Top 50 Quotes From Peaky Blinders, Season 4, Episode 2

Aunt: I see things in the air around people. It's not just the tablets, it's real.

- Tommy: Is it him?
Arthur: Yeah.
- On his own doorstep.
- His own fucking doorstep.
- Right, get out. And you, out.
[Screaming] What the fuck?

- You have three daughters I hear, and Esmeralda is the oldest and also the prettiest, so I'll have her.
- So make her part of the deal and spin against the yard.
- Tommy, for fuck's sake.
- Here, you toss the coin, mr gold.

Thomas: I've sent a message to Aberama Gold.
Johnny: No! No, Tom. I'll get you fifty Lee boys. Good men, Tom.
Thomas: I don't need good men for this Johnny, I need bad men.
Johnny: Tommy, these people are fucking savages! You know, heathens, Tom.

Thomas: Four for peace, two for truce, one abstention, let's get on with the war.

- even they won't dare to come.
Ada: You mean back home?
Michael: This is the New York mafia we 're talking about!
- Joh n: And we 're the peaky blinders!
Michael: We 're not the peaky blinders unless we 're together.
- What's the purpose of your visit?
- Pleasure.

Thomas: That's the language of vendetta. They took one of ours, we take two of theirs.

Arthur: The bullet's been written. It says Luca.

Arthur: Oh, my!
- Now say it.
- Say it, brother.
- In the bleak midwinter.
Esme: You're cursed and I curse you again!
- Come here, come here.

- I like your yard, mr strong.
- How much would you take for it?
- It's not for sale.
- Not for sale?
- Okay.

- The witch?
- Yeah.
- So when will my first real fight be do you think, mr Shelby?
- Soon as we can find anyone stupid enough to get in the ring with you.
- God help him.
- There you go, Bonnie.
- You're a peaky blinder now, son.

- all knockouts, five with gloves in pastures, all knockouts.
- Against romany fighters?
- That's why they won't let us in the fairs no more, he keeps winning.
- I could fight a fucking tree and knock it out, mr Shelby.
[Laughs] I like him. I like it.
- -Mrs Eden is waiting upstairs
- -I'll be there in a minute. Arthur?

- What the fuck are you talking about?
- I'll get the potatoes meself.
- Never thought my high fucking heels from Paris would be stepping through the horse shit of small Heath ever again.
- Temporary, Polly.
Lizzie: Yeah, until hell freezes over.

- ♪ just doin ' my time
- ♪ searchin ' through the dust
- ♪ lookin ' for a sign
- It's like with grace, Arthur...
- They're just gone, just fucking gone.

Aunt: You used your own brother's funeral. When did we vote on this, Tommy?

- Doctor: He's in good hands.
- Tommy: Polly? Poll? Poll?
- Fuck those bastards responsible!
- All right, let them do their job, all right?
- Let them do their job,
- I'll get soldiers.
- I'll be back. I'll be back.

Arthur: Right, you lot, come here.
- Let's make it interesting.
- Come place a wager with me.
- I'll give you good odds.
- I'll give you good odds on the boy, even better on the big lad.
- There you go, what you want?
- Bonnie, come here, son.

Thomas: Toss the coin, Mr Gold.
Aberama: Tommy Shelby OBE, no wager today. But with this penny I will buy a flower to put on your grave.

- Tommy's back.
- We're all back. Garrison, watery Lane, Charlie's...
- I need a cigarette.
- No.
- I made a decision.
- Give me a cigarette, mum.
- It's not allowed.
- It's not allowed?

Thomas: Nothing you see here is for sale, Mr. Gold.
Aberama: Oh! Everything is for sale. Everything.

- The only way any of you shelbys will leave this place is on a cloud of smoke likejohn.
- Well, you're a Shelby now too, Linda.
- Five hundred each.
- A thousand for the brace.
- Where do you want them?
- Charlie, take him to the yard.

Aunt: I never thought my high fucking heels from Paris would be stepping through the whole shit of Small Heath ever again.
Ada: Temporary, Polly.
Lizzie: Yeah, until hell freezes over.

Niall: And by the way, the revolution is scheduled to begin at noon.

- Man: Tools down, we've had a clearing!
- Right, come on you lot, put your tools down!
- Man: Everyone out!
- I said, everyone out.
- Stop working immediately.

- during this period of turmoil for my family, then yes, that would indeed have its benefits for reasons you could not understand.
- I've heard rumours.
- Sport between men.
- Just blow your fucking whistle, eh?

- unless you know their families.
- And your new friend, mr aberama gold...
- He wants something other than just money.
- I see things in the air around people, but it's not just the tablets.
- It's real.
- Ask him what he really wants.

