The Best The Handmaid's Tale, Season 4, Episode 9 Quotes

- Thank you for meeting me.
- Thanks for inviting me.

- I think we have to try everything.
- Yeah.
- For Hannah.
[softly] For Hannah.
- Yeah.

- Um...
- Yeah. I mean, maybe. I...
- I don't know.
- He's a Commander now, right?
- Big man. He's got access.
- So, we should probably ask him before that changes.
[inhales deeply] You know.

- You did all this for me.
- I should've run away with you when I had the chance.
- Yeah.
- We probably should've gone to that beach in Hawaii.

- Well, God has a plan for us.
- You must carry on, raise our boy.
- Spread the Lord's word.
- Yeah, they're ready to listen.
- You know, the world should hear your voice again.
- Write a book.
- You've done it before.

- Okay, so we bang on every door again, and we call up anyone that could be of use in Toronto.
June: Okay, who has the best resources?
[scoffs] I mean, nobody so far.
- Not in Canada.
- What about someone new?
- In Gilead.

- so you can be here when things get better.
- I'll come back.
- And I'll keep coming back until you eat.
- And when you do,
- I'll tell Aunt Lydia, and then she'll let you go outside.
- It's a really nice day.

- Hey, June.
- Try and be happy.
- Yeah.
- You, too.
- -[Nichole babbling]
- -You okay, sweetie?

- Oh, I got something. One sec.
- Shopping options were limited in Gilead, but...
- I thought maybe she could keep this with her.
June: Look at that.
- Look at that. Thank you.
- My beautiful girl.

- Now, be a good girl and eat.
- It is so hard to be good when you've had such a bad example.
- Esther, you must cleanse yourself of those corrupting influences.
- You must be strong.

- Hey, I need you not to worry, okay?
[sputters] I'm not gonna be able to do that.
- All right.
- I'm gonna be here when you get home. Okay?
- 'Kay.

- Hi there, sweetheart.
- Hi, Nichole. Hi.
- Um, I have a Secret Service with me, so I can't stay long.
- Okay. Let's go talk inside.
June: Okay.

- It's no big deal.
- You just have to eat.

- She is a difficult girl.
- Maybe she needs to feel safe here.
- Like, if she's refusing to eat, maybe if someone told her what would happen if you don't obey?
- I just think she deserves a chance before you...

- We'd embolden more kidnappings.
- More Commanders being held hostage.
- Think of the precedent.
- I'm thinking of my years of service to the Republic.
- I'm thinking of my wife and my son!
- We will continue to send you our thoughts and prayers.

- They took those pictures for me.
- What pictures?
- Getting her out's impossible.
- There's Guardians everywhere.
- At least you know where she is now.
- And I'm here... to do what I can.

- She is safe and sound at The Red Center.
- No, she's...
- Fuck. No.
[Lawrence] Indeed she is. Um...
- She's got a roof over her head, three meals a day, and Aunt Lydia to tuck her in at night.

- Praise be.
- And praise be to you, my dear, for your very valuable assistance.
- Thank you, Aunt Lydia.
- How lucky we are to have you with us.
- Run along. Get some fresh air.

Aunt: Janine.
- Esther has had a little accident.
- -Clean it up?
- -[Janine] Yes, Aunt Lydia.
Aunt: Thank you, dear.
- God loves us for our labors.

- some people took us in.
- Then we got bombed.
- It's really scary.
- I was actually kind of relieved when they picked me up, even though they brought me back here.
- Nothing is worse than here.

- What power?
- What could you possibly do from in here?
- Have faith.
- Prepare the new girls for another inspection.
- Their behavior last time was deplorable.
- -Yeah.
- -[door opens]

June: I promise you that we will do everything that we can to protect you...
- June, you're free.
- You're free.
- Try to be grateful for that and move on.
- If you can.

- To dawdle is an affront to God.
- -Yes, Aunt Lydia.
- -Yes, Aunt Lydia.
- Yeah.

- Good. Good, good, good.
- All right, then.
- I'm gonna go wash up.

- So I stayed.
- To bring her back to her father.
- I'm her mother.
- It is my job to protect her.
- And I failed.
- Luke, I need to tell you about the last time I saw Hannah.

- I just... I sliced up some peaches and...
- -Oh, thank you.
- -Yeah, I...
- Okay, the officers'll follow you.
- They'll give you some privacy, but stay close by.
- When you get there, keep it brief.
- All right. Thanks.

- to catch a lot of other bigger fish.
- Why don't you bring that intel by my office tomorrow, we'll go through it together?
- See you then.
- You fucking believe that?
- June.

- -Who's this? Um...
- -What is that?
- What is that? What is that?
- Mm. What is that?
- Keep yourself safe.

- I hear a lot of them are struggling.
- They miss their parents in Gilead.
- You know we're never giving those children back.
- Come on.
- That's how you negotiate?
- The June I know would bargain, at least, to save her daughter.
- Say, five of those kids for Hannah?

- Thank you, Aunt Lydia.
- Thank you so much.
- Perhaps she would benefit from your unique perspective.
- Why don't you bring her breakfast tomorrow?
- You two can have a little chat.
- 'Kay.

- Go on and call your Aunt friends.
- I don't care what they do to me.
- Yes, you do.
- They're not going to let you die.
- They will keep hurting you, again and again, until you do what they say!
- That is their job!

- Such childish nonsense.
- Wasting everyone's time.
- You have been given a precious gift, dear.
- A second chance to serve God.
- To atone for all the trouble you've caused.

- No. No, I don't want you to meet with Nick.
- But you said he'd do anything for you.
- So, this is our best chance to get Hannah. And so...
- I think you should take Nichole with you.
- How's he gonna say no to you if you bring him his daughter?
- So, what do you think?

- She's not here.
- We're here.
- And you have to take care of yourself now.
- If you keep misbehaving, there will be consequences, okay?
- So you're gonna have to eat for them, too, not just for me.

- Perhaps.
- But any special treatment, consider the precedent.
- Thank you for your suggestions.
- I will give them careful consideration... then make my decision.
- This chicken is dry.

- Freedom agrees with you.
- Thanks.
- So, how... How's it all going down there in Gilead?
- Hanging in there.
- Poor choice of words.