The Best Finn Detrolio Quotes

Finn: It was the other way around. Vito was blowing the security guard.
Paulie: Son of a bitch!

Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: So, Finn, you got any plans for the summer? Going back to Mission Viejo to surf or whatever?
Finn: Actually, I'm hoping to stay here in the city
Meadow: [to AJ] How's summer school going?
A.J. Soprano: Sucks
Finn: I did summer school once: you can still have fun
Meadow: [to Finn] At casa de Carmela, his looking at a maximum security summer
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to Meadow, after Finn leaves for the restroom] Why don't you cut your mother a break? For the record, she's the one holding this family through this current situation and all
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to the waiter] Can we get the check, please?
Waiter: [referring to Finn] The young man took care of it
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to Finn when he returns] You paid the check?
Finn: I figured since your always so generous, I thought I'd reciprocate
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: You're lucky you don't get your head handed to you
Meadow: Dad...
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Let's get something straight: you eat, I pay
Finn: Mr. Soprano...
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: No, when you have your own family, you pay
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to AJ After putting money on the table] Let's go
Meadow: [to Finn] Just take the money

Carmela: So Finn, Meadow's telling me your going skiing?
Finn: For four days next week a whole bunch of us: a friend of my dad has a cabin near Montreal. You can ski right onto the trails
Meadow: I saw the pictures, there's this humongous stone fire place
Carmela: Just be careful with all the accidents you read about: Sonny Bono
Tony: How about you Alex? Do you ski?
Alessandra: I used to, my family had a retreat near the Pyrenees
Tony: Pyrenees?
Meadow: Aless is descended from Spanish royalty
Tony: Seriously?
Colin: She's our little princess
Alessandra: My great, great grandmother was a countess
Carmela: [to Meadow] you should've told me you were living with royalty
Tony: My daughter's an Italian princess, does that count? My wife too for that matter
Meadow: There's more chicken if anybody wants?
Tony: Yeah I'll take a little more
Finn: [Including him into the conversation] so AJ, your a junior?
A.J. Soprano: Next year
Finn: Are you looking at any schools yet?
A.J. Soprano: Not really, I'll go to Rutgers I guess
Meadow: Are you passing everything?
A.J. Soprano: I got a C on a paper I did on Billy Budd
Carmela: [Disappointed] A C?
Tony: [to Carmella] he usually gets D's and F's, what's with you today? You ok?
Carmela: You worked so hard on it, why only a C?
A.J. Soprano: I don't know
Finn: Did you like Billy Budd?
A.J. Soprano: It was ok. My teacher said it's a gay book
Carmela: Mr. Wegler? Oh that is ridiculous
Finn: [while Colin and Aless nod] I've heard that before
Carmela: That was written when? The nineteenth century?
A.J. Soprano: Yeah, I didn't even know they had fags back then
Meadow: [Chastising him for saying something offensive] AJ
Tony: [to Colin] no offense
Colin: Oh, I'm not gay
Tony: Your not?
Colin: No
Finn: [Jokingly] I read where they found gay cave drawings in Africa
Alessandra: Really?
Alessandra: [Realizes he was teasing her] shut up
Carmela: This stuff is pervading our educational system, not to mention movies, TV shows

Carlo: [Asking Finn what he saw Vito was doing with the security guard] "Catching" not "pitching"?
Finn: [Nods] He's not going to know I told you?
Paulie: You're going to have no problem from Vito, believe me.
Finn: [Nervously] What are you going to do?
Christopher: It'll be ok, we'll get him into therapy.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [Giving Finn money] Why don't you go out front, get yourself a sandwich and a soda? Any kind you like when we're done here, somebody will drive you back.
[Finn takes the money and leaves]
Christopher: [laughing] I want to kill the fat faggot myself. It'd be a fucking honor to cut off his pishadeel and feed it to him!
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to everybody] There's no mistake now.
Paulie: [Yelling] I can't believe I stuck up for him. I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart.
Bobby: We can't have him in our social club anymore, that much I do know.
Carlo: "Social club"? He's got to go.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: I want to think about it.
Bobby: I don't know...
Paulie: [Stands up yelling] *What the fuck is there to think about?*
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to paulie] Sit down.
Paulie: [Yelling] Fuck that! I'll say it again, what the fuck is there to think about?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [Yelling] Are you going to take care of his kids? When he's gone?
Christopher: That's true. They didn't do anything, poor little guys.
Paulie: [to tony] I'm sorry if I yelled. It's just... How much betrayal can I take?
Christopher: Vito a fag, big construction tycoon. When he was always talking about "greasing the union, who knew that's what he meant?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [to everybody] This stays in these four walls.

