Top 100 Quotes From The Polar Express

The: Are you saying that this is all just a... dream?
Hobo: You said it, kid! Not me.

- photo with a department-store
- Santa this year, no letter to Santa.
- And you made your sister put out the milk and cookies.
- Sounds to me like this is your crucial year.
- If I were you, I would think about climbing onboard.
- Come on, come on.
- I've got a schedule to keep.
- Suit yourself.

[Before re-boarding the train back home, Know-It-All gets his ticket back from the Conductor. It reads "Lean", but Know-It-All has his hand covering up a part of the ticket]
Know: "Lean"? Whatever that means.
The: "Lean" is spelled with four letters. I believe I punched five.
Know: Hey, are you saying I don't know how to...?
[Know-It-All looks again and sees the ticket does indeed have five letters - now reading "Learn"]
Know: [more polite] I'm sorry. It says "learn. " My mistake.
[He boards the train]
The: Lesson learned.

[repeated line]
The: That's more like it.

- Now...
- ...what would you like for Christmas?
- Me.
- You.

- What are you doing here?
- Same as you.
- Checking my presents. Making sure
- I'm getting everything on my list.
- L found one present.
- All it had was stupid underwear.
- Look.
- You may start your descent any time now.
- At your convenience, of course.

- L see you've made some new friends.
- Yes, sir. I sure have.
- That's a lucky lad.
- There's no greater gift than friendship.
- And speaking of gifts...
- ...let's have this young fellow right here.

Hobo: That skirt you're chasing must've moved on ahead. We got to high tail it to the hog, pronto!
Hero: The hog?
Hobo: The engine. The engine, you tenderfoot. We've got to make it before we hit Flat-Top Tunnel.
Hero: Why?
Hobo: [sighs] So many questions. There's but one inch of clearance between the roof of this rattler and the top of Flat-Top Tunnel. Savvy?

- Beautiful form. Beautiful.
- Nice to see you again.
- Cutting it kind of close, aren't we?
- I'll take care of this.
- It's in good hands.
- Trust me.

- Yes. Indeed.
- Yes, indeed.
- The first gift of Christmas!

- Doubter. Doubter.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- L believe.
- L believe.

The: [singing] Here we only got one rule / Never, ever let it cool / Keep it cooking in the pot / Soon we got hot chocolate!

- Hey, look.
- A present.
- It's going to my town.
- To someone named Billy.
- My name is Billy.
- It's going to 11344 Edbrooke Avenue.
- That's my address.
- Come on.

- Thank you, sir.
- That is a public-address microphone.
- It is not a toy.
- Boy, that guy sure likes to show off.
- Look what that wise guy punched on my ticket.
- "L-E." What the heck does that mean?
- Next stop, 11344 Edbrooke.
- We're heading for the other side of the tracks.

- One, two.
- Excuse me.
- Question.
- What about him?
- No one is required to see Santa.
- Ladies and gentlemen, you do not have to hold hands...
- Come on.
- ...but please remain in your columns...
- ...while we are in transit.

Santa: [voiceover, as the Hero Boy opens his package to reveal the lost sleigh bell] Found this on the seat of my sleigh. Better fix that hole in your pocket. Mr. C.

- You hear that?
- The bell.
- What bell?
- The sleighbell.
- Sleighbell?
- Don't you hear it?
- It's coming from that tunnel.
- That's the way we should go.

- L lost the bell from Santa's sleigh.
- It's gone?
- Don't worry.
- We'll-We'll find it.
- Yeah, we'Il find it.
- Yeah, we'll help you. All of us.
- Yeah, let's hurry out and find it right now.

- We're gonna crash!
- We're spinning.

- "Stark, barren.
- Devoid of life."

- Get it? Hot chocolate?
- How do you know? That's not true.
- Where you going with that?
- It's for him.
- L don't think we're to leave our seats.
- It's a violation of safety regulations...
- ...for a kid to cross moving cars without a grown-up.
- L think I'll be okay.
- Are you sure?

- This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas...
- am l.
- Just remember...
- ...the true spirit of Christmas...
- ...lies in your heart.

- So many questions.
- There is but one inch of clearance between the roof of this rattler...
- ...and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel.
- Savvy?
- It's just the run up to the hump, kid.
- This will be interesting.

