The Best The Flash, Season 3, Episode 6 Quotes

[first lines]
Wally: I'm fast, really fast. I might even be the fastest man alive. And when I'm running, there's no greater feeling in the world. I can move through the city like a guardian angel, protecting who need me.

H.R. Wells: We reopen this laboratory and I become the face of the new S.T.A.R. Labs Museum.
Cisco: There's only one problem with that. It's your face. You're kind of a known murderer around these parts. You see, the evil Wells, not to be confused with the dick-ish but not evil Wells, he confessed to killing Barry's mother.
Caitlin: So basically, if you step foot outside this lab, you'll be arrested.
H.R. Wells: What - you're just telling me this now, you two rascals? What about the cryptograms? What about the message? Come to this Earth. Get a fresh start.
Cisco: Well, what about your résumé as a world-renowned genius scientist?
H.R. Wells: That's a good point. I guess we're even.

The: Who are you?
Savitar: Savitar. The God of Speed.

Doctor: The boy has been chosen, Flash. And you will not stand before what must be... Ever again!

Cisco: You think everyone on Earth-19 is missing crayons in the box, or just him?

Barry: How long have you known?
Caitlin: A few months. First, I didn't want to accept what was happening to me, but then I had to. So then I tried to suppress my powers. There's no suppressing these powers. I just can't believe that this is my life.
Barry: It shouldn't be. None of what's happening to any of you should be.
Caitlin: What do you mean "any of us"?
Barry: I mean... Doctor Alchemy, Wally, you getting powers. Even Dante being dead in this timeline. It's all because I created Flashpoint. Even Iris, who, I don't know, I think she's disappointed that she doesn't have powers and everyone else does. And no matter what I do now, everything's different.
Caitlin: So none of this happened before?
Barry: [shaking his head no] I'm sorry, Caitlin.

Caitlin: Cisco, I'm so sorry about how I overreacted. I understand why you told everyone.
Cisco: Never helps when we keep things from each other.
Caitlin: You're right. And I'm glad that you told everyone. I'm just not very good at asking for help. I get that from my mom.
Cisco: You're better than your mother.

Caitlin: Barry, we're in the van. Can you hear us?
The: And I just got tossed on my ass like a rag doll.

Joe: [leaving with Wally to face Alchemy] Hey, you remember when I said that you remind me of myself when I was a kid? I was never this brave.

The: It's over, Alchemy.
Doctor: Over? You have no idea what's about to begin.

Wally: Are you him? Are you the voice I've been hearing inside my head?
Doctor: I am Alchemy.
Wally: I've been having visions of another life. Where-where I have speed, where. I'm...
Doctor: The Flash. I can give you that back, should you desire it.
Wally: I just want the pain to stop.
Doctor: It will, child. Whatever you desire, I will see it so. Now tell me, do you wish for the life that was taken from you to return?
Wally: What I wish for... is all of you gone.