The Best The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Season 1, Episode 3 Quotes

- "When the stars threw down their Spears and water'd heaven with their tears..."

- "In what distant deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes?"
- "On what wings dare he aspire?"
- "What the hand, dare seize the fire?"

- for this alliance science exchange thing...
- You know, with the civic republic?
- I don't know where he is or when he'll be back.
- My sister's mad at him for going.
- I just miss him.
- Every family's got something, right?

- I don't know if I believe that. But I want you to...
- The wig is probably heavier than the...
- All the council first will be...
- It's not the plan right now.
- Sit down, Barca.
- I'll get you some soup.

- So tell me.
- Say it.
- We neutralized a threat.
- That's right.
- Ma'am, with respect, I, uh...
- They didn't seem like a threat.

- We... we can still get out of this. It's not over.
- And then what?
- I know how it's gonna go now, how it always goes.
- [Muffled industrial-rock music plays} shh. Let's go.

- and I have no idea what it is.
- I don't feel strong.
- I just want her to be okay.
- I don't care about her mistakes or yours.
- You should.
- Silas, what are you so afraid of?

- We were just kids.
- And the goddamn sky was falling.
- We weren't ready for it.
- None of us were but...
- Iris, I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.

- You take the lead,
- I'll cover your six?
- Yeah.
- Silas.
- I-I don't think I can.
- Well, I do.
- You can.

- Oh, we're not going back through that.
- And the other options on foot aren't much better, so we cut up to Omaha, resupply.
- The next transfer to the university is in about two weeks.
- That's how we get back, avoid the Blaze.

- Answer it.
- Go on.

- Get them out! I got it!
- Come on!
- Aah!
- Aah!
- Oh, wait! I need my bag! Elton!

- Okay. It's okay.
- I know you are.
- We're gonna get through this.
- We kind of have to.
- Come on.

- Monument high's a great, great way to meet people your age.
- Well, he... he appreciates the opportunity.
- We both do.
- He's a good kid.
- No matter what anyone says, he's a good kid.

- Uh, I'll carry all your bags so you can kill...
- So you both can.
- I mean, I'm strong.
- It's the best I can do right now, and we'll go faster this way.
- Let's go.

- Why?
- So you could try and stop me?
- Isn't that what you wanted?
- Think about what you want.
- Your sister, your friends, they're all counting on you.

- his understanding is unsearchable.
- I think that means that even with, well, the hardest people, the people with problems, god loves them.
- He does not give up on them.
- Hey.

- Uh, no.
- But I think she's done something she feels bad about.
Huck: Why is that?
- Is that what you're doing out here, trying to get away from the things you done?
- Hey, huck.

- Grandmother: We love you, Silas.
- We're so lucky to be your grandparents.
- Life isn't easy, kiddo, but it's good.
- We make it good.

- Grin, girl.
- I love you.
[Sniffles] I'm grinning.
- No, you're flipping me off through the talkie.
- I'm grinning.
- Good.

- Monument high is a great, great way to meet people your age.
- This is your new home now.
- You get a fresh start.
Iris: Ha ha! Yeah!
- "Did he who made the lab make thee?"

Elton: I can see the office.
- It's a straight shot, just like she said.
- Most of the empties are being attracted by the fires on either side, but we might still bump into a few.
- We should go now.

- This, it should be me.
- It has to be.
- Oh, shit. I-I got to go.
[Radio crackling] Hope.
- Are you there? Hope?
- Hope. Hope!

- In what furnace was thy brain?
- What the anvil?
- What dread grasp, dare its deadly terrors clasp!"
[Walkers growling] Aah!
- Aah! Aah!
- Aah!

- Just got turned around.
- That's all.
- Till we hear from hope, we should check this place out, see if there's anything we can use...
- Weapons, food, anything.
- Roger that.

- I lefties handin' pamphlets, workers comin' in I
- I lefties handin'... I
- I on the pavement... I
- Young man: Still can't believe they let him in here. Young woman: Right?
- Reason we got walls is to keep the monsters out.
[Echoing] Monsters out.

- What's up?
- My mom used to buy me these.
- I used to ask her to back in Omaha...
- You know, b-before.
- You miss her?

- "Tyger tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night; what immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry?"

- That makes one of us.
- And I'm sorry for stealing yourjacket... and will's...
- I mean...
- Even though they look really good on us.
- Nah, they totally look ber on me and will.
- Yeah, no.

- You're off base.
- It's late.
- I'm due back.
- I've been walking the city and...
- I found myself here.
- Come in.

- So, what was that out there?
- It's okay if you're scared.
- I'm not.
- Not of... them.
- Hey, Silas, can you give me a hand over here?
- Seems this door's stuck.

- Alright.
- Let's see if it's working.
- Son of a mother...

- Silas!
- Let's go.

Iris: "Tyger tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night; what immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

- Do you think about how many died?
- We are the light of the world.
- That's a lie.
- It's a goddamn lie.
- You know what we did!
- No, it's a goddamn ii...