- All aboard!
- All aboard!

- It's the thought that counts.
- Yeah.
- Well, see you.
- Well...
- ...see you.
- See you.

Hobo: One more thing... do you believe in ghosts?
The: [shakes head no]
Hobo: [in a sinister tone] Interesting...

- You missed it.
- We rode down some really sharp hills.
- We were on what looked like a frozen lake.
- But I know it was just an optical illusion.
- He said the train was on ice.
- I said it's impossible--
- You can't put a train track--
- Where you going now?

The: What in the name of Mike?

[repeated line]
The: I believe.

- What about this lad in the back?
- Did he get any refreshment?
- Well, let's take some to him, by all means.
- Watch your step, now. Watch your step.
- She forgot her ticket.
- It hasn't been punched.
- What are you doing?
- You're gonna get us in trouble!

- Maybe not!
- The emergency brake.
- The emergency brake.
- There's no brake. I can't find the brake!
- Take a break, kid.
- How about a nice, good hot cup of Joe?

- Where'd they go?
- What happened to them?
- Please, she's in big trouble.
- You have to help me.

The: ...It's five minutes to midnight.
Know: Hey, what gives? It was five minutes to midnight four minutes ago!
The: Exactly!

The: Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.

The: There would be no Christmas without the Polar Express arriving on time! Am I the only one who understands that?
[He sees the Hero Boy]
The: You! I should have known. Young man, are you bound and determined that this train never reaches the North Pole?
Hero: But, look!
[the Conductor sees that all of Caribous]
The: Caribou Crossing?
Smokey: I make this herd to be at least a 100,000, maybe even a million. It's going to be hours before they clear this track!
Steamer: A tough nut to crack!
The: We are in some serious jelly!
Smokey: And a jam!
Steamer: Tight spot!
Smokey: Up a creek!
Steamer: Up a tree!
Smokey: Lost In the grass!
Steamer: I'll tell you what's grass: our a...
[the Boy pulling his beard, screaming and Caribou whines]

- Yeah, where are the elves?
- They are gathering in the center of the city.
- That is where Santa will give the first gift of Christmas.
- Who gets the first gift of Christmas?
- He will choose one of you.
- Look.
- Elves!

- Makes me wanna cry...
- ...seeing toys that were treated this way.
- These hopelessly entangled string puppets and marionettes...
- ...pose a particular problem. We found the nimble fingers of our work force...
- at the North Pole are best for working out those knots and tangles.
- Thank you. Double-locked here.

- What?
- What?
- Come on.

- It says--
- It's nothing I need to know.

- Get back on, kid. Hurry!
- Grab my muck stick.

Santa: [to the Know-it-All Kid as he demands the first gift of Christmas] Young man... patience. And a smidgen of humility might also serve you well.

- Home.
- Oh, okay. Merry Christmas.
- Thanks for stopping the train for me.
- Have a wonderful Christmas.
- Watch your step, please.
- And merry Christmas.

- Now, Dasher. Now, Prancer and Vixen.
- It's everything I dreamed it would be.
- Could all--?
- Could all this be nothing but a dream?
- No.

[the Conductor joins the three main children at the back of the train]
The: Hey, you three. We just crossed it. Latitude 66°30'. The Arctic Circle.
[From the back of the train, a strange place appears from out of the distance]
The: And do you see? Those lights in the distance. They look like the lights of a strange ocean liner sailing on a frozen sea. There... is the North Pole!

- Merry Christmas!
- What?
- Merry Christmas!

The: You!
Know: You!
Hero: What are you doing here?
Know: Same as you. I'm checking out my Christmas presents making sure I got everything on my list. All I found is one present and all it has is just a bunch of stupid underwear!

- Right.
- Left.
- Right.
- Left. Right.
- Oh, no!
- Oh, no!
- Brace yourselves!

- L make that herd to be at least
- 100,000, maybe even a million.
- It's gonna be hours before they clear this track.
- A tough nut to crack.
- We are in some serious jelly.
- And a jam.
- Tight spot.
- Up a creek.
- Up a tree.
- Lost in the grass.
- L'Il tell you what's grass: Our a--

The: These tickets... are not... transferable.

- Thank you.
- "L-E"?
- Just like that know-it-all kid.

