Top 30 Quotes From Maximum Overdrive

Deke: [hears order board and walks up to it slowly, raising the machine gun and sliding the bolt] This is for my dad, you loudmouth son of a bitch.
Deke: [after shooting the board, unstraps the gun and hands it to Brett] I don't want this anymore.

Camp: [flips off the Zeke's trash truck] you scum ball you wanna rock & roll with me puss bag!

Bill: Mother's helper?
Brett: A girl hitching her way down to Florida needs some protection.
Bill: Yeah? That's what you're doing?
Brett: Yeah. That I was doing before every machine went into maximum overdrive.

[watching the trucks circle the truck stop]
Hendershot: Mosta them god damn things got no right t'be runnin'! They s'posed to be depoted!

Hendershot: The implications are pretty clear; fill up them trucks as fast as you can, then get right down to business, bubba.

Brett: I'm scared.

Deke: Bill, where's my dad?
Hendershot: [casual tone] Oh, your dad got scrubbed by one of 'em big boys out there earlier today. Tough break, kid.
Brett: You unbelievable shithead!
Hendershot: [oblivious] What? What'd I do?

Camp: so how far u going up the road there sugarr pie?

Camp: [chasing after semi that crashed into his car] I'm gonna tear 'em off, boy!

Camp: I'll kill ye!

Brad: Holy shit!
Hendershot: Stay down, bubba.
[looks at the destruction of the Dixie-Boy]
Hendershot: Holy shit!
Frank: Oh lordi!

Camp: Don't you walk q t demo you you come back here. Now sometimes I think this world has fine and forgotten what good manners is I go and gibe you a ride in my nice new car and just listen to the garbage that is coming out of your mouth.

Bill: Adios, motherfucker!

Hendershot: Hey! Guess I've underestimated you, college-boy!
[Hendershot tosses an unlit cigar to Bill, who catches it]
Bill: Thank you, Mister Hendershot!
Hendershot: [half smiles] No, Billy. Thank 'you'.

[seeing the trucks circling around the truck stop]
Connie: Oh my God. "When we get to that truck stop, everything will be alright." Oh, yes...
[laughs softly, mockingly]
Connie: [Curtis shifts the car geer into drive]
Connie: What are you doin'?
Curtis: You see that gap? The next time it comes around, I'm gonna shoot right through it.
Connie: No you don't! They'll gang up on us and squash us!
Curtis: I can do it!
Connie: All so we can be inside where they are?
Curtis: What do you think's gonna happen to us if we stay out here?
Connie: [pauses, then softly] I'm scared.
Curtis: Me too.

[seeing Hendershot's weapons stash]
Brett: Holy shit! You think he stole all this?
Bill: No, I think he bought it. That's what a guy like him does.
Brett: Buys things...?
Bill: Buy cheap and sell dear. It's the American way.

Brett: Maybe tomorrow it will be our world again.
Bill: I don't know. Was it ever?

Connie: I Don't like being on this boat you know i get seasick. I'm going to toss my cookies.

Joe: What do you think happened here?
Hendershot: Fucked if I know, Bubba. Fucked if I know.

Bill: You really going after Deke, man?
Duncan: Yeah.
Bill: Look here, how many fingers you see, huh? Eight? Twelve?
Duncan: Okay, so I got a little double vision, but it's clearin' up Bill. I gotta find my boy! I gotta! Anything could be goin' on out there! Chrissakes!
Hendershot: You leave here without punching out... and you ain't never gonna have to punch out again, Bubba.
Duncan: Good! You leave me alone you fat fuck!
Hendershot: [grabs him] Why you...
Bill: Don't! Leave him alone.
Hendershot: Or what?
Bill: Or I'll knock your teeth in... Bubba!

Coach: Sodas, I'm buyin'!

Connie: Curtis? Are you dead?

Bill: It isn't the comet. It's a broom. Imagine you're a race of aliens, right? And, you're looking for a new place to live. Say you're looking for a planet like you and I looking for a new place to live. A new house. So here's Earth. Only it's like this big old house. And, it's kind of polluted, dirty, and smoky. Grease on the walls, soot in the chimney. So, they send in their interstellar housecleaners. Send in their broom. Sweep us all up. That's what this it is, it's a broom. Using our own machines to sweep us right off.

Connie: Don't make a widow on my wedding day curtis.

Camp: [upon seeing a semi crash into his new car] Cocksucker!

Hendershot: [rocket launcher inhand] Drop boys'n girls! Bubba's here!
[Hendershot triggers the rocket launcher and the vehicle blows up]

Brett: If you don't get your hand off my leg, you're going to be wiping your ass with a hook next time you take a dump!
Camp: I never heard no talk like that when I was a boy.

Hendershot: Fuckin' truck's supposed to be depoted! That was depot du jour!

Wanda: You can't! WE MADE YOU!

Bill: Jesus is coming and he is pissed!