The Best Good Witch, Season 3, Episode 1 Quotes

Dr. Sam Radford: I decided to cut back my hours at the hospital, so I can get back to seeing my patients here in town again - and maybe... get to know that kid that lives across the hall from me.
Nick: Yeah, well, I really think you're gonna like him.

Cassie: Hey Sam.
Dr. Sam Radford: Morning.
Cassie: Hi.
Dr. Sam Radford: Got a house call.
Cassie: Oh. I was hoping maybe you had a minute.
Dr. Sam Radford: Well, I think the house can wait a minute.
Cassie: Great. I was thinking about, um, what you said last night.
Dr. Sam Radford: Yeah, I... I just think there're a lot of things going on.
Cassie: I know, and it couldn't have been easy hearing what I said at the hospital, knowing, uh, how often I wake up thinkin' about what I wake up thinkin' about.
Dr. Sam Radford: Yeah, it wasn't, but this is not about me.
Cassie: Except, it is, because, Sam, whe... when I woke up this morning, I was thinkin' about you.

Abigail: Ah, isn't he fantastic? It's like he Purple-Rose-of-Cairo'd right off the screen and into my life. That's one of the many movies I've seen by the way.

Courtney: You know, I think I once owned a blouse just like that.
Nick: [chuckles] It really brings out my eyes.
Courtney: It does.

Jessica: I can't believe the right thing for me was here all along.
Cassie: Just waiting for you to find it.

Nick: Have fun reading Tarynsburg to the kids.
Grace: It's Tarynsville.
Nick: I know. I just wanted to see how long it'd take you to correct me.

Dr. Sam Radford: Okay, I will, uh, figure out a time to get back here as soon as I can.
Eve: I'll keep the orthoscopic light burning.

Martha: Cassie, I don't understand why you're still decorating your shop as though nothing's going wrong. Jessica and Sean are threatening to go back to New York if we don't find the perfect place for the reading, so the whole event might not happen after all.
Cassie: I think everything will work out... somehow.
Martha: Ah! That's if I solve everybody's problems. Thank goodness I have years of experience doing just that.

Brian: Dennis is your date?
Carl: I thought I was your date.
Brian: Except that she's dating me.
Carl: What?
Abigail: Okay, let me explain...
Carl: You've been dating all three of us at the same time.
Brian: And not telling any of us you were doing it.
Dennis: And we would never have found out if we all hadn't been right here, right now?
Abigail: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Carl: Sooo... I guess... it's been fun... hanging out with you?
Brian: Yeah, but... I'm done with that.
Carl: Yep.
Dennis: You know, I thought... YOU were going to be the one that was gonna break up with ME.
Abigail: So, wait. NONE of you guys are gonna fight for me?
Carl: Why bother?

Martha: Oh, if only we had an actual enchantress living amongst us. Imagine what we could accomplish in Middleton then.

[Grace considers giving rock climbing a try]
Dr. Sam Radford: I've never understood the appeal of hanging on the side of a rock. We have stairs, we have ladders - lots of superior means of vertical perambulation.

Martha: Meredith? Meredith Mitchell?
Meredith: Martha Endicott.
Martha: Oh, well, it's Martha Tinsdale now.
Meredith: Oh, yes, that's right. Somebody said you got married. I just thought they were making it up.
[they laugh together]

Jessica: I'd ask why Sean is acting so strange, but if I asked that every time, I'd always be asking.

Nick: [caught dressed up for the festival] I'm only doing this for the money.
Dr. Sam Radford: Words that make any father proud.

Stephanie: I don't think they really go together.
Jessica: Unless... maybe they do?

Jessica: Oh! You got frosting on my nose.
Sean: I'm sorry. You got your nose in my frosting.

Dr. Sam Radford: So, how was the first night back in your own bed?
Grace: I think I slept really well, but I can't say for sure because, well, I was asleep.