The Best Debbie Pelt Quotes

Debbie: They killed my Cooter!
Russell: Oh, he died a hero.
Debbie: He weren't no hero. He just wanted to do some V and have a little fun.

Sookie: Take another step and I will shoot.
Debbie: Why don't you just pull the trigger now? What do you care?
Sookie: There's people that still love you for reasons I ain't even gonna try to make sense of.

Debbie: [to Sookie with Bill wrapped in the tarp] You shouldn't have. Vampire burrito for me?

Debbie: He killed my Cooter!

Debbie: Let me go after them. I'll rip their fucking heads off!
Russell: I like your energy. What do you think, Northman?
Eric: Well, I enjoy a good head-ripping as much as the next vampire. But in this case, it might be wise to consider the value of the heads in question.
Russell: You mean the Stackhouse girl? Yeah, she's something special, isn't she?
Debbie: She fucked my ex-boyfriend and made him shoot my fiance. She's a cunt.
Russell: But she's a special cunt.

Debbie: You thought this knight-on-a-white-horse shit would work? With me?
Alcide: What have you done to yourself?
Debbie: I finally got free of you. And I never been happier in my life.
Alcide: I still care about you. You go through with this, the pack will never let you back in.
Debbie: I don't need your pussy pack. And I was fucking Coot when I was still with you.
Alcide: This isn't about us.
Debbie: Like hell. You came here and brought this skank just to make me jealous.
Sookie: Skank? Well, coming from you, that's just funny.