feed's up.
- Kilo actual, this is covenant.
- State your position.
- Confirmed touchdown.
- Eight klicks outside of objective.

- At3:00 A.M., it is.
- Director's brief.
- Starts in 45 minutes.
- Greer, what happened?
- That's what the brief is for.
- Oh, and, Ryan?
- Yeah?
- Wear a tie.

- Just everything else.
- The truth?
- It's a covert identity, and it's what I was trained to say.
- And how am I supposed to know what's real and what's bullshit with you?
- Good luck, Jack.

- What's weird?
- These were in the hostages' cell.
- Aspirin, iodine, vitamin c.
- He gave them vitamins.
- Just because you're an international terrorist doesn't mean you have to stop caring.

- Station two, three towers, two laptops.
- Pack it up.
- Keep moving, keep moving!
- Come on. Quickly!
- Keep moving!
- Bring it in.

- You made it.
- Yeah.
- Did you get everything?
- Yes, I did.
- Give this to him...
- And tell him we are grateful.

- Kill team in position.
- Going internal.
- Go, go, go.
- Move right.

- My sheikh.
- You wanted to see me?
- Dr. Nadler,
- I have something for you.
- What is that?
- Antibiotics, acetaminophen, iodine tablets, multivitamins.
- Go ahead.

- Get me confirmation that suleiman is at the compound.
- Will do.
- What was that?
- We present intelligence.
- We give them options, if they ask for it.
- What we don't do is fucking advocate a course of action.

- When his mother and sisters fled, he stayed.
- He chose to say.
- He chose his father.
- You don't know that.
- Maybe you're right.
- And maybe one day my black, Muslim ass will be the director of the CIA.

- You're not crazy.
- Can we just start with that?
- And the rest of it, we'll just figure out as we go.
- Is this you thinking?
- Yes. This is me thinking.
- Take as much time as you need.

- Yeah, let me call you back.
- Dr. Daniel nadler, Katie Becker,
- Benjamin Johnson and Theresa lowe have returned to the United States after a harrowing 17 weeks in captivity.
- The doctors were doing aid work in aleppo when they were kidnapped by islamic fundamentalists.

- Welcome back.
- Thanks.

- I'm back! Brought some gifts and stuff for the girls.
- Figured they were going a little stir crazy.
- Hope that's okay, and seven spices.
- Thank you.
- Sara.
- Is this the one you wanted?

- Prepare for extraction.
- Standing by at the rally point.
- What about the boy?
- Any sign of the son?
- Kilo actual, any sign of the boy?
- That's a negative on the boy.
- He ain't here either. Over.

- you can take a phone call.
- Be right back.
- Hello?
- We found a clipping of the president and nadler in the compound.
- Suleiman knew they knew each other?

- Got a cooking fire, still hot.
- Covenant, this is kilo actual.
- Kilo team is under the wire.
- Exterior courtyard empty.
- Going internal.

- The delivery system?
- Y-Yes.
- The means of carrying the widespread infection.
- Oxygen kills the virus, so transmitting it through the air would be difficult.
- But is it possible?
- Yes, it's possible.

- So, to answer your question, Ben,
- I'm...
- I'm giving him an aspirin.
- He's the reason we're here in the first place.
- As long as we have breath in our lungs, we're doctors first.
- Don't forget that.

Jack: Look, Cathy. I think you like me. Begrudgingly, but I think you do. and I like you. I'm not crazy. There's something here, right?
Cathy: You're not crazy.

- How can that be?
- There are no hvts present at the target.
- There's no one fucking here.
- He knew we were coming.
- How?
- Covenant, how's hotel team doing on the hostages?

- Who's got casevac?
- Who's responsible for sse?
- All right, y'all. Any other questions?
- Yeah. Who gets to keep the blonde?
- Okeydoke, gents. Let's take five.
- Clear.

- Samir.
- We're going to take revenge.
- They're going to pay a high price.
- A very high price.

- Thank you.
- No problem.
- Let's go.

- that it all started with you.
- May peace be with you in the name of god most merciful.
- Praise god!
- God is great!
- Praise god!
- God is great!

- Next photo ID. Cards out and ready, please.
- Paperwork, please.
- How you doing?
- Thank you.
- Let him through, let him through.

- Hold left, clear right.
- One male combatant down.
- Moving to target bedroom.
- Moving to target bedroom.
- Open, open.
- Get up now, motherfucker!
- Move! Now!

- Clear. Clear.
- On mine.

- Watch your high angles.
- We're at the main entry.
- Fire in the hole.
- Three, two, one.

Jack: You know, there's a few other bars in DC where you can get a club soda and lime.
James: Uh, yeah. But if I went to one of those other bars, I might meet some friendly strangers, get into some conversation, end up having a good time. Only here, at this bar, can I sit next to a morose motherfucker in a J. Crew button-down. and be depressed all night...

- Getting the hostages out is the priority now.
- You, sir, come with me.
- What's your name?
- Katie Becker.
- Hi, Katie.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey. And him?
- He's one of them.