Top 50 Quotes From Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 8

Detective: Nice badge. You wanna give me a warning next time you do something like that?
John: But that would ruin the surprise.

Detective: I heard what happened to Laskey. How you holding up? It's never an easy thing, losing a partner. Kinda makes you wonder what really went down between those two that night.
Joss: Not sure I wanna know.
Detective: You know what I think? I think someone else was there. I think someone shot them both and staged the scene. The only question is, who?
Joss: I don't know, Fusco. But whatever happened, I don't want any part of it.
Detective: Terney was the one who told you HR had your boyfriend killed. Now he's dead along with your rookie partner? I mean, don't you wanna know why?
Joss: Something I realized It's not always worth the risk to know why.

- Sir, this is judge Andrew monahan.
- I'm sorry to bother you at home.
- I just received a call you might want to be aware of.
- Do you know a police officer by the name of joss Carter?
- You were right to contact me.
- Tell me everything she told you.

- So yogorov blames hr for his missing shipment.
- Decides to sever ties.
- And targets 38 members of hr's rank.
- This situation is a powder keg, Mr. Reese.
- It's about to explode.
- So who lit the fuse?

- Thanks, Alonzo.
- Anytime. [Cell phone pairing]
- I've got a big briefing with the mayor.
- I'll take care of this.
- I'll see you soon.
- I look forward to it.

Joss: Tell me you didn't use the front door.
John: I never do.

- Hr already rounded up all your boys.
- You're the last little Indian.
- And right now, they're on their way here to kill you.
- So if you wanna live, you're coming with me.
- Last time I went with you, you arrested me.
- Guess old habits die hard.

Harold: While I haven't decoded all the numbers, there does appear to be a common thread.
John: They're all cops.
Harold: Four of them are known members of HR, leaving a high probability that the rest may be as well.
John: 3 dozen members of HR, all about to commit a violent crime?
Harold: Or they've been targeted, and HR is under siege. Things are about to get chaotic, Mr. Reese. I've already contacted Ms. Shaw to enlist her assistance.
John: I'll see if Fusco's heard any rumblings around the Eighth of an HR conflict.
Harold: If we could locate the source of the threat, perhaps we could defuse the situation before it escalates.
John: Perhaps. Meantime, you might want to get Bear here fitted for a vest.
Harold: Vest?
John: Not like yours, Finch. Canine ballistic. For when things get chaotic.

Joss: There are about half a dozen corrupt cops awaiting trial on the same cell block as your brother right now. You sign this statement I could get Laszlo moved to safer facilities within the next few hours. So what's it gonna be?
Peter: Just show me the damn statement.
[Begrudgingly signs]
Peter: Now what?
Joss: I get an arrest warrant for Quinn.
Peter: You sure you got a judge you can trust with that? Quinn liked to spread that money around. We made him a lot of it.
Joss: Spent the last few days vetting judges. Narrowed it down to a couple.
Peter: My statement, the evidence you got, and this whole thing comes down to blind luck. Do me a favor, Officer. Choose wisely. Because if you don't, then you, me, and my brother are all dead.

- Take it from me.
- Revenge isn't the answer.
- Tell me where you are.
- Please just let me help you.
- You once asked me to trust you to do what needed to be done.
- Now I'm asking the same of you.

- You don't pay, we don't provide safe passage for the drugs.
- Anything happens, it's on you.
- I'll take my chances.
- What do you wanna do?
- Let me worry about that.
- I need you on a new assignment.

- Anyone can listen in on your phone.
- Even when it's turned off.
- My mistake was not having you killed along with Cal.
- Then neither of you would have had to die alone.
- Now, Mr. Reese.
- Everybody, down!

Harold: While you were looking for Detective Carter, I received more numbers. It appears that HR has responded to the Russian threat in kind.
John: Guess it was only a matter of time until this escalated into an all-out war.
Harold: If you'll forgive my gallows humor, I'll put my money on HR.
John: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they have something on their side that the Russians don't, Mr. Reese. The law.

- Tell me why I should listen to you.
- Enemy of my enemy.
- I just can't pass up a chance to watch hr suffer.
- What's this?
- A gift.
- Let that simmer for 15 minutes, then stir with vinegar.

- I guess not.
- It'll be all right, fusco.
- Just lay low for a while.
- Yeah.
- Hey, listen, I gotta get back.
- Don't stay a stranger, all right?

John: [thanks to Shaw, realizes an important detail in the video about a mysterious attacker] Wait, is that my grenade launcher?

- We came to bust it up.
- Carter.
- You know, we got a tip as well.
- Bunch of corrupt cops were gonna kill some Russians over a pile of missing drugs.
- Mind if we look in your trunk?

