The Best Liam Quotes

Malcolm: [to Sookie] Maybe you oughtta come on inside.
Sookie: Are you trying to glamor me?
Malcolm: [taken aback that she noticed] Yes.
Sookie: That doesn't work on me.
Liam: Why not?
Sookie: I don't know, it just doesn't. Is Bill available?
Bill: [from inside the house] Let her in... Diane, let her in.
Diane: Oh, fuck him.
Malcolm: [backing away] You have.

Diane: [about Sookie] Where'd you find this?
Liam: [sniffing] Man! She smells fuckin' sweet!
Malcolm: And to think just five minutes ago you were telling us how you were living mainly on synthenic blood. You big poser.
Diane: I don't know, Malcolm. She looks like a virgin to me.
Sookie: [snapping] That's none of your damn business, you nosey bitch!
Diane: It is my business cupcake! And you wanna know why? 'Cause virgin blood is the best tasting blood there is. Well, second best. The best would be...
Liam: Baby's blood.
Diane: [laughing] Yeah.
Liam: [grabbing Sookie to him] I get hard just thinking about it.
[turning her head back]
Liam: Ladies first.
Bill: [getting to his feet] Stop! Sookie is mine!

Malcolm: [girlishly] You never called me back. Now, if I remembered what feelings were, mine might be hurt.
Diane: [circling Bill] Join our nest, Bill. Forget these blood sacks.
Liam: Yeah. Mainstreaming's for pussies.
Diane: Let's party like we use to, huh? We used to have so much fun.
Bill: [never taking his eyes of Sookie] All right. Let's go.
Sookie: What the hell are you doing?
Bill: I should be with my own.
Sookie: But you're not like them. You're better than they'll ever be.
Bill: I am not human, Sookie. I am vampire.
[leaves with Malcolm and his gang]

Malcolm: [letting Bill in] Well look. It's everyone's favorite buzz kill.
Diane: Hey baby.
Liam: Yo mister mainstream. Thirsty?
[offers him blood]
Bill: No.
Diane: Hungry for something else? I remember you having a very sizable... appetite.
Bill: The three of you will stay away from me and Sookie from now on.
Malcolm: I'm your elder. You have no authority here.
Bill: There are higher authorities.
Malcolm: I'm not afraid of Eric.
Bill: Higher than him.
Malcolm: When then she can speak to me.
Diane: She can suck on sunlight for all I care.
Bill: You know, you are doing nothing to help our cause.
Diane: Not everyone wants to dress up and play human, Bill.
Liam: Yeah, not everybody wants to live off that Japanese shit they call blood, either. As if we could.
Bill: We have to moderate our behavior now that we are out in the open.
Malcolm: Not everybody thinks it was such a great idea and not everybody intends to toe the party line.