The Best Lost, Season 2, Episode 24 Quotes

Michael: Who are you people?
Henry: We're the good guys, Michael. That's all you need to know.

- Charlie!
- It's... it's hard to tell exactly,
- Bernard.
- My ears... you know?
- Where's Locke? Eko?
- They're not back yet? no.

- There's no way to see it down here.
- Was there anything else in that station? A computer?
- Yeah. so, what did it do?
- Nothing! It didn't do anything.
- It printed out numbers. Lots of numbers.
- Where is it? here.
- Reading material for the next
- 19 minutes. Knock yourself out.

Charlie: [Charlie is trying to wake up unconscious Eko] Hey! Can I get some help?
Desmond: [Desmond looks for something in the library and ignores him] I'm trying, brother!

- And I know the only person who can ever take it off is you.
- Please don't give up, des.
- Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us.
- And you have her.
- I will wait for you always.
- I love you, pen.

- Failure. System failure.
- System failure. System failure.

- You push the button. That's an order.
- John! Look, seriously, you're about to be detonated!
- Hey. What if John's right?
- Maybe it's just some colossal joke.
- You know, it's just some old computer connected to nothing.
- Maybe it's just a bunch of wires that...

- You've been shaving every day for the last three years.
- You need to live a little. Let go.
- I'm never gonna let go, brother.
- Oh, that's the spirit. Goodbye, des.
- Goodbye?
- Yeah. Goodbye.
- See you in a couple hours.

John: I was wrong.

- Oh, my god!
- Come on! Come with me!
- Charlie.
- No! Hang on! get out of here! Go!

- Hugo, you can go back to your camp.
- What?
- Go back.
- Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here.
- But what about my friends?
- Your friends are coming home with us.

- Is that a joke?
- I'll see myself out.

- Wait! Desmond?
- I'll see you in another life, brother.
- System failure. System failure.
- Eko! Eko! Wake up!
- Can you move? Hey, come on.
- You all right?

- It's fake.
- We know that your beard is fake. sorry, missy. I didn't get you.
- She says she knows your beard's fake, Tom.
- Well, thanks for pointing that out, Kate.
- I can't tell you how much this thing itches.
- And thanks for telling them my name, bea.

Penelope: All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you.

- Six. Five. Four.
- Three. Two. One.

- This was supposed to work!
- You weren't...
- I've done everything you wanted me to do, so why did you do this?
- Why?

Danny: Where's your beard?
Libby: [Holds up fake beard] I think they know.

- by the flaming fire ball or the flying fork?
- I want you to be serious.
- Nothing happened.
- Well, something happened.
- I mean, that noise, and the sky turned that weird Violet color.
- Did it?

- Bon voyage, Michael.
- Come here. Come here.
- You ok? yeah, I'm ok. I'm ok.
- Ok. I got you now.
- It's gonna be ok, now.
- We're going home, Walt.
- We are going home.

- "System failure." And that number there: 92204. September the 22nd, 2004.
- The day your plane crashed. It's real!
- It's all bloody real!
- Now push the damn button!
- I know what I saw!
- It's a lie! It's not real!
- None of it is real!
- You don't want to push the button?
- Then I will.

- beating my hand bloody against that... stupid door.
- Screaming to the heavens, asking what should I do.
- And then a light went on.
- I thought it was a sign.
- But it wasn't a sign.
- Probably just you going to the bathroom.

- Previously on lost: I'm going to win this race, pen.
- And in a year, I'll be back.

- You're crazy! You bastard! come on.
- You stole my life!
- What else did you lie to me about?
- What else? Tell me! easy.
- How could you do this to me?
- Get up.
- Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Charlie: I love you, Penny.

- You've killed us.
- You've killed us all.
- No. I just saved us all.

Desmond: [after looking at the printout Locke and Eko found] I think I crashed your plane.

Desmond: Three days before you came down here, before we met, I heard a banging on the hatch doors, shouting. But it was you John, wasn't it? You say there isn't any purpose, there's no such thing as fate. But you saved my life, brother, so that I could save yours.
John: No, no, no, no! None of this is real! Nothing is gonna happen, we're gonna be OK!
Desmond: I've gotta go. And you've gotta get as far away from here as possible.
John: Go where? Stop!
Desmond: I'm gonna blow the dam, John! I'm sorry for whatever happened that made you stop believing. But it's all real. And now I've gotta go and make it all go away.
John: Wait! Desmond!
Desmond: I'll see ya in another life, brother!

- Sawyer!
- Run! Go! Go!

- Hey! Eko! Wake up.
- Hey! Hey!
- Can I get some help? Can you help me?
- I'm trying, brother!

Kate: [muffled] It's fake. We know that your beard is fake.
Tom: Sorry, missy, I didn't get you.
Bea: She says she knows your beard's fake, Tom.
Tom: Well, thanks for pointing that out, Kate.
[Removes the beard]
Tom: I can't tell you how much this thing itches.
[to Ms. Klugh, angry]
Tom: And thanks for telling them my name, Bea.

- That's miles from here.
- Where were you taking us? what?
- Sayid said he'd light the signal so we'd meet him at the shore.
- Why aren't we going to the beach? we are.
- We're nowhere near the beach!
- I had to.
- What?

- Kelvin!
- Hey, Kelvin!

- Hello, again.
- Where's your beard?
- I think they know.
- All right.
- Let's take care of business.

- I was wrong.
- All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us.
- And you have her.
- I will wait for you always.
- I love you.
- I love you, penny.

- Hey.
- Hey, eko? Wait.
- Just wait a second.
- I don't...
- I don't think it's a good idea, eko.
- We're in a very confined area.
- Oh, bollocks.

- When did you come here? what?
- The island. When did you come here?
- How long ago?
- Sixty, 65 days. the date! What was the date?
- September 22nd.
- It was September 22nd.
- I think I crashed your plane.

- It's all gone!
- It's all...! It's all gone!
- It's all... it's all gone.
- All gone!

Desmond: [after Locke smashes the computer] You killed us. You killed us all.
John: No. I just saved us all.

Desmond: Yeah, right, Radzinsky. Radzinsky figured out how to fake a lockdown. Radzinsky created this great invisible map. More and more tales about your former partner. Yet for some reason, you never want to tell me what bloody well happened to him.
Kelvin: [Inman walks over to Desmond and points to a spot on the ceiling] See that brown stain, there? That's Radzinsky. He put a shotgun in his mouth when I was asleep. The bitch of it was, I only had a 108 minutes to bury the poor bastard.

- John, you should know eko is gonna blow open the blast door.
- Blow it open with what?
- With dynamite from the old ship in the jungle!
- It would take an atom bomb, brother.
- Tell him not to bother.
- You're sure it'll hold?
- Aye. I'm sure.