The Best The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Season 2, Episode 4 Quotes

- Sit still.
- The more you squirm, the longer this'll take.

- It went bad.
- They lost will.
- I know what he meant to you.
- And I can't even begin to tell you how...
- Then don't!
- How the hell did it get in?

- Be safe, kid.
Hope: Take care, okay?

- I just want to talk to them.
- Alone.
- You're aware this place has not seen bloodshed since its founding.
- I'd like to keep it that way.
- Yes, ma'am.

Grady: So, what exactly happens if he doesn't make it out?
Webb: Tough shit.
- What's the point of being here if he's just gonna screw shit up for us?
- He's gotta learn.
- Swing at anything that moves.

- Armory's open.
- Shit.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
- Where you going?
- Hey, I think he's alive. Okay?
- I think Percy's alive, and if he is, he's going after huck.
- And if we don't get him first, he's gonna get us all killed.

- I'm taking a walk.
[Grunts] No, you're not.
- Not alone.

- They can't see us back here.
- I-I... s-she just knows, okay?
- I'm sorry.
- I can't be here right now, um...
[Coughs] Where are you going?
Hope: There was a woman with a gun.
- It was your mom.

- But a person?
- I never wanted something so bad in my entire life.
- You wanted justice.
- And I think we're both willing to go a little further than most people to get it.
- I thought my sister was like that, too.

- You know, she shouldn't be able to walk around like what she did doesn't matter.
- But I-I sh... I should've been thinking about everyone.
- About will.
- Felix.
- You.

- Because she's lying!
- It's the truth.
- I just didn't wanna complicate things any more than they already are.
- Come with us and you'll see.
- I wanna talk to you.
- Alone.

- for the survival of our alliance, and for the survival of humankind.
- And as we pray for the souls we've lost, we say to you, our allies in Portland...
- Stay strong, stay vigilant, and may god bless us all.

- Gonna have you down in the action with the crew soon.
- No point having you working the lights and sound forever, kid your size.
- Okay. Go like this.
- Just like that.
- You don't exercise that hand, nerves won't heal right.

- It's been quite some time.
- What brings you out so far?
- Iris?
- Iris?!
- Hope?
- Iris! [Both laugh]

- is above a staff sergeant's rank.
- I'm not asking as a staff serg... don't.
- You've only just gotten back what you lost after a horrendous error in judgment.
- I would hate for someone...
- To think that you hadn't learned your lesson.

- Plaskett?
- You get one screw-up here.
- That was your one.

- Hope.
- I can't.
[Voice breaking] You can.
- And you should.
- But I get it.
- You won't.

- That's giving up.
- Got an early morning.
- I suggest you get some sleep.
- Do me a favor?
- Take that bottle.
- I'm sick of staring at it.
- Use it to clean your hand.

- That's why we made this extra spicy.
- And we were ready to jump in, but damn.
- You handled it.
- And, look, you promise to have our backs, we'll have yours.
- It's all good, man.
- So... no hard, right?

- About all of us?
- I won't.
- You have my word.
- You have every reason to hate me.
- But like it or not,
- I'm the closest thing to a friend in the cr you got.

- It's along shot, but if he's where she says he is...
- I might know a way to get everybody out.
- Sorry.
- I-I-I can, uh... can come later.
- No, it's okay.
- Come in.

- So, it's Jennifer, huh?
- That's nice.
- Why are you here, Jennifer?
- What do you want?
Hope: What we want...
- Is for you and Iris to come back with us.

- Look, this doesn't have anything to do with you, okay?
- Forget you saw anything.
- So then, what is this?
- Part of some secret side deal?
- Shouldn't your mom know about this?
- She already does.
- I'm the one who's sick.

- Gonna miss you.
- We will get you and dad out of there.
- We will.
- Just tell him not to worry.
- And that I'm okay.
- I wish I could.

- I-I should, uh...
- I should go.

- You should've told me.
- This changes everything.
- I wanted to tell you.
- Why didn't you?
- I don't know. I...
- Maybe I should've.
- Anything else I should know?

- No. No, I wasn't.
- Yeah.
- You were.
- Are you gonna tell Dennis?
- No. See, plaskett...
- Out here?
- We take care of our shit our own way.