Meadow: [sitting at the kitchen counter next to Finn] There's these poor hard-working people
Carmela: Finn, you're not eating?
Finn: coffee's good
Meadow: I meant it, the government's completely fucking this family over
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [while walking into the kitchen] when did it start that she can use that kind of language in this house with immunity?
Meadow: I'm telling mom about these people who came into the office yesterday
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [jokingly] let me guess: was it a crack whore trying to get her kids back for the welfare money?
Meadow: actually, it was a family from Afghanistan who fled the Taliban and sweat it out in a refugee camp and hold down three jobs
Meadow: [to her father when he air plays a violin pretending to show sympathy, causing AJ to laugh] you think it's funny? The FBI snatched their son off the street like we're some third world dictatorship
Finn: It's pretty scary
Carmela: There must've been some reason Meadow
A.J. Soprano: Like he's a terrorist maybe?
Meadow: [irritated, adamantly] 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, Bush is using it as an excuse to erode our Constitution protections and you're falling for it
Carmela: I voted for him
Meadow: Right, you don't relate to black people clinging to locks
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [as Meadow walks away] you ought to chill out on some of this

Tony: [while entering their apartment, jokingly] flower delivery
Meadow: hi, come on in, I'll be right there
Finn: [introducing himself] Mr. Soprano, Finn Detrolio
Tony: Finn, the dentist, right?
Finn: someday, I'm still waiting to hear from dental school
Tony: [jokingly, points to his teeth] remind me to talk to you about this loose filing later
Meadow: [while taking the flowers from her father] hi, these are beautiful
Tony: so, what smells so good in there?
Meadow: mom's recipe for Chicken Cacciatore
Tony: [to Carmela] see? I should've known
Carmela: [to Meadow] you always leave your door open like that?
Meadow: I'm cooking, it's hot
Finn: [puts his arm around Meadow] I'll protect her, don't worry
Tony: [jokingly] you hear that? Anybody bothers her, he'll knock their teeth out, then he can put them back in too
Meadow: [introducing them to her father] these are my roommates: Colin and Alex
Tony: [to Colin] so, you're a roommate too?
Colin: [while shaking Tony's hand] Colin McDermott, I've heard so much about you
Tony: [referring to Colin, to Finn] so, he lives here and you don't?
Finn: I have a place on 118th St.

Vito: [to Finn after he exits the Porta Potty] hey, you sound like race horse pissing in there
Finn: Hey, how's it going?
Vito: You know I never asked what your last name is
Finn: it's DeTrolio
Vito: Finn DeTrolio: my arch nemeses, been enjoying yourself here?
Finn: It's alright
Vito: I keep telling you shouldn't work so hard, long hours, this fuckin heat, plus you came in so early today
Finn: I just do what the job is
Vito: That's good, your strong, that helps. You know you can call me Vito
Finn: I know
Vito: So say it let me hear you say "What's up Vito?"
Finn: What's up Vito?
Vito: Not much, except I got a little surprise for you: two tickets to see the Padres take a beating from the Yankees tonight, third base line plus its bat night
Finn: That's really nice Vito but I don't think I can...
Vito: [Interrupts him] don't give me that aw shucks with me, your fuckin going. See you under The Bat, seven sharp and I don't like to miss the National Anthem

Meadow: Eugene Pontecorvo? His so sweet
Finn: Sweet? He was like an animal
Meadow: Are you going to eat?
Finn: I'm not hungry, it's too hot anyway
Meadow: I told you I was making dinner tonight
Finn: [after eating a bite] It's really good Chili. You should've seen these guys. They were laughing, it was fuckin sick. I mean is this what you grew up with?
Meadow: What're you talking about?
Finn: These people. Your dad's friends
Meadow: I never saw one bit of violence growing up
Finn: What about your dad's road rage? And didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend shot to death or something?
Meadow: First of all, he was killed by drug dealers. African Americans if it makes you feel any better. You know, you talk about these guys like it's an anthropology class, the truth is they bring certain modes of conflict resolution all the way back from the old country

Finn: [Working at the EsplanadeI no-work job site] I should get back, Ramos'll be on my ass.
Vito: Would you forget about Ramos, for Christ's sakes? I talked to him. Have a seat. We got the good doughnuts today!

Tony: so, Finn, where are you from?
Finn: my dad was in the navy, I was born in Japan, I spent my first ten years on a base near the Azores
Tony: so, your dad was a sailor, huh?
Finn: surgeon, actually
Carmela: so, you've been all over the world?
Finn: yeah, pretty much
Colin: I gotta tell you Mrs. Soprano, your daughter absolutely keeps us alive with her cooking
Alessandra: [to Colin] didn't you make macaroni and cheese one night?
Colin: [jokingly] I didn't wanna brag