The Best You, Season 3, Episode 6 Quotes

- Nurse Fiona,
- I think you'll like this. It's--
- Wait for you outside, beautiful.

- You're just who you are.
- You don't hide or embellish, you own your mistakes and stand up to the strikes against you. You're so...
- Oh! No! Please, no!
- It's okay, look.
- I think, it's-It's just us.

Joe: Home early.
- It's very unusual for you.
- Yes, yes, I know that place.
- Okay. Yeah, great. I'll see you there.
Joe: What's got you stepping out of your routine?
- I dearly hope it doesn't involve pegging someone on this bed. RIP Peach.
- Okay, now you're just playing with me.

- Mm.
- Let me be clear. You fascinate me.
- But Love is my soul mate, mother of my child, love of my life.
- And my job as a husband and a father is to keep it that way.

- "When you've been worked on for so long, you never know you're done."
- Jericho Brown.
- You know his work?
Joe: What am I doing, using my old games on you? I'm not this guy anymore.
- I read his work in The New Yorker, and that line... stayed with me.
- But I don't know his writing much, actually.

- Lipstick.
- Are you going on a date?

- Alrighty.
- Thank you.

- How's that for self-awareness?
- Am I amusing you?
- No, no, no. No.
- I'm sorry. Also, I'm not sorry.
- I'm not one to let bullies bully.
- I would've done that for anybody.
- Okay.

- You are? Oh, my God.
- -Is it Joe's or that neighbor kid's?
- -Keep your voice down. I was--
- I have seconds before kickoff.
- We'll finish this later.
- Maybe a little lipstick, sweetheart?
- You're pale.
Love: Remember pretending to be orphans?
- That was fun.

- But this?
- This will cost not just you but every person who works for you.
- You'll destroy lives for nothing because the worst offense the townspeople are guilty of is tacky athleisure.
- It stops now. You get that, right?

- If you were here, you'd laugh.
- You said I'd be a terrible mom.
- Number two might be in me as we speak, and there's no one I can tell that...
- I'm not sure I want it.
- Stop insinuating.
- It's not Theo's baby.
- Couldn't be, I don't think.

- That boy will distract you from your son.
Joe: I can't cage what's inside of me.
- Better to feed it just enough to keep it in check, but make sure it knows the rules.
- So now I have you, Marienne.
- Things will be different this time.

- I hate you too.
- For leaving me with her.
- You should've just eaten me in the womb, Forty.

- you ungrateful, little bitch.
- You have no idea what I had to do to give it to you.
- Your choice to fuck the neighbor boy or blow up your life has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you being spoiled and bored.
- I'll take the blame for spoiling you.
- But the source of your unhappiness?
- Look in the mirror instead of spouting your hypocrisy at everyone else.

- Hey, kid.
- Love that book.

- Was that at the desk here?
- Her office. She'll be back in an hour.
- Okay. I think she meant while she's out.
- So diligent... after taking three hours to shelve that one cart this morning.
- Thank you.

- I went into his office, and he hired a PI to stalk people.
- And he has all this insane conspiracy shit about Natalie's murder with these names of people in Madre Linda, including you and Joe.
- What?

- Oh, shit.
- Love is gonna kill you.

Love: Fuck Dottie.
- What's she know?
- We were accessories to her.
- A couple of purse dogs she'd overfeed, then scream at when we shit on her Gucci wallet.
- Fuck Dottie.
- I hate her.

- I can't believe it's taken me this long.
- I'm growing.
- "The absence of burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into heights, take leave of the earth, free.
- What then shall we choose?
- Weight or lightness?"
- -Hey, what--?
- -[Marienne] Hey. It's an emergency.
- I'm sorry for calling so late.

- Your phone is dead in my nightstand because you are dead.
- And no one will ever read this.
- So, what am I confessing for?
- Speaking of terrible mothers...
- Ugh. The last thing I need is a weekend all about Dottie and her second act.
- I wish you were here.
- I need you.

- He gets mad at you and he hurts you.
- He says he's sorry, it'll never happen again, and he gives you flowers, right?
- There are a lot of bad men out there, and sometimes you can't tell until it's too late.
- Go outside and eat with the other boys.

- I have to choose Joe now.
- I'll always love you.
- But I have to say goodbye.
- For real this time.
- As much as it hurts.
- Goodbye, you.

Joe: She's the best wife ever... while I'm doing this.
- All to prove you aren't worth it.
- You are just a fleeting crush.

- -What happened at school?
- -Decided to take some time off.
- With everything that happened, felt like it was starting to get to me.
- Hey, that's okay.
- I can understand.
- -We could go grab some food.
- -I can't. I've got stuff to do inside.
- Yeah, yeah. For sure.

- Wait.
- It's-It's not nothing.
- I'd never break up your family.
- -I'd never do anything to hurt Henry.
- -I know.
- I'd never get in the way of you getting your family back.
- -I would never hurt Juliette.
- -I know.

- Dad, I got you dinner.
- Dad?
- Come on, you can be mad at me, but at least eat something.

- Hey, you okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- How do you get it so fucking moist?
- Come show me.
- Yeah. Just like that.

- Doesn't exactly scream skeletons but then neither do you.
- There's nothing in your work files or search history.
- It's just, there's no "you" here at all, which tells me
- I'm not looking hard enough.
- Hmm. "Recovery." This is a surprise.
- This deepens my curiosity, and now I need more.

- My wife.
- I deserve this.
- Aw, Daddy's still working.

- We should get back to it.
- What happened with Ryan?
- I'm sorry.
- I'm not okay with what I saw, and I would like to know how someone who treats you like that could have custody of your child.

- I mean, that pea fucking killed me.
- I am so sorry.
- Don't be sorry for surviving.
- You were the strong one.
- You always knew it was gonna turn out this way.
- It's why you held me so tight.