The Best Rick and Morty, Season 3, Episode 8 Quotes

- Hmm. Is that it?
- Is he doing anything to hurt anyone?
- Oh, he's up to something.
- I think I understand.
- "Up to something,"
- "lives on the moon."
- Okay, I'll talk to him.

- Then during the resultant darkness and silence, a third, shameful unflipping of the initially flipped switch.
- Is my assessment accurate?
- Yeah, that's... that's basically how... how it all shaked out.
- I'm sorry.
- Ugh. All right, come on.
- What?!
- Come on!

- Yeah!
- Ah!

- What the hell is this?!
- This, morty, is my archive of all the experiences you've begged me to remove from your life, lest you go insane.
- I call them morty's mind blowers.
- And we'll be doing this instead of interdimensional cable.

- All right, morty, fuck this noise.
- Let's get out of here and go on a classic
- Rick and morty adventure.
- Yeah, right, Rick, I'm all-in.
- No wonder you're constantly fighting with each other and behind schedule.
- What?
- Nothing.

- W-What is...
- Grab a shovel!
- What was that?
- I can't find a goddamn zip tie anywhere!
- All right, fuck it!
- Ahh, zip tie.

- Two...
- You guys doing morty's mind blowers?
- Morty's mind blowers?
[Sighs ] Grandpa, is this a scenario three?
- Uh, w-what's that, and w-who are you?
- Oh, man, it's a scenario four.

- You know I said we could only do that a couple of times!
- We're fucked over here because of these damn squirrels, morty!
- I don't know what my reaction is, but I think I'm mounting in suspicion of you.
- Well, what are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna remember everything!
- Everything!