- L don't hear it. Do you?
- No.
- L think we should follow those arrows.

- L was trying to return it to you.
- But the wind blew it out of my hand.
- You can have my ticket.
- These tickets are not transferable.
- Young lady...
- will just have to come along with me.

[first lines]
Hero: On Christmas Eve many years ago I laid quietly in my bed. I did not rustle the sheets, I breathed slowly and silently. I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear: the sound of Santa's sleigh bells.

The: I'm looking for a girl.
Hobo: [after a pause; bursts out laughing] Ain't we all?

- He's here! He's here!
- Where?
- L see him. He's over there.
- L can't see him.
- L can't see him.
- L can't see him!

- All right, get in.
- L don't know about this.

- The Flying Elves.
- They are specialists.
- Do not try that at home, kids.
- Do not try that at home.
- We're not gonna make it.

- Hold on. Hold on. No, no.
- Come on. Watch your step.
- Come on, sweetie.
- Up you go. Up you go.
- Put your feet on here. On here.
- Little adventure, huh?
- Young man, quick thinking on your part.

- One, two. One, two, three, go.
- Rockin' on top of the world
- Rockin' on top of the world
- The place is hoppin'
- There ain't no stoppin'
- Rockin' on top of the world
- Lift your spirits, swing that girl
- Rockin' on top of the world
- Tonight, yeah
- Come on, shorty!

[onboard the out-of-control caboose car, Hero Boy hears a tinkling from outside; it's the Hobo, hitting the brake on the outside of the car with his coffee mug]
Hobo: Take a break, kid! How's about a nice cup of Joe?
[Hobo pours himself a cup just before hitting the edge of the tunnel]

- Look.
- It says, "Merry Christmas, Billy.
- From Mr. C."
- I think I know what it is.
- I wanted one of these my whole life.
- Wait, wait. Stop. Look.
- But l...
- Those are the rules.

- Hey!
- Hey!
- L found your ticket! Wait!
- Hey!
- Wait!
- L have your ticket!

- He's gonna probably throw her off the rear platform.
- Standard procedure. That way, she won't get sucked under the wheels.
- They may slow the train down, but they're never gonna stop it.
- Stop it?
- That's it! I have to stop the train again.
- No, please, don't do that again.

- Hey, that kid wants to get on the train.
- Come on!
- Hurry up!
- We have to stop the train.
- L don't know how.
- Pull the emergency brake!

- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Yeah, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Yeah, we got it
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Yeah, we got it

- And that rope is the whistle.
- The whistle.
- You wanna try it?
- I've wanted to do that my whole life.
- Hold still! Hold still! Don't move!
- Look!

Santa: There's no greater gift than friendship.

- Merry Christmas.
- Better keep that in a safe place.
- Hey, hey. Man alive, are you lucky.
- Pull, Comet. Pull, boy!
- Prancer, that's a girl.
- Good boy, Donder.

Santa: This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas - as am I. Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.

- Well? You coming?
- It's just another pickup.
- That's weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one.
- Why, to the North Pole, of course.
- This is the Polar Express.
- Suit yourself.

Santa: [holding up the silver sleigh bell] The first gift of Chrstmas!

- He said he wasn't sure.
- He wasn't sure if Santa was for real.
- Of course Santa is real.
- He's as real as Christmas itself.
- But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady.
- Sweet dreams.
- Santa will be here before you know it.
- So go to sleep.

- This is the beautiful-est, most wonderful-est Christmas ever.
- Wait. Look.
- Here's one more.
- Has your name on it.

- Look.
- Santa got to Billy's house already.
- Look, look! Santa got here!
- Isn't that amazing?
- It is amazing.
- It is amazing.

[Hero Boy has gotten lost in the abandoned toys train car. He bumps into a marionette of Scrooge]
Hobo: [as Ebenezer Scrooge] You are just like me, my friend. A SCROOGE! Ebenezer Scrooge. North Pole, Santa Claus, this train -- it's all a bunch of humbug!
[Hero Boy looks up to see the Hobo puppeteering Scrooge]
Hobo: [continued as Scrooge] A bout of indigestion! Oh, yeah, I know what you are! You're a DOUBTER! A doubter! You don't believe! A doubter! You don't believe!
[Hero Boy escapes the train car]

- "Lean" is spelled with four letters.
- L believed I punched five.
- Hey, are you saying
- I don't know how to--?
- I'm sorry. Lt says "learn." My mistake.
- Lesson learned.
- Ticket.

