The Best House of Cards, Season 4, Episode 6 Quotes

Staffer: Let me remind you, ma'am, the president was unconscious when this investigation began.
Heather: It doesn't matter whether he was unconscious or not, whether he lives or dies. The president is the people who work for him.

- Yes, that you didn't meet with him.
- Are you suggesting that...
- It's the Attorney General's word against Heather's.
- As your lawyer,
- I can't be part of this conversation.
- We can still win this campaign.
- I'll be in the lobby.

- but we didn't wanna move fon/vard until we had congressional approval.
- Bob?
- We should discuss privately.
- You're going to brandenburg yourself?
- If his health continues to worsen...
- We'll assess as we get closer, but, no, I'll stay here if it looks dire.
- We should probably draft an appropriation in case we need to pay for a state funeral.

- Right over there, Ms. Dunbar.
- Will your attorneys be joining us?
- I've asked my attorneys not to attend.
- We have to advise you that it's in your best interest...
- I'm well aware, Mr. Morgan.
- It's not my first time at this table.

- I'm sure the president will be pleased.
- How's frank?
- He's hanging in there.
- I'm sure you wanna get back to the hospital.
- But thank you for making the personal visit.
- Thoughts and prayers, Claire.
- Thank you, Bob.
- I'll walk you out. Excuse me, leader.

- Her presence undermines my authority as secretary of state.
- Cathy, Petrov is incredibly stubborn.
- Trust me, I know.
- Why wouldn't you wanna have every asset available to you?
- Allow me to do this, Mr. President.
- Sir...
- If it increases our chances.
- It will, I promise.
- Then join us.
- We're going over the briefing now.

- You think you can do that, Mrs. Undennood?
- Your people are hurting.
- Six months at most, they're gonna be marching on red square.
- I'm done letting you have your dignity.
- The truth is you're a beggar on your knees, and you will take whatever we shove down your throat.

- This is under oath.
- Undennood's people are trying to smear us.
- The whole point of this campaign was to be the opposite of undennood.
- I thought you wanted this.
- Not if it means breaking the law.
- Do you think he'd even be having this conversation?
- You actually care about the law, Heather, which is why you need to be president.

- Vi ktor.
- Take the deal. Get your dignity back.

[last lines]
Francis: I said you were nothing, in the Oval, without me. It's the other way around.
Claire: It would have to be different.
Francis: I know. That's what I'm saying.
Claire: Come on. Let's see if you can make it to the end of the hall...

- We keep going.
- Honestly, Claire...
- Inform the captain to stay on course.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Connect me with Seth Grayson, please.
- He's already gone in.
- The first lady is currently en route to brandenburg and will not be in Washington for the surgery.

- They greeted each other. That's it.
- So we deny?
- The president hasn't approved the plan yet.
- We wanna focus on his recovery, not the...
- Yes?
- Secretary of health for you, sir.
- I'll find you in your office.

- What is this?
- The father you see there?
- That's who we bumped for the president.
- He died an hour ago.
- Father of two, loving husband.
- Delete it right now from your outbox.
- I already did, but I wanted you to see his face, the family he left behind.

- Rest your eyes.
- We have all the time in the world.
- Danny, what was that?
- Danny?
- Nothing, mom.
- Open the door.
- Open the door.

Meredith: This man, Anthony Moretti, he's just hours away from dying.
Doug: Then let him die.
Meredith: I'm not doing this. It's not just the law. It's the ethics...
Doug: Then change your ethics. Or you can resign, and your deputy can make this call. And if he won't, then he can resign, too. I will strip away this entire department until I find who I need. Now make the call.
[hands her the phone]

- the corporations will provide the bulk of the investment, the infrastructure to extract the oil and the technology.
- And then any of the profits will then be distributed commensurately among these corporations, as well, and including the land value invested by the Russian government.
- So at this time, I'd like to open the floor to any questions.

- Are you sure?
- Yes. It's good for the recovery.
- Doctor's orders.
- They want me on my feet at least once a day.
- Let's take a walk.
- Now, let me see if I can do it.

- Cathy, you don't have Francis right now.
- I'm the best thing you've got, so please work with me on this.
- Congress will never approve this.
- You're just wasting everybody's time.
- The Republicans will get in line.
- Not the Republicans, the democrats.
- I spoke to Jackie sharp.
- When she heard you developed this plan...
- She's a formidable woman, Claire, and very persuasive.

- to target his political opponent for his own personal gain.
- Let me remind you, ma'am, the president was unconscious when this investigation began...
- It doesn't matter whether he was unconscious or not, whether he lives or dies.
- The president is the people who work for him.

- That's a risk we'll have to take.
- The risk I won't take is being overseas if the president dies.
- We don't even know if congress will approve the appropriation for the bailout.
- They will approve it.
- I'll make sure they do.
- You shouldn't be worrying about this now, Claire.
- You should be focused on frank.

- "If there's an emergency,
- I'll return immediately..."
- But I have the utmost faith...
- "In the medical team at Jefferson memorial."
- I'm praying for a successful procedure, and I ask all of you to join me in praying for my husband, your president.

- I wanna get out of this place as soon as possible.
- I'll make sure of it, sir.
- Where's Claire?
- She's in Germany.
- Germany?
- A lot to catch you up on, Mr. President.

- We might not have much warning,
- Mr. President.
- When the liver is this close to failure, things can happen suddenly.
- You should be prepared.
- What's happening with his hands?
- It's called asterixis.
- It happens when the body can't clear ammonia.
- Thank you, Dr. Saxon.

- You are familiar with the individual zones?
- It's my plan.
- I know it backwards and fonnards.
- I see, so that's why it's so important to you.
- Because it's yours.
- Is it one of these?
- On the pacific coast?

- Well, it will probably take a few days, but I'm...
- My wife is up.
- Thank you, gentlemen.
- Mrs. Undennood.
- Mrs. Undennood.
- Claire.

- We need to put him on the ventilator to protect his ainnays.
- You should go, ma'am. Go get some rest.
- Pretty Polly would you take me unkind?
- Tell you my mind