30 Best Transporter 2 Quotes

Frank: Didn't your mother ever teach you to say "thank you"?
Lola: Yeah. She tried and failed miserably.

Lola: [after the car chase] I think we lost them.
[helicopter appears]
Frank: Think again.
Lola: [shoots down helicopter] Thought complete.

Frank: I'm afraid that your flight's been canceled.
Gianni: I'm afraid that *you* have been canceled!

Frank: What's the first rule when entering a man's car?
Jack: [takes his feet off the seat] Respect a man's car, a man respects you.
Frank: Rule number two?
Jack: Greet the man. Good afternoon, Frank.
Frank: Good afternoon, Jack.
Jack: Can we play the game now?
Frank: I would think your brain would be too tired after a whole day of school.
Jack: You're just afraid I'm gonna win.
Frank: I'm afraid you're gonna be too worn out to do your homework.
Jack: It's Friday, I don't *have* any homework.
Frank: In that case: the game.
Jack: Yes!
Frank: But first, what's the third rule of the car?
[Jack buckles his seatbelt]
Frank: Good.

[about to fight carjackers]
Frank: Hold on. Just came out of the dry cleaners.
[he removes his jacket and fights the carjackers]

Lola: My problem isn't physical... it's psychological.

Audrey: You said if I needed anything...
Frank: I can't.
Audrey: Why, because of who I am?
Frank: Because of who *I* am.

Frank: Have a good life. What's left of it.

Gianni: Give me the news.
Lola: Doctor said I'm cured.

Max: Don't worry, baby. You're safe, you're safe, you're so beautiful. You remind me of my yellow poom-poom rider!

Frank: You really think killing all these politicians is gonna make things easier for them?
Gianni: That's not my problem. I was hired to do a job. I did the job, like you. Just... my pay is better. My hair and my suit, too.

Gianni: Not quite what you expected when you showed up for work this morning, is it, Frank?
Frank: [rolls his eyes] Is that what passes for wit in this circle?
Gianni: [laughs] In this circle, my friend, "wit" is not a requirement of the job. Brutality, yes. An ability to inflict pain, absolutely. A certain psychotic moral ignorance, blind obedience, all required. But not wit.

Tipov: Dimitri, you scared shit in me!

Car: Stop... stop moving or I will shoot you.
Frank: Don't you have homework to do?
[walks into her gun]
Frank: Why don't you go and do it.
Car: OK! I'm sorry!
[runs away]

[last lines]
The: [on phone] I'm looking for a transporter.
Frank: I'm listening.

Tarconi: Let me guess: you need my help again.
Frank: You still near the computer?
Tarconi: It's practically my pillow. Where do you want to start?
Frank: I don't know. I have nothing.
Tarconi: Ah! My favorite kind of investigation.

Dimitri: [grabs Tipov's gun and points it at Sonovitch] Open fridge.
Dr. Sonovitch: I'm telling you...
Dimitri: [pistol-whips him] Open fridge!
Dr. Sonovitch: Ow!
Dimitri: [in Russian] Sorry.
[then in English]
Dimitri: Open fridge... open the fridge!
[Sonovitch does, revealing two vials of the antidote]
Dimitri: Yes! Insurance policy. How many do you have?
Dr. Sonovitch: Two doses. Enough for Tipov and myself.
[Dimitri shoots Tipov]
Dimitri: Tipov's policy cancelled. There is one for me.

Marshall: Freeze! Who the fuck are you?
Tarconi: I'm the cook.

Frank: A potato.

[repeated line]
Tarconi: Maybe not.

Hoffman: And you and Frank Martin are friends, right?
Tarconi: A friend? I wouldn't say exactly a friend... I know him, we have a relationship...
Hoffman: A long relationship?
Tarconi: Mm... not so long...
Hoffman: But they found you cooking in his house!
Tarconi: I'm French!
Hoffman: So?
Tarconi: We don't need to know someone for longtime, you know, to cook for them... It's our way of breaking the ice.

Frank: It was just a favor. I don't usually do this sort of a job.
Audrey: I thought you were a professional driver?
Frank: A different kind of driver.

Jefferson: Hello?
Frank: It's me.
Jefferson: You son of a bitch!
Frank: Look, I had nothing to do with this!

Gianni: But nice try, I'm impressed. Took more than a driver to figure this out.
Frank: I haven't figured it all out yet.
Gianni: Perhaps I can help you! What part are you a little... how you say, "thick" on?
Frank: You. Why?
Gianni: Oh, well, that's the easy part. It's a business deal, pure and simple. I'm for hire to he highest bidder. And in this case, the highest bidders were the Colombian cocaine cartels that wanted these pesky lawmen off their backs.

Frank: I'm trying to catch a bus!

Jack: [about getting a shot] It hurts a lot.
Frank: Look at me. I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you a lot.
Jack: Promise?
Frank: You know my fourth rule? Never make a promise you can't keep.

Lola: [to Frank] You're quite a guy.

Dr. Sonovitch: [after Frank kills Dimitri] Ah, good! Our problem is solved! One for each of us.
Frank: It's not for us.
Dr. Sonovitch: Ah, one for you, one for the child. Your devotion is touching.
Frank: My patience is about to run out.

Car: [knocks on Frank's car door] I'm sorry, can you help me? My tire.
Frank: Sorry, I have an appointment, I don't like to be late.
Car: Well, would you rather be late or *dead*?
[points a gun at Frank]
Frank: You don't want to do this.
Car: Step out of the car!
[Frank steps out, the car jackers run over]
Car: Whoo! Let's go, girls! Yeah!
Frank: Take it easy, the car's brand new.
Car: [enters car] No problem, buddy, I got this. Baby, let's ride. Time to go!
Frank: Your parents know the company you keep?
Car: Shut up!
Car: [unable to start the engine] This shit ain't working, man!
Frank: It's coded.
Car: What's the code?
Frank: Can't tell you that.
Car: Then we'll have to beat it out of you. Get out of the car!

Jefferson: [answers the phone] Hello?
Gianni: Put me on the speaker so you don't have to repeat the instructions. In the next two hours, you'll get five million dollars in non-sequential one hundred-dollar bills. You put them in a waterproof suitcase. You go to the Bayfront Park, personally. There will be a blue Chrysler parked on the side. You place the suitcase in the trunk, and you leave.
Jefferson: I don't know if I can get five million dollars in two hours...
Gianni: Mr. Billings, please. I read the newspapers. The day you were appointed to your current position, your net worth exceeded one hundred million dollars, so... you won't even feel the bite.
Jefferson: What... guarantee do I have that you won't harm my son?
Gianni: [chuckles] "Guarantee"? Mr. Billings, uh... I'm not a car dealer; don't let the charming accent and my grammatically impeccable syntax mislead you. I live in the jungle, and in the jungle, you either eat or be eaten. But, in the spirit of doing business, here is the guarantee: Ten minutes past the deadline, if the money doesn't arrive, I send a finger. Twenty minutes, a hand. Thirty minutes, a foot.