The Best House of Cards, Season 4, Episode 5 Quotes

- I promised myself I wasn't going back.
- You don't even know what we have in mind.
- It doesn't matter. I'm not going.
- I'd like you to leave.
- Here's your briefing materials.
- You're not hearing me.
- You should really take a look.

- You still have your notes?
- No notes without a warrant.
- The press. Calling non-stop.
- We suggest you don't speak to anyone while we're...
- Don't worry. I don't have any interest in getting dragged into this.
- Let me go dig up those notes.

- How's it looking?
- Major play on the dunbar story.
- It was a good idea to have the first lady talk.
- You want a soda?
- A glass of water or anything?
- Water's fine.

- Sir, we didn't want that to get out to the press yet.
- The American people deserve to know anyway.
- Sir, the Russians don't respond well to weakness.
- Now that they know that the president...
- You heard him say he's open to negotiation.
- I'd say that's progress.

- This can't go public.
- We haven't told the press anything.
- But this is evidence.
- Once the report comes out...

- Wait, hold on.
- No. Marjory wouldn't approve.
- We got sidetracked.
- Yes.
- China.
- I have an idea, if you can trust me to handle it.
- I'd trust you with my goddamn life, Claire.
- You don't want to know.

- You don't interrupt a meeting with the secretary of state.
- I can end dunbar's campaign.
- We can end it today.
- How?
- If I deliver, will you keep me on?
- You tell me how first.
- Have a seat, Martha.

Remy: [sighs] Sorry about Frank,
Claire: Oh, please, don't bother. I've had enough people say they're sorry, and I know you don't mean it.

- Feels like we're being shut out.
- This isn'tjust the bureau.
- They have to coordinate with homeland and make sure nothing sensitive...
- That's bullshit. There's something about goodwin that you don't want us to know.
- Wrong.
- I wanna know why he did this just as much as you do, but we've gotta let the FBI do its job.

Claire: When my father died, it destroyed me, but when I think about Mother, I feel nothing.
Donald: You two aren't close?
Claire: No. And I feel the same about Francis. Nothing.

- The line's open?
- Moscow is ready when you are, sir.
- You can set it up here.
- My cliff notes.
- I'm ready.

- If he's seeing anything, it's probably severe hallucinations.
- How long until he has a liver?
- Could be hours. Could be days.
- He's number three on the list.
- Number three?
- It's prioritized in terms of need and who was listed first as a status 1.
- He's the president of the United States.
- It's the law.

- Email this to me.
- Mrs. Underwood?
- It's 2:00 in the morning.
- Would you like to go home?
- Yes, I'll be out in a moment.
- Yes, ma'am.

- He never saw the two of you together.
- What about others?
- None that he knows of.
- But it's not like we can ask around.
- In November of 2013,
- Ms. Barnes was struck by a d. C. Metrorail train.
- D. C. Police classified it as an accident.
- Some have speculated that...

- FBI investigators searched his witness protection residence in Dayton, Ohio...
- Why was he even out of jail?
- He helped the DOJ with an ongoing investigation.
- How did you not know that?
- Only need-to-know for security reasons.
- We found this today at his house.
- A suicide note, I guess.

- Wind, snow, machines drilling through the ice, long pipelines stretching to the horizon.
- Do you see?
- If you want to talk about Siberia,
- I'm more than happy to...
- No, no, no.
- You're not visualizing, Mr. Vice president.
- Close your eyes.

- My concern is him railroading me on the call.
- Would you like me to be on it?
- An extra set of ears.
- I don't know how Cathy would feel about that.
- Well, she doesn't need to know.
- I could just listen from up here.
- And maybe I could type a note if you get into trouble.

- You seem nervous.
- It's been a while.
- Going down.
- What should I do, boss?

- I got nervous.
- Things weren't looking good and...
- Yeah, I wanted an out, in case I needed one.
- I mean, it was a mistake. I wish I hadn't.
- You corrected your mistakes.
- That's all that matters. You want ice?
- Sure.

- When I first woke up, I couldn't speak.
- I had to blink my eyes if I wanted to respond. Do you understand?
- If I can't get your loyalty,
- I will have your obedience.
- Blink.
- Blink!
- Fuck!

- Fucking...
- Here.
- You're fucked up, man.

- I'm sorry about frank.
- Thank you.
- Of course, he'd have a conniption fit if he knew I were in the oval office.
- Well, he is a pragmatist, Raymond.
- Whatever works.
- Shall we continue?
- Remy.
- So, the plan is to propose a partnership between American and Chinese energy companies.

- No, sir, but thank you for your cooperation.
- Your paper, too. It was on the step.
- You have a good day, Mr. Hammerschmidt.
- You, too.
- Don't tell me you're hungry already.
- I just fed you. Good god.
- I'm coming. I'm coming.

- We can't keep battling each other, not with him like this.
- We need a new path forward, and I would like your help with that.
- I promise I won't keep you in the dark.
- I'll meet you at the white house whenever you're ready.
- I'm staying here.
- I think this is more important.
- Okay.

- The secret service still won't let me.
- I'd like Mr. Stamper to have access to my husband, please.
- We have strict orders, ma'am.
- Only you and...
- Would you like me to call the vice president myself?
- Douglas, this young man will escort you to his room.
- Thank you.

- Bullshit!
- Hey...
- Can I siphon a couple of gallons from you?
- Fifty bucks. I'm running on fumes.
- I gotta get my kids to school, and my husband to work.
- Eighty bucks, two gallons.
- Sorry, I can't help you. Sorry.

- Maybe somebody hacked my account or...
- Are you really gonna keep lying to me?
- I could have you arrested.
- But I'd rather you go quietly.
- I know things, Doug.
- Nothing you can prove.
- Now, threaten me again.