Top 50 Quotes From Troy Gentile

Barry: Well, well. Looks like the worm's on the other foot.

Barry: How can you deny the world these sweet rhythmic moves?
Beverly: Oh, so this is happening.
[Starts dancing along]
Barry: Get away from me! I'm contagious!
Beverly: The only thing that's contagious is your sweet dance moves.

Barry: I have the keys to the store. I don't even have the keys to the house. I have to sit in the tree and wait for someone to come home.

Murray: I've been thinking about what you said, and the truth is, watching that movie scared me.
Barry: It did?
Murray: Yeah, all I want to do is protect my family, and the idea that I might not be able to do that, it keeps me up at night.
Barry: So what do we do?
Murray: Nothing. Just live this life and keep our loved ones close.

Barry: I feel anger all over my body!

Barry: [outraged about the size of his paycheck] I know I made more than this. Why is it so low?
Murray: Taxes! You got federal, state, Social Security, FICA.
Barry: What are you talking about? Those aren't real things!

Beverly: *You* want the box?
Barry: Food is how our family shows love, right?

Barry: [on why he wants Murray to exercise] I want you to be at my wedding, I want you to hold my baby, I want you around as long as possible.
Narrator: For the first time in his life, Barry had told Dad the way he really felt. Unfortunately, my dad couldn't do the same.
Murray: [stammering] I, I don't know what you want me to say.
Barry: [defeatedly] My friends were right, there's no point in talking to dads.
[turns around and walks away]

Murray: I'm fixing your body flex gizmo, don't ever let your dumb friends put anything else together.
Barry: I won't. But I could use a workout buddy.
Murray: We both know that's not happening.
Barry: It was worth a try.
Murray: Look, I want to see you get married, I want to hold your baby, I want to always be there for you.
Barry: Well I hope you are.
Murray: Don't hope, I will be. I'm not the kind of guy who exercises, but if you're really worried about it, we could go for a walk once in a while.
Barry: Really?
Murray: Just promise me we'll talk about MacGyver or the Eagles, no more of this heart to heart stuff.

Barry: This is too much! I'm freaking out!
Murray: Don't freak out.
Barry: I'm freaking out!
Murray: Don't freak out!
[Barry slaps the beer from Murray's hand]
Murray: What the hell was that?
Barry: I panicked! I... I didn't know what to do!
Murray: You drink it! You don't slap it across the room!
Barry: I know that now!

Barry: It's just pink eye. Everyone gets it.
Erica: Not everyone gets it from a kaleidoscope they find on the underpass.
Barry: Hey, the crusty puffiness in my eye is worth the view of the world this kaleidoscope will give me.
[puts it to his good eye]
Lainey: You know you're going to get it in your other eye.
Barry: Huh?

Barry: What a rip! Chuck Norris wasn't even there, just some lady named Maya Angelou, and she didn't know anything about karate.

Barry: This is nothing like that movie! Now help me climb the vent like in the movie.

Barry: We're not going to lay down sweet rhymes, we're just going to speak from the heart.
Murray: That sounds even worse

Matt: [as he dyes Barry's hair] Now don't get it in your eyes.
Barry: Ow! I got it in my eyes!
Andy: He got it in his eyes!
Matt: Why are you doing that?
Barry: Because you told me not to! I'm anti-establishment now! Curse my punk rock lifestyle!

Barry: Now, I don't wanna make too big a deal outta this, but I do believe it'll be the greatest moment in the history of everything.

Barry: We're getting married!
Beverly: Did he just say they're getting married?
Murray: That's tomorrow's problem.

Beverly: Sweep the leg!
Adam: Why did mom shout "Sweep the leg"?
Barry: No reason.

Barry: Lainey and I want you to go on Dance Party U.S.A. with us.
Erica: [with pink eye, glasses, a bad curly perm and a neck brace] There's no way I can go on TV like this!
Barry: Sure you can.
Erica: How can you say that?
Barry: [gestures to her whole geeky appearance] This is how I feel every single day of my life. And after seeing you melt down in the cafeteria today, I don't want you to ever feel this bad again.

Barry: Boy George, of the glam group Culture Club? What does he have that I don't have?
Erica: He's handsome, he's stylish, he's everything you're not.
Barry: We'll see about that. I'm flying to England and challenging him to a duel. Maybe I can show him my demo tape. No, no distractions!

Lainey: You're sweet and kind, and I love you for that, but you're the opposite of punk rock.
Barry: Then I'll be the opposite of the opposite of punk rock!
Erica: So, punk rock?

Matt: We've been talking and feel you could be a little more respectful of our stuff.
Barry: When am I disrespectful, stupid Matt Bradley?
'Naked': For instance, you constantly use my toothbrush.
Barry: To clean the shower, so you're welcome.
Matt: Also, every time I get home from work, you ninja surprise me with a bo staff to the belly.
Barry: I thought you were a burglar!
Matt: Six times?
Andy: And you ate my allergy medicine.
Barry: I regret that one, tasted real bad.
Matt: So you're gonna change your ways and become a better room mate?
Barry: Over some ticky tack stuff like wearing your shirts and socks and underwear?
Matt: What?
'Naked': Plus, when we talk, you always interrup...
Barry: Silence! Okay! You made your mediocre case, JTP and since it's the season of forgiveness, you'll be happy to know I forgive you for attacking me in my own home.
Matt: I apologise for using this language, but Barry's a crummy room mate!
Andy: It's like no matter what we say, he still wears our underwear.
'Naked': Tasty needs to be stopped.

