The Best Wild Card Quotes

Nick: If they kill me?
Holly: I'll be miserable for days.

Nick: I know now what I really need.
Cyrus: What's that?
Nick: 'Fuck you' money!

Baby: It seems that somebody broke into room 3506 last night, beat up on three guys, and took $50,000.
Nick: And that was before I had my Wheaties.
Baby: [laughs heartily] If only that were funny.

Cyrus: Being smart is the only defense I've ever had, but it's not enough anymore.

Nick: [Offering his hand to Cyrus to shake] You're a good friend.
Cyrus: [Taking Nick's hand, surprised] Friends?
Cyrus: [while shaking hands] Don't ruin it.

Nick: Dyin' ain't so bad. And at least I'll be out of Las Vegas.

Cyrus: Safety means much to me. I checked under every synonym for safety, but there was no Nick Wild.
Nick: Well, you should have tried between "chapels" and "charm schools."

Cyrus: Guess you haven't liked Vegas much, huh?
Nick: You're not supposed to like Vegas. It's just this creeping virus that people catch sometimes.

Nick: I've been knocked down, blown up, lied to, shit on, and shot at. So nothing surprises me much anymore, except the things that people do to each other. I'm a licensed pilot, took karate in Tokyo. I lectured on economics at Yale. I can memorize the front pages of The New York Times in five minutes, and repeat it back to you in five weeks. I was National Golden Gloves champion three years in a row. I'm fluent in four languages, and can wrestle with a menu in five more.
Cyrus: Jesus!
Nick: Don't interrupt me. There's more.
Cyrus: More?
Nick: Yeah. I lie a lot.