The Best Jason Barone Quotes

Meadow: [reading to him from a book] "In Montana, the fossilized remains of a Tyrannosaurus Rex yielded soft tissue that indicated a definite link between dinosaurs and modern birds"
Paulie: [while entering the room with Jason] Look who I got here
Tony: [referring to Jason] Oh, the "sanitation prince"
Jason: [smiles] Hi, Tony, I'm sorry you're not feeling well
Tony: Thank you, sorry about your loss. Your father and I were very close
Tony: [gestures to her] Remember my daughter Meadow?
Tony: [introducing Meadow to him] Jason Barone
Meadow: Hi
Jason: Hey
Tony: Remember when you were a kid, at that field box at Shea, opening day? Me, you, your dad, Paulie here?
Jason: Oh, yeah, Kingman was just back from the Cubs
Paulie: Mookie Wilson hit that foul tip and beamed that guy in the lobe?
Meadow: [kisses Tony before leaving] I gotta get to the office: Finn's picking me up, I'll be back later
Tony: Sweetheart, thank you for everything
Meadow: [to Jason and Paulie, referring to Tony] Don't wear him out
Tony: [to Jason, referring to Meadow] She wants to be doctor
Paulie: Also considering law
Tony: [as Jason sits next his bed] So you living in... Deer Valley?
Jason: Yeah, ski instructor
Tony: So, Paulie tells me your thinking of selling your father's business to Chuckie Cinelli?
Jason: Yeah, I think it's the best thing for mom, and of course there'd be a severance package for you
Tony: [sighs] Frankly, I don't you should sell the business right now: there's a lot of "potential" buyers out there. When I get out of the hospital, I'll run the numbers and get you the "best price"
Meadow: Cinelli's offer seemed "fair"
Paulie: There's lots of things to take into account: you even know what your is EBITDA is?
Jason: [confused] My what?
Paulie: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It gives the picture of the company's profitability
Tony: [when Jason doesn't respond] Jason, you let me handle this, I don't wanna see you get hurt: the carting business is a different "corporate culture"
Paulie: Your tired T, we'll leave, come on