The Best Marty Van Ransohoff Quotes

Jed: Excuse me Mr. Ransohoff.
Marty: Marty, Marty.
Jed: Well come on Marty Marty. Once Granny pulls the bung on that cider, it evaporates awful fast.

Marty: Jane, this is marvelous, simply marvelous and what a surprise. Who'd think that a stuffy millionaire like Clampett would come up with a hillbilly party. The man is a genius and those accents. They must have been practicing for weeks.
Jane: Longer than that.

Marty: Is that fabulous! I tell you I've been to parties all over the world, but this is the cleverest, the most original, and what food! Imagine calling roast pheasant au jus, stuffed crow with gopher gravy. I noticed that you didn't eat much.
Jane: The excitement of the evening.