The Best House of Cards, Season 1, Episode 4 Quotes

- Ah, David.
- How are you, Joe?
- I'm behind you. Let's do this.
- Do what?
- Keep your cards close.
- I like that.

- Get out!
- So should I press send?
- I think I should.
- Call me whatever you want, but you should remember, these days, when you're talking to one person, you're talking to 1,000.

- Look at the bigger picture here.
- I'm asking.
- No. You're not.
- Claire.
- I'll tell you what I told him.
- Which was? I'll think about it.

- It's whatever you want it to be.
- You sound tipsy.
- I am.
- I just spent the last two hours drinking long island iced teas.
- What's your address?

- Shit. Okay. Hold on.
- Hello.
- Doorman: Good evening,
- Mr. Russo.
- There's a Mr. Underwood here to see you.
- Uh...
- Okay. Send him up.

Bob: [to Frank while peeing in urinal] The President can go fuck himself.

- I'd like to go over the specifics first.
- I have the budget right here.
- Let me just grab my messages, and then I'll come in to you.
- Okay. I'll be in my office.
- Any calls while I was out?
- They're on the desk, and this came by messenger.

- No heads-up, no warning.
- The kids?
- They get out of school at 2:30.
- I can do the shipbuilder's meeting.
- You sure? Yeah, it's just their public affairs team.
- Iilbnefyou, and then you can call them tomorrow.
- Go get your kids. Mmm.

- You just want the headline when you keep 3,000 jobs in your district.
- 12 votes? 12 votes.
- I can get you 10, probably 11.
- It's so refreshing to work with someone who will throw a saddle on a gift horse rather than look it in the mouth.

- for a little Brandy and some cigars?
- Cubans?
- You don't think I smoke anything legal, do you?
- Dessert for you? No. No, thanks.
- But I will take a refill of this chardonnay, though.
- Of course. This is almost out. I'll grab another.

- from the list of closures?
- Aye. Aye.
- So noted and removed.
- Okay, we'll next consider the
- Philadelphia naval shipyard.
- Would the congressman from
- Pennsylvania's first district like to offer testimony?

- Thank you.
- Sit down. You're making me nervous.
- You still smoke?
- From time to time, yes.
- I quit. These are an illusion.
- You want?
- Sure.

- Christina, what the fuck are you doing here?
- Shh! They're sleeping.
- Peter.

Francis: It's so refreshing to work with someone who'll throw a saddle on a gift horse rather than look it in the mouth.

Francis: [ending a bathroom squabble] I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Bob, it's impressive. But as big as it is, Linda can still shut the door on it.

- It was...
- People in this town don't go out of their way to be nice to each other.
- Fourteen years Charles and I have been here, and...
- Anyway, um...
- I'm grateful to have a friend.
- How much do you need?

- We can't start this again.
- When I end something, I end it.
- So why'd you have me come all the way down from New York?
- It was a mistake.
- I'm sorry, Adam. I should've kept it business.
- Side of you ihketheleast

- Then the dccc will pour everything it's got into your primary opponent's campaign next cycle.
- We'll cleave you from the herd and watch you die in the wilderness.
Bob: Tell us now, David.
- If you think it's best, Robert.
- And just think, he could have been a wolf.

- Well, I mean, it's not official yet.
- I could... oh, look, I've got to go, but call me, you know, if you find yourself available again.
- You see, Freddy believes that if a fridge falls off a minivan, you better swerve out of its way.
- I believe it's the fridge's job to swerve out of mine.

Francis: You see, Freddy believes that if a fridge falls off a minivan, you better swerve out of its way. I believe it's the fridge's job to swerve out of mine.

- I sympathize that this is gonna be difficult for you.
- And I don't know how yet, but I will make it up to you, Peter.
- I'm a powerful friend to have right now, perhaps your only friend, so don't defy me.

Margaret: Two freshmen girls are moving into their dorm room together. One of them is from Georgia, one of them is from Connecticut. Girl from Connecticut is helping her mother put up curtains. Girl from Georgia turns to the girl from Connecticut and says, "Hi! Where y'all from?" Girl from Connecticut says "We're from a place where we know not to end a sentence with a preposition. Girl from Georgia says, "Oh, beg my pardon. Where ya'll from, cunt."

- What time is your train?
- I don't book round-trip tickets.
- It's going to be a while before icanleave.
- What time will you be done?
- Probably around 8:00.
- I'll pick a place, let you know.

- I was hoping we could go see Tom together.
- I want him to know that we both...
- Get the fuck out of my face.
- I'm asking. For real.
- I don't want the job.
- Then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought you were.
- Go. Before I get violent.