- She ditched you.
- She's going alone on this one.
- She doesn't want any help.
- They'll kill her if they figure out what she's up to, John.
- We'd better find her then.
- Let's split up. Spread out in case
- Finch comes up with her location.

- Oh, you might want to get your vest.
- Let me grab it.
- You know what?
- Grab your 12-Gauge too.
- All right.
- Sorry, fusco.
- But I gotta do this one alone.

Sameen: One question. Once we save the bad Russians from the bad cops, what exactly are we gonna do with them?

- Frankly, I don't care who stole yogorov's cargo.
- If he's considering an end to our alliance, he's a major liability.
- He's threatening our people.
- I'd say the alliance is finished.
- Peter yogorov doesn't have the stones to come after us.

- on the same cell block as your brother right now.
- You sign this statement,
- I could get laszlo moved to safer facilities within the next few hours.
- So what's it gonna be?
- Just show me the damn statement.

John: You two get eyes on every one of those Numbers.
Sameen: And how exactly can we be 40 places at once?
John: I don't care. If they find out Carter's behind this, only one number's coming up - hers.

- I told you,
- I'm not gonna do that.
- That's right, because you run from your problems.
- I'm not running!
- You gonna shoot me now, joss?
- Get out of my house.
- Joss.

- I appreciate you not telling the guys about this.
- Boys can't have all the toys.
- You're fixing to have quite a party with all this stuff.
- You sure you don't need an assist?
- The 37 mil can be tricky.
- Thanks.
- But I can take it from here.

- she's forgotten about collateral damage.
- You ready, Shaw?
- One question.
- Once we save the bad Russians from the bad cops, what exactly are we gonna do with them?
- Let's finish this.

John: HR won't go down without a fight. If you get in over your head, give me a call.
Joss: With the way you guys keep tabs on me, how much trouble can I get in?

Officer: [On the phone] No one knows who hit the Russian truck. Video footage from the RTCC is conveniently missing. This has "Man In The Suit" written all over it.
Alonzo: Frankly, I don't care who stole Yogorov's cargo. If he's considering an end to our alliance, he's a major liability.
Officer: He's threatening our people. I'd say the alliance is finished.
Alonzo: Peter Yogorov doesn't have the stones to come after us.
[Suddenly, Quinn's office erupts with gunfire]
Officer: Boss, what the hell just happened?
Alonzo: Someone just took a shot at me in my office! Yogorov. He wants to bite the hand that feeds, he can starve! Round up his top ranks and take them on out to Red Hook. Kill 'em and bury 'em. But bring Yogorov to me. I'll deal with that son of a bitch myself.

Harold: A woman sets a car on fire and attacks a drug shipment wearing a gas mask? Who does that remind you of Mr. Reese?
Sameen: [Enters, Reese and Finch stare at her] What are you guys looking at? All right, you're being weird.
John: This your handiwork?
[Gestures to the video]
Sameen: I guess she does know her way around a 37 mil.
Harold: Ms. Shaw, you know something about this?
Sameen: I know someone needed firepower. Reese had plenty, so I made a donation on his behalf.
John: [Looks at the video again] Wait. That's my grenade launcher?
Harold: Oh, my God, that's Detective Carter, isn't it?
[Shaw looks at him]
Harold: Your social circle isn't terribly wide.

- No blood on the streets.
- Hands where I can see them.
- Get out of the car.
- We're not doing anything.
- You sure about that?
- Yogorov: Nikolai, where the hell are you?
- Watch your back.
- Hr's moving against us.

[Joss Carter goes to Judge Andrew Monahan's house to have him issue an arrest warrant for Alonzo Quinn, only to find Quinn, Officer Simmons, and several HR cops are waiting for her, guns drawn]
Joss: [to Judge Monahan, as she surrenders her weapon] I'll spare you the Shakespeare quote.
Alonzo: You know, I think that's your problem. You see yourself as a protagonist in some great tragedy. Determined to face the world alone. Even if it gets you killed.
Officer: "To be or not to be," bitch.

Carl: Yogorov got the package. Whether he received the message is another story.
Joss: He'll understand soon enough.
Carl: Save everyone a lot of trouble if you'd let me kill him.
Joss: That won't be necessary. In fact, you might want to keep a low profile for the next couple days.
Carl: Already planning on it. And whatever you're up to, Officer, I wish you the best of luck. I have a feeling you're gonna need it.

- Guess it was only a matter of time until this escalated into an all-out war.
- If you'll forgive my gallows humor,
- I'll put my money on hr.
- Why do you say that?
- Because they have something on their side that the Russians don't.
- The law.

