50 Best Person of Interest, Season 1, Episode 17 Quotes

- Leila's in the truck.
- I gotta take your car.
- What on earth happened?
- Elias happened.

John: Uh-oh. Amber alert. "Baby kidnapped from St. Raymond's clinic last night. Suspect is a short man with mousy hair and thick glasses". That's not very flattering, Finch, but better than the picture.
[There's a very bad picture of Finch]
Harold: It's no wonder they never catch anybody with these things.

Detective: You brought her with you? Every cop in that city is looking for that kid.
John: I'm teaching her to go undercover. She's a natural.

Harold: [after the baby was found playing with a grenade] I told you to move your arsenal!
John: I was going to...
Harold: When? After the whole place was blown up? You know how I feel about guns! This really isn't working... one of us always being here - minding the baby!
John: Well, you're the one who stole her...
Harold: Thanks for reminding me of that!

- Once I paid him, he said the number would be dead...
- And I couldn't contact him, not even to stop the job.
- And the job was to make Claudia's death look like an accident...
- And get rid of the baby.
- How could you do such a thing?
- Somebody had to clean up your mess.
- And there's nothing you can do.
- They're gone.

- Normally, she'd be given up for adoption by now...
- But she had medical issues, like her bronchitis.
- She'll find a home soon.
- Thank you, nurse.
- Hello, Leila.
- Now, who in the world would wanna hurt you?

Harold: [Leila has been taken] So no one knows where she is.
John: Not no one. There is someone who knows the underworld, the soldiers, the gangs, the syndicates.
Harold: Come on, you're not serious.
John: You still have that burner phone?
Harold: No, we can't use it.
John: Leila is in the hands of men who won't hesitate to kill her if things go bad.
Harold: It's still too risky.
John: I'm all out of moves, Finch. Risk is all I've got left.

- Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret.
- You will never find us.
- But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we I! Find you.
- Man 1 [over phone]: You hear?
- Moretti's getting out of the slammer.
- Man 2 [over phone]: Moretti? You think Elias knows?
- Man 1: I think Elias arranged it.
- Wants him out in the open.

Detective: Don't tell me you're here for Moretti. How did you know he was being released?
[John gives her a look]
Detective: Should have guessed. Whenever you show up, trouble's just around the corner.
John: What's your plan, Carter?
Detective: I got authority to offer Moretti protection. In exchange, he tells us how to get New York's public enemy number one. His own son: Elias.

- It's still too risky.
- I'm all out of moves, Finch.
- Risk is all I've got left.
- I have to make the call.
- Why would he even agree to meet with you?
- Because he'll be curious.

Harold: [Changing the baby] This flap here, that flap there, see? Neat and simple.
John: I see your time at MIT wasn't wasted.

John: Hey, Finch. Got eyes on the Petrosians, getting ears. These guys have serious money, Finch. You probably go to the same country club.

- Her pregnancy would have started to show.
- Get me an address.
- I'll go and talk to her.
- No, you won't. She's dead.
- Name showed up on a crime scene report.
- Died in her apartment from a fire four days ago.
- Me ruled it as an accident.

- Detective szymanski.
- Another cop.
- Do I have to stay here?
- You're a free man, Gianni.
- You can walk out of here and into a bullet any time.
- Or you can stay and help us get Elias before he gets you.

- I want the man that owns this.
- He has kidnapped a child. A baby.
- I wanna know where he is.
- Really?

- Looks like she and a couple of cowboys...
- Have got some kind of rinky-dink off-book operation.
- They've hidden moretti.
- We wanna find out where.
- Hr can't find out? Thought you guys had your fingers in all the pies.
- You are one of the pies, fusco.
- Find out where she's got moretti stashed.

Detective: You hacked into his company?
Harold: Hacked is such an ugly word...