- Tickets.
- Tickets, please.
- Tickets.
- Ticket, please.
- Try your pocket.
- Try your other pocket.

- L thought there'd be a way out.
- We're gonna miss everything.

The: [after sounding the train whistle] I've wanted to do that my whole life!

- There. Bless you.
- What about Santa?
- Santa?
- Isn't he the king of the North Pole?
- You mean this guy?

- It's the spirit of the season
- You can feel it in the air
- Aren't those bells the most beautiful sound?

- As in "leader," "leadership."
- "Lead the way."
- Follow you anywhere, ma'am.
- Ah, yes.
- Young man with all the questions.
- Ticket.

- L may be just an old railroader...
- ...and know nothing about lighter-than-air craft...
- ...but from my layman's perspective, you need more altitude!
- More altitude!
- Altitude, please. A bit more altitude, please.
- Geronimo!

- Sure is.
- So can you count on us to get you home safe and sound?
- Absolutely.
- Me...
- ...and my friends.
- Ticket.

- Wake up. Wake up.
- Santa's been here. Santa's been here.
- Hurry up. Hurry up!
- Mom, Dad, wake up. Wake up!
- Santa's been here! Santa's been here!
- Mom, Dad, look!
- He brought us all kinds of stuff!
- Look, a train!

- Yes. I hear it.
- L hear it too.
- L don't hear anything.
- Okay, it's down this way.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
- Why can't I hear anything?
- Get down and be quiet.

- The pin.
- The pin.
- Jiminy Christmas, the ice has frozen over the tracks.

- ...we are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive...
- ...the train appears to be accelerating uncontrollably...
- ...and we are rapidly approaching Glacier Gulch...
- ...which happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world...
- ...l suggest we all hold on...
- ...tightly.

Hero: [seeing the word that the conductor has punched in her ticket] It says "lead", like a lead balloon.
The: I believe that also spells "lead", as in "leader," "leadership. " "Lead the way."
[salutes the child solemnly]
The: Follow you anywhere, ma'am.

- ...and I am certainly not going to be late tonight.
- Now, everybody, take your seats, please!
- Thank you.
- Your attention, please.
- Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?
- Me! Me! Me!
- L thought so.

- Found this on the seat of my sleigh.
- Better fix that hole in your pocket.
- Mr. C.

- It's like I'm the king of this train.
- Yeah. The king of the Pol Ex.
- In fact, I am the king of the North Pole!
- Oh, where's my manners? Sit, sit. Sit.
- Take a load off.
- Hey, would you like some Joe?
- Nice hot refreshment.
- Perfect for a cold winter's night.

- Wait!
- Wait!
- L have to wake up.
- Yeah. I have to wake up.
- Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
- Wake up!

Hobo: What exactly is... is your persuasion on the Big Man, since you brought him up?
The: Well, I... I want to believe... but...
Hobo: But you don't want to be bamboozled. You don't want to be led down the primrose path! You don't want to be conned or duped. Have the wool pulled over your eyes. Hoodwinked! You don't want to be taken for a ride. Railroaded!
[Hobo puts out fire with the joe]
Hobo: Seeing is believing. Am I right?

- There's only one trick to this, kid.
- When I say "jump"...
- jump!

- To the top of the roof
- To the top of the wall
- Now, dash away, dash away
- Dash away all

- Well, that's more like it.
- Thank you.
- Thank you. I can't believe you found my ticket.
- Did someone say they found a ticket?
- Well, in that case... Tickets, please.

- The herald angels sing
- I never hear a sound
- And all the dreams of children
- Once lost will all be found
- That's all I want
- When Christmas comes to town
- That's all I want
- When Christmas comes to town

- Christmas just...
- ...doesn't work out for me.
- Look, I don't know if Christmas is gonna work out for you or not...
- ...but this is Christmas Eve.
- Don't stay here by yourself.
- Yes, come with us.
- We'll go together.

The: Thank you.
The: No, thank YOU. One thing about trains... it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on.