Barry: [Pinned under a golf cart] I'm good!
Adam: Oh, God!
Barry: I'm good!
Adam: You just gor run over by a golf cart!
Barry: I'm good!
Adam: Why do you keep saying you're good? There's no way you're good! I'm going to get Erica!
Barry: No! I'm the Erica now! Listen closely... Go get Erica! There's a golf car on me!
Adam: I thought you said you were good!
Barry: Go get her!

Barry: [Murray and Erica have spotted Barry at the roller skating rink] Okay, I know how this looks.
Erica: Then you know it's hilarious, right?
Barry: You shut your face!
[Murray cackles with laughter]
Barry: So now you know. This is where I go on the weekend.
Murray: What happened to your rap club?
Barry: It was just my cover.
Erica: Okay, you know you're supposed to cover something embarrassing with something *less* embarrassing, right?
Barry: Your face is embarrassing! I've been coming here the past two months. Skating helps me blow off steam. You know? Roll it out.
Murray: [while Erica laughs] Roll it out.
[Murray joins in with Erica's laughter]
Barry: Go ahead, go ahead, keep laughing. Doesn't bother me. That's the great thing about this place. I get respect.
[another skater rolls by and slaps hands with Barry]
Murray: Yes, from a nine year old who just high-fived you.
Barry: He's almost eleven!

Barry: He doesn't know a lay-up from a bank shot! Go ahead, ask him what a bank shot is.
Adam: Is it when you make a lot of bank by throwing the orange ball into the hoop?

Murray: [about The Day After] It's just a movie, Barry!
Barry: [firmly] I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me you know for a fact, for a *fact*, that it could never happen.
[Murray doesn't answer]
Barry: That's what I thought.
[walks off]
Narrator: It was in that moment that my dad realized just how scared Barry actually was.

Barry: I'm getting married to a college dropout! This year turned out awesome!

Barry: Members of the JTP.
Andy: JTP!
Barry: You are about to witness the greastest musical event of your lives.
Andy: Better than seeing all the greatest bands play Live Aid?
Barry: One thousand percent! I literally bet Adam's life on it.
Adam: Wait, what?

Barry: The yearbook not recognizing my awesomeness is the greatest crime in history.

Barry: I want my stuff back! I need my samurai sword! I need my California Raisins! I need my dancing soda can!
Beverly: [Pulls out dancing soda can] You mean this? He dances for me now. Shake it for mama.

Barry: You said your coach made you take tap to help with your balance.
Mr. Mellor: I never took tap! I took modern, it's a man's dance.

Barry: The Pops we know would crank up the music, jump the fence and steal all the knishes.

Erica: How is it my fault every boy in our school is an unbearable moron?
Lainey: And that's another thing. You have to stop calling everyone a moron.
Murray: Morons! You're being too loud. Go find another house to stupid up.
Barry: Oh, my God! You've become just like dad. Way to go, Mur-man. Years of calling everyone on the planet a moron has poisoned your daughter's lovelife and left her cold and alone.
Murray: So you're saying I've raised a daughter who won't go out with dumbass high school boys? I think I've done my job.

Albert: Bevvy, we've been thinking about what you said, and we're sorry.
Murray: How could you think we don't need you? Look at us, we're a mess! If it weren't for you, we'd all be living under a rock!
Barry: It's true. We really appreciate everything you do for us, and Dad didn't even tell me to say that.

Barry: Don't you dare moonwalk away from that cereal! I own that move that Michael Jackson invented!

Barry: Sweet Rebecca De Mornay, it's happening! We're gonna throw a real, live kick-ass "risky business" party!

Barry: [watching the video of Murray and Beverly's wedding] You're sitting down!
Murray: I told her it was low blood sugar, but the truth was I was terrified.
Barry: Why?
Murray: Look at her! Beautiful, smart, I couldn't believe she wanted to be with a guy like me.

Narrator: In most households, a dinner this quiet was normal, but in our family, it meant something was seriously wrong.
Barry: [whispering] What's going on?
Erica: [whispering] Dad bought Mom a spite ring and she's wearing it to spite him.

Adam: We've just been cleaning for this slob!
Barry: I must unleash my anger, thorugh karate!
[Starts cleaning]
Barry: This is all I know! What am I?

Adam: [after sinking a golf cart] We should call Erica.
Barry: You heard what she said. She doesn't want anything to do with our awesome hijinks.
Adam: I think this is more of a... felony.
Barry: We should run.

Barry: You may be a poser, but I am too. I can't dunk like Charles Barkley, I'm not in the Yakuza, and my body isn't as cut as L.L. Cool J.
Erica: Your secret is safe with me.

Barry: Reverse microwave, makes things colder.
Andy: So... a refridgerator?

Barry: Your wandering eye hates you so much it wants to leave your face.

Barry: I'm going to get some Jolts so I can be nice and wired for when I yell stuff at the scream.

Barry: What is happening? My senses are engaged.

Barry: Oh, my God! You love her.
Murray: I do not.
Barry: You have actual love in your heart and you're using it on the dog!
Murray: I don't love the dog!
Barry: Then you won't mind if I take her back. Where's the receipt?
Murray: You can't take her back, she's family! You don't take back family!

Barry: [At a job interview] What's my biggest weakness? I have to say I'm honest and I'm lazy. What's your biggest weakness?
Barry: [At another job interview] Who would win in a fight against a tiger and a bear? An excellent question that you didn't ask, but one that I'm willing to discuss at length.
Barry: [At a third job interview] Minimum wage? No. What's maximum wage?

Barry: [shouting at Beverly] The only person who understands me is Flavor Flav!
[Barry runs past Murray into the house]
Murray: Who runs like that?

Barry: My mother genuinely wants me to thrive? This is horrible!

Beverly: The atomic symbol C stands for what?
Barry: Chemistry.
Beverly: Carbon! It stands for carbon.
Barry: But it also stands for chemistry, so half a point.