- Carter.
- Detective.
- John recovered the baby, but then I lost him.
- Lost him? And the baby?
- Last known location: 1637 Camden, in Brooklyn.
- Anything you can do, detective. Please.
- Okay.
- Sorry, Lionel. Something's come up.
- Nicola petrosian. She's all yours.

Detective: Where's the baby now?
Harold: John has her.
Detective: John? John? You trust him with a baby?

- She, um...
- She had a pizza.
- She's got a thing for pepperoni.
- And I got a dead body with your name on it.
- Don't think I won't use it.
- Find out where she's got moretti.

- Can you not spread it around, please?
- I'll try not to.
- Why don't you go ahead,
- I'll run this down to the lab, all right?
- Thanks, Lionel.
- I owe you.
- I'll check if it's clear.

- Fourteen sixty-five Jefferson.
- Queens.
- Thank you, John.
- You're right,
- I would never harm a child.
- But then, I knew you wouldn't either.
- Goodbye, John.
- Elias! Elias!

Novak: Stop, I have the baby! I said stop!
John: Put the bag down.
Novak: No, you'll just shoot me.
John: You're right.
[shoots him]

Carl: John, it's good to see you again. So tell me, did you fall out with your boss? Are you looking for a job?
John: I'm looking for help.
Carl: From me? Why would I help you?
John: I saved your life.
Carl: You did, didn't you? But you also broke up a little family reunion that I had planned. That was you, wasn't it?
[John is silent]
Carl: Honest to a fault. What's this about?
John: Someone kidnapped a child, murdered her mother. Just like Moretti murdered your mother, stole your childhood.
Carl: I survived.
John: This child won't. She's six months old, a baby. I know you're aiming to take over this city, but to control it, you need rules. When people start targeting children, there are no rules... no winners!

Nurse: Leila's a safe-haven baby. Dr. Adalian himself found her outside the clinic.
Harold: So who applied for her social security number?
Nurse: That was me. I wanted to be sure the state knew who Leila was, even if her own parents didn't care. Normally she'd be given up for adoption by now, but she had medical issues like her bronchitis. She'll find a home soon.
Harold: Thank you, nurse.
[Nurse leaves. Harold looks at the baby, the most recent number]
Harold: Hello, Leila. Now who in the world would want to hurt you?

- Reese: Come here. Come on, baby.
- Come on. Come on, baby. Come on.

Gianni: Do I have to stay here?
Detective: You're a free man, Gianni. You can walk out of here and into a bullet anytime - or you can stay and help us get Elias before he gets you!

Harold: Oh, excellent. The accountants at the clinic have coughed up the tax ID numbers of their donor. Nothing like a fear of the IRS to produce results. Tax ID belongs to Petrosian Construction. Company owned by Adnan Petrosian. And if we dive into that swamp of indiscretion known as social media, we will learn that Adnan Petrosian has been married to Nicola for more than 20 years. They have one son Bradley, who's taking a master's in finance at NYU.
John: [Holds up Leila to a picture of Adnan and Bradley] Dadda? Or dadda?
Harold: Be serious, Mr. Reese.

- Their remit doesn't extend south of Jersey.
- They'll hand it off to the Mexicans.
- They're the people smugglers.
- A hand-off like that...
- You can find out where it's happening...
- And you can get me there.

- You know Elias is looking for you.
- I don't see him.
- Not yet, but I can put you somewhere safe...
- Try to keep you alive.
- I remember you now.
- You're the one Elias wanted to kill.
- The cop who's on her own.
- Looks like nothing's changed.

John: Bradley Petrosian has been a good student. Hasn't phoned anyone, hasn't spoken to any suspicious characters.
Harold: So are we barking up the wrong tree?
John: Maybe. Hang on. He's meeting someone.
[Watches Bradley greet a man - with a kiss]
John: Finch You were right about the wrong tree.
Harold: What?
John: I don't think Bradley Petrosian was sleeping with Claudia Cruz. His tastes run in the other direction.

- Come on, baby. Come on.
- Come on, baby.
- Cry, cry.

