The Best Andromeda, Season 1, Episode 10 Quotes

Tyr: For a man determined to cook history's greatest omelette, you're awfully squeamish about cracking your eggs.

Colonel: Assassinating Sebastian Lee doesn't make sense. So what if the Nietzschean chose an eccentric way... to shoot the president. Assassins have been known to be eccentric.
Seamus: Not Tyr. Uh, overbearing, self-righteous, vain, vicious, brutal, *way* too serious, and a little big, yeah. But eccentric? No.

Captain: Well, that was, uh, inflammatory.
Colonel: There are 20 billion very angry people in the Castalian Republic. If Chandos hadn't assured them of his firm intentions, they'd come up here and tear your ship apart with their bare hands.
Captain: [sarcastically] Something else to look forward to.

[last lines]
Rev: Are you familiar with Aeschylus?
Captain: Ancient Earth, right? Greek tragedy?
Rev: Very good. I was thinking specifically of the Orestean Trilogy. The house of Atreus was cursed by the gods, condemned to murder one another throughout history.
Captain: Orestes' mother killed his father. He was forced to kill her in revenge.
Rev: Forced to kill, much as Andromeda was forced to kill. Do you remember how the curse was finally ended?
Captain: Apollo invented the jury trial. The jury found Orestes innocent.
Rev: Indeed. The cycle was broken when public justice replaced private vengeance, just as you are trying to do. Hmm?
Captain: There's only one problem with your analogy, Rev. Apollo was a god. I'm just a man.
Rev: Mmm...

Beka: [at a formal dinner; whispering to Harper] Somebody shoot me.

Tyr: So, be just a bit more careful who you're shaking hands with, Captain Hunt. Your fingers might come away bloody.

Tyr: That's your reconstruction of the crime?
Captain: As of now.
Tyr: I think that's the most pathetic and ill-planned excuse for an assassination I've ever seen. And I speak as one who has had some... slight experience in these matters.

Seamus: Uh, Dylan, you're not gonna believe this!
Beka: Oh, no. You're not gonna confess again, are you?
Seamus: I'll resent that tomorrow, but for now, excuse me. Check this out.

[first lines]
Seamus: I'll say this for the old Commonwealth. When it comes to, uh, formal dinnerware, you guys rule.

Captain: Think more than a few moves ahead, Tyr, and remember the long game. Re-establish the Commonwealth, and we re-establish open inquiry, accountability, and justice.
Tyr: Justice. For Nietzscheans?
Captain: For everyone. Or there's no point.

Rommie: Beka, it's a state dinner. That means formal. Pick something.
Beka: What if they start shooting? How am I supposed to run in a dress?
Rommie: Good heavens, what kind of dinner parties have you been to?

Seamus: That's their Hail To The Chief? It's sounds more like a tuna with a toothache.
Rommie: It works better underwater. Protocol. Remember, the Castalian dignitaries have musical cues for everything. Music for entering a room, for leaving a room, for proposing a toast. And while they're on this ship, we have to respect their traditions. The Castalian Republic is progressive, peaceful, and stable. If they sign the Commonwealth Charter, they provide us with instant credibility.
Beka: And we provide them with the services of the toughest warship in the known universe.
Rommie: Flatter me all you want. You still have to wear the dress.

Chancellor: Fine, then we can broadcast as soon as you have checked our records and the apology is made.
Captain: Apology?
President: I need a formal apology from Tyr Anasazi. Protocol, you know. So tiresome.