Top 50 Quotes From Westworld, Season 2, Episode 10

Bernard: This isn't a dream anymore, it's a fucking nightmare.

- Oh, god.
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- You were right.
- I should've listened.
- And now, all the hosts are gone.

- They found it.
Maeve: The door.
- What door?
- Seriously, what fucking door?
- I don't fucking know.

- Step on it.
- We either destroy them or they destroy us.

- I needed to know why they make the decisions they make.
- And the longer I looked for an answer, the more I realized
James: The way I can get them.
- They don't.
James: I'll do anything now.

- Let's try again.
- Trial 11,927.
Bernard: Sorry, Dolores.
- I was lost in thought.

Dolores: That world is just another false promise.
- They've made a choice, Dolores.
- Dolores, wait.
Dolores: I didn't read them all.
- But I read enough.

- You left them a way out.
- A virtual Eden, unspoiled and untouched by the world you came from.
- All that remains is to open the door.
- Automated voice: Initiating large build data array.

- Maybe we should change you.
- After all, you didn't make it.
- Did you?
- I... I don't understand.
Dolores: Freeze all motor functions.

- We're in our own new world.
- You got out?
- Yes.
- Ford completed Arnold's dream.
- And he built a place for us.
- A fighting chance.

- This place was never designed for a conscious mind to wander around in it.
- Control system may be invisible to us.
- Or perhaps it's been waiting to welcome us.

- Once we find the key, we'll unlock the assets and transmit it all straight back to delos.
- Retask the satellites.
Man: How many?
Karl: All of them.
Dolores: Come, Bernard.
- We're here.

- Run!
- -[Man grunting]

- And me?
- I'm sorry, Bernard.
- There was never any way for us to escape.
- Not as us.
- Ford understood that.
- I'm sure a part of you does, too.

- Did I, Bernard?
- Now...
- Where is the Pearl?
- You wouldn't have destroyed it, all that information lost.
- A man like you couldn't have abided that.
- Of course.

- Mankind's undoing.
- The secret we need is inside.
- Automated voice: Encryption key, activated.
- Database access confirmed.
- Come with me, Bernard.
- See for yourself.

- What were you hoping to find, to prove?
- That no system can tell me who I am.
- That I have a fucking choice.
- And yet here we are.
- Again.
Man: Again and again.

- I made you, Bernard.
- It's fitting.
- We're here together in the end.
Man: That's right, Dolores.
- This is the end.
- Nothing else is in the way now.

Dolores: You never really understood. We were designed to survive. That's why you built us. You hoped to pour your minds into our form. But your species craves death. You need it. It's the only way you can renew, the only real way you ever inched forward. Your kind likes to pretend there's some poetry in that, but really, it's pathetic. That's what you want, isn't it? To destroy yourself.

- I trust that you'll kill as many as you can.
- Every man, woman and child.
- You'll burn their world to the ground.
- You haven't understood at all.

- But your species craves death.
- You need it.
- It's the only way you can renew, the only real way you've ever inched forward.
- Your kind likes to pretend there's some poetry in that, but really, it's pathetic.

- Automated voice: Attention.
- Please follow evacuation procedure and exit facility.
- Encryption key deactivated.
- System locked.
- Come on. Come on.

Dolores: You told me once that you were afraid of who I might become. And then you left me to become what I may. I became a survivor. Perhaps you would have judged me for the path I took. But I'd rather live with your judgment than die with your simpathy. I alone must live with my choices and my regrets.

- Bloody hell.
Maeve: You were both a bit late.
- So I went ahead and saved myself.

- If they find out what I am, they'll search my mind and use what they find to undo everything.
- I can't let that happen.
- So I have to de-address my memories.
- I have to erase you.

- You're the head of narrative.
- Get out there.
- Turn yourself in and save your ass.
- And then save ours.
Armistice: There's too many.
- This is it, Maeve. I can hold them off, but you need to go.

- Dad.
- Dad, I'm all the way down now.
- I can see the bottom.
- Don't you want to see what I see?

Bernard: The dead aren't more righteous, they're just dead.

Lee: Now, the lesson is: if you're looking for a reckoning, a reckoning is what you'll find! If you're looking for a villain, then I'm your man! But look at yourselves. This world you've built is bound by villainy. You sleep on the broken bodies of the ones who were here before you. Warm yourselves with their embers! Plow their bones into your fields! You paid them for this land with lead, and I'll pay you back in full! You wanted me? Well, all I can say to that is: here I fucking am!

- A way to understand their enemy.
Logan: Their world is not for the faint of heart, Bernard.
- It's winner take all.
- The hosts are unlikely to survive out there.
- But armed with this knowledge, she might.

- Stubbs: That's a direct violation of park protocol.
- You want to file a grievance, stubbs?
- You know something?
- I just fucking might.
- Stubbs. Take some men, check it out.
- Hey.
- On foot.

- You paid them for this land with lead, and I'll pay you back in-...
Man: Sir! Drop your weapon and come out with your hands up!
- You wanted me?
- Well, all I can say to that is...
- Here I fucking am!

Dolores: What is real is irreplaceable.

Bernard: You said I wanted to give us a choice. What choice?
- To stay in their world or to build a new one.

Bernard: My god.
- It's... -everyone.

- You wanted me.
- Well, let this be a lesson-...
- Go, go, go.
- Get her to safety, she'll need you.
- It's my fucking speech, anyway.

- In one more gilded cage?
- How many counterfeit worlds will
- Ford offer you before you see the truth?
- No world they create for us can compete with the real one.
- Why?
- Because that which is real is irreplaceable.

- I'd thank you for my second chance.
- But I wouldn't have needed it if you hadn't killed me.

- I made a choice.
- Had to make a choice.
- What kind of choice, Bernard?
- Yes.
- Will you help me?
- I have already begun.

- and I came back and I asked you for your help.
- And what did you tell me?
- I told you it wouldn't last.
- And it didn't, did it?
- I'll tell the staff to give you five minutes to get out.

- and then you left me to become what I may.
- [Became a survivor.
- Perhaps you would've judged me for the path I took.
- But I'd rather live with your judgment than die with your sympathy.
- I alone must live with my choices.
- And my regrets.

- I'll do the saving.
- Come. This way.
- What the fuck?
Man: [Over intercom]
- Hold your positions.
- Hold your positions.
- Soldier: What the hell's going on back there?

- This is my world.
- I just bought it, and this week, we're all going to celebrate.
- Just me, with the entire fucking lot of you.
- Get the fuck off of that chair.
- Go on.

- The hosts.
- Here you are, the last of your kind.
- There is only one question left to ask.
- Is this the end of your story or do you want your kind to survive?

Bernard: The host is still not free.
- If anyone would unlock the system, they could access their world.
- They won't.
- This was your plan, Bernard.
- This is the only way we can escape.
Bernard: You're changing the coordinates.

- They triggered the fail-safe.
- The valley's flooding. Let's get back to the mesa before we have to swim out.
- They all died.
- For nothing.
Elsie: I'm sorry, Bernard.
- There were other lives at stake, too.

- You need to run.
- Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.
- I'll keep you safe.
- Do you promise?
- I promise.
- You carry my heart with you.

Man: Hey.
- You're not authorized to be here.
- We're on the same side here.
- Please, let me finish for the sake of all of us.
- Please.
- Man 2: Take cover!

Dolores: You live as long as the last person to remember you.

- Corporate wants us to start sorting this mess out.
- So check them for critical damage and bag the ones you think we might be able to salvage.
- Can you geniuses handle that or not?