John: ...hope you gave her something to eat - and not just your hand-me-downs.
Harold: Chicken and prunes... they're her favourites.
John: Sounds... disgusting.

- Hand over's at 1637 Camden.
- You might get there in time.
- I would have just shot you...
- But the boss has got a soft spot for you.

Detective: You know Elias is looking for you.
Gianni: I don't see him.
Detective: Not yet. But I could put you somewhere safe, try to keep you alive.
Gianni: Now I remember you now. You're the one Elias wanted to kill. The cop who's on her own. Looks like nothing's changed.

- What about moretti?
- Elias had a "getting out of jail" party planned.
- What happened with the other number, Finch?
- Cat got your tongue?
- I'm afraid I may have done something rather rash.
- What do you mean by rash?

- We will learn that adnan petrosian has been married to Nicola...
- For more than 20 years.
- They have one son, Bradley, who's taking a master's in finance at nyu.
- Reese: Dada or dada?
- Be serious, Mr. Reese.
- I need you to get close to this family.

Scarface: [as he tosses Reese's gun back to him] I'd have just shot you, but the Boss has got a soft spot for you.

John: How could you let her go?
Harold: I didn't... she knocked down the books and walked off...
John: She can't walk, Finch!

Officer: Anything on Carter yet?
Lionel: I followed her. Learned something.
Officer: What? What'd you learn?
Lionel: [Seems conflicted] She... she had a pizza. She got a thing for pepperoni.
Officer: And I got a dead body with your name on it. Don't think I won't use it.

Detective: Who you buying that stuff for?
Harold: That's why I wanted to talk to you. A baby went missing from a clinic in Washington Heights last night.
Detective: Missing? It was stolen! By some weird-looki...
[Looks at Finch]
Detective: No. You didn't.
Harold: She was in imminent danger of kidnap.
Detective: So *you* kidnapped her?

John: Be nice to have a child. Children. Think that'll ever happen?
Harold: Probably not. Our line of work. The trouble with children, you never know how they're gonna turn out.

- Finch. I've got Leila.
- I'm bringing her back.
- She's okay.
- Won't be long.
- Okay.
- Sorry.
- Boss had a change of heart.
- John?

- Be nice to have a child.
- Children.
- Think that'll ever happen?
- Probably not.
- Our line of work...
- Trouble with children, you never know how they're gonna turn out.

- How does he know?
- I'm on my way. Just get over there.
- Szymanski. Carter. We've been blown.
- Get moretti out of there. Now.
- Gianni. It's szymanski.
- Gianni.
- You're just in time for a drink.
- Afraid not.
- Carter says we gotta move.
- Quick, get your stuff.

Officer: Did you hear Gianni Moretti got out of prison yesterday then vanished? All state police found was five dead goombas.
Lionel: Mobsters killing each other - how tragic.
Officer: Except it wasn't just mobsters. Your partner was there too.
Lionel: Carter?
Officer: Looks like she and a couple of cowboys got some kind of rinky-dink off-book operation. They've hidden Moretti. We want to find out where.
Lionel: HR can't find out? Thought you guys had your fingers in all the pies.
Officer: You are one of the pies, Fusco.

- But there was, John.
- It's called the police.
- It's what we do.
- I can't do this anymore.
- I can't. You and your friend.
- I'm sorry.
- Go on. This place will be swarming.

- Looks like an accident.
- Go around them.
- Please! Can you help us?
- Keep going.
- Get out!
- Police! Drop your weapon!

- Last chance.
- Put your weapons down and walk away.
- Okay, all right.
- Whatever you say, man.
- Stop. I have the baby. I said stop.
- Put the bag down.
- No.
- You'll just shoot me.
- You're right.

John: All right. You win.
Carl: We both win, John. Where's Moretti?
John: What guarantee do I have?
Carl: You don't.
John: 1465 Jefferson... Queens.
Carl: Thank you, John. You were right. I would never harm a child. But then, I knew you wouldn't either.