- Will he get better?
- I don't know, baby.
- But hey, as long as we got each other, you and I are gonna be fine.
- Okay?
- Come here.

Carl: You know what crime you're most guilty of, Peter? Letting this man cook for you
Scarface: [Takes the guns off Yogorov and his men] Those look heavy.
Carl: Relax. If I wanted you dead, I'd be a little more creative than this.
Peter: I'm surprised you're still in town. Figured you be on a beach somewhere, sipping mai tais and licking your wounds.
Carl: I just can't leave yet. Not with front-row seats to this little drama playing out between you and HR.
Peter: I don't know what you're talking about.
Carl: The wheels of history are turning again, Peter. Take my word for it. If the cops can't control you, they'll betray you. Just like they did me. But unlike me, you still have a chance to do something about this.

- Thanks for hearing me out, joss.
- All right.

- Pitting them against the Russians?
- You two get eyes on every one of those numbers.
- And how exactly can we be
- 40 places at once?
- I don't care.
- If they find out
- Carter's behind this, only one number's coming up, hers.

- and this whole thing comes down to blind luck.
- Do me a favor, officer.
- Choose wisely.
- Because if you don't, then you, me, and my brother...
- Are all dead.

- I see that now.
- But they keep telling me
- I have to find a way forward, a purpose.
- That's what I'm working on now.
- I just wanted you to know that.
- If there's ever anything
- I can do for Taylor, for both of you, here's my number.

John: Where's Taylor?
Joss: Somewhere safe.
John: Any reason he wouldn't be safe here? Like your off-the-books pursuit of HR?
Joss: Everyone needs a hobby.
John: Most hobbies don't involve dirty cops staked outside your apartment. If you want, I can take care of him for you.
Joss: I'd appreciate it if you left him alone. Respectfully, I'd appreciate it if you left me alone for a while too.
John: Now's not the time to fly solo, Carter.
Joss: Don't get me wrong, John. I appreciate everything you've done for me and the city. But in the eyes of the law, you're still a criminal. And HR already knows we work together. And if they could prove it... No, I'm sorry. I gotta finish this alone.

- Quinn: I'm going to pretend you're having a momentary lapse in judgment.
- You got robbed, and now you're not thinking straight.
- Well, then let me be extra clear right now.
- I'm looking at names and pictures of top-level hr members.
- Return my drugs, or your men don't make it home for dinner.

- 'cause we didn't cut off the head.
- If we had,
- Cal might still be alive.
- I'm playing by different rules now, until I can bring down the boss.
- Who do you and Simmons report to?
- Who calls the shots?

Peter: [Pointing a shotgun at his door] First five guys through that door get early retirement!
Joss: That come with a pension?
Peter: [Opens the door] I remember you.
Joss: Good, we can skip the introduction. HR already rounded up all your boys. You're the last little Indian. And right now, they're on their way here to kill you. So if you wanna live, you're coming with me.
Peter: Last time I went with you, you arrested me.
Joss: [Pulls out her handcuffs] Guess old habits die hard.

John: Joss? Where are you?
Joss: I can't tell you that. But I know exactly where you are. Thought you promised to keep your distance.
John: That was before I knew you were starting a war. We know about Quinn and what he did to Cal.
Joss: Then you know why he can't get away with it.
John: Take it from me. Revenge isn't the answer. Tell me where you are. Please just let me help you.
Joss: You once asked me to trust you to do what needed to be done. Now I'm asking the same of you.

- You're right.
- It won't.
- Because if you don't get help, you'll never have a relationship with your son.
- And until then,
- I think it's best you stay away from both of us.

- At least have the balls to pull the trigger yourself.
- Don't outsource me like you did your own godson.
- I don't relish what happened to him, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary for the greater good.
- My mistake was not having you killed along with Cal.
- Then neither of you would have had to die alone.

- in a major crime and corruption ring.
- Have you spoken to the da about this?
- I will, first thing in the morning.
- But right now,
- I need the warrant.
- I understand.
- Get here as soon as you can.

John: Finch, you doing a little spring cleaning?
Harold: I wish I was. I received numbers this morning. 38 of them, to be precise.
John: Maybe the Machine blew a belt or something.
Harold: It's not a lawnmower, Mr. Reese.

- I need you to hold on to that.
- No.
- "No" what?
- No way you're gonna come here with this
- "if anything happens to me" crap.
- Lionel, you're the only person in the world I trust with this.
- Plus you're the best partner ieverhad.

- Do what you need to do.
- But hr won't go down without a fight.
- If you get in over your head, give me a call.
- With the way you guys keep tabs on me, how much trouble can I get in?
- Watch your back, joss.