The Best House of Cards, Season 2, Episode 4 Quotes

- They want their hands held, not someone in their face.
- I know how to whip votes.
Remy: Best caviar in DC, ladies and gentlemen.
- We can't let you pay for that.
Remy: Then don't eat it.
- But if you do,
- I won't tell anyone.
- You were saying about the education bill?

- And as always, we invite you to give us your thoughts and your comments on Facebook and on Twitter.
- But for now, thanks for watching, and good night.
- Director: And we're out.
- This is going to make waves like you never imagined.
- Thank you.

Francis: If we never did anything we shouldn't do, we'd never feel good about doing the things we should.

- Turn it off.
- I don't know that man.
- Marjory...
- Officer: She wentinto the other room, sir.
- Okay. Thank you.
- If you could stay with her, please.
- Officer: Yes, sir.

- I started to cry, and my daddy picked me up.
- And he wrapped his arms around me, and he said,
- "don't be sad, sweetheart.
- "He made the world a better place,
- "but sometimes that comes at a price."
- I guess that was the most vivid memory.

- Jacquehne, may I use your office, for old times' sake?
- I serve at the pleasure of the vice president.
- Two hours and 17 minutes.
- Normally, all I need to sway
- Donald blythe is Patience and time, neither of which
- I have right now.
[Tapping on table] Tick tock.

- Then what about your friends in decsec?
- I'm not giving you my friends.
- Then you can keep doing this.
- You're a productive asset, Gavin, but the moment you stop being productive, no lawyer can help you.

- It's that simple?
- Yeah. Well, your part, not mine.
- The code's extremely complex.
- How do I do it without them noticing?
- How you get good at anything?
- Practice makes perfect.

- We're all in this together through the midterms.
- But if you stick with me, we can show both the Republicans and the American people that we're capable of more than stagnation.
- And that's worth something, even it if hurts.
- Who can I count on?

- Always prepared.
- Francis.

- They're too loyal to him.
- Okay. Go. I'll figure it out.
- I can stay if you need me.
- No, get to your wife.
- I know where to find you.
- Nancy, I need every ream of paper you have.
- And get me dollies.