- The Americans?
- Yeah, they call them the mafia.
- Dear god.
- Yeah, there's 15 of them.
- Yeah, they want to kill us all, but we got guns and grenades and, and Polly's back, so it's gonna be okay, yeah.
- I'll get the horse.

- You're a sporting man.
- Yes, I am.
- And a gambling man.
- Bonnie, take off your shirt.
- What I want from you, mr Shelby, is for you to take a gamble on him.
- I want you to help my son achieve his ambition.
- What ambition might that be?

- anyone who wants no more part of this.
- 'Cause this is how it's gonna be.
- Polly?
- I'm not staying for this, Arthur, I'm going home.
- Oh, yeah? Home's 57, watery Lane.
- You go there, lock the doors, you wait for me.

Aunt: [to Tommy] I'm just like you now, you and Arthur. I was dead in that noose, and then I was saved. So everything from now on is extra. What I didn't understand until today is when you're dead already, you're free.

- that is what will hurt you the most.
- You people have traditions of honour, as do we.
- Instead of sending you a black hand,
- I could've had you killed in the night.
- I don't know why...
- But I want you to know why and I wanna suggest to you that we fight this vendetta with honour.

- Whoa. Curly, how are ya?
- Here, catch.
- Right, come on then, boys, unload, unload.

- But you need to get better fast.
- Without you he falls apart and without him...
- Without him, they'll take us all.
- You've got to get us through this.
- And I promise...
- I'll board that train with you and we'll go to Australia.

- Our stuff will stay with me.
- Taking the children on the road...
- To live with decent people.
- They'll never know the curse side of this family.
- We're done with them, John.

- Tommy: Not too far and not too deep, curly,
- I need the message to get through.
- Okay, Tommy.
- Finn, you go with him.
- Go on. Go with him.
- Oh, Tom, uh, telljanet to save me some goose, please.

- We're like sitting ducks here if the wops come.
- Yeah, well, Tommy said we should do it in the open.

Thomas: Other than money and a scrap yard that's clearly not for sale, what is it that you want from me, Mr Gold?
Aberama: How do you know that I want anything from you?
Thomas: Well, there's my company treasurer, who is a certified accountant and also apparently a witch...

- My son's not here to speak...
- So I'll speak on behalf of us both.
- Truce.
- Five for peace.
- Two for truce, one abstension.
- Let's get on with the war.

- Who's next?
- Um, he's a, a delegate from the European council for trade.
- He's here to talk about the import of car parts to France.
- Right.
- He's come all the way from Paris, but given the circumstances
- I could send him away?
- Given what circumstances? Send him in.

- At ease! At ease.
- Do not return fire.
- I repeat, do not return fire.
- Stand down.
- The men doing the firing are on our side.

- And we all agreed...
- That everything after that was extra.
- And when our time came...
- We'd all remember.
Polly: You remember that god spared you.
- But what did you do with that extra time that he gave you, eh, Thomas?

Luca: I have a tailor in New York City. Look... Fenacci. Italian. He's my uncle. He makes suits in a basement in Mott Street. He is my uncle, so every stitch is stitched with blood... I heard you dress well, Mr. Shelby. But now I see, not so well as me.
Thomas: You know, I have uncles as well; but they're not the sort of men who would work in a basement with a needle and thread, Mr. Changretta.

Thomas: I'm gonna spin a coin for your yard, Charlie.
Charlie: You goin' to what?
Thomas: If it's heads, Abe here takes all of this... With my blessing.
Charlie: Tommy!
Thomas: And if it's tails... I'll fuck your daughter, Mr Gold.

Michael: I'm gonna get better slowly. But you need to get better fast. Without you, he falls apart; and without him they'll take us all. You've got to get us through this.

- Leave me with him.
- You've spoken to him, now it's my turn.
- Arthur?
- No peace for either of you, ever.

Aunt: You remember that God spared you. But what did you do with the extra time he gave you, eh Thomas?

Aunt: So this is the plan, Thomas? This is the plan! A bullet with a name on it! Help from a bunch of savages!

Thomas: Men from New York and Sicily here in Birmingham. These men will not leave this city until the whole family is dead. That's how it works. An eye for an eye. It's called vendetta.

- Fair enough.
- Charue?
- What is it, curly?
- We've run out of bullets Charlie.
- We need more ammunition.
- More ammunition.
- Johnny, more ammo.

- Sacred.
- You toss that coin, you take a bet before witnesses, and if I win...
- Then we'll insist that the terms of this agreement...
- Wager are fulfilled.
- Toss the coin, mr gold.