The Best Valkyrie Quotes

Valkyrie: The lord of thunder sends his regards!
Korg: The revolution has begun!

Valkyrie: This team of yours, it got a name?
Thor: Yeah, it's called the... uh... Revengers!

[the Hulk takes on Surtur]
Thor: Hulk, no! Just for once in your life, don't smash!
Hulk: But big monster!
Valkyrie: Hulk, let's go!
[Hulk looks at Valkyrie and Thor]
Hulk: Friends.
[goes with Thor and Valkyrie, leaving Surtur behind]

Thor: I think we should disband the Revengers.
Loki: Hit her with a lightning blast.
Thor: I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing.
Valkyrie: We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board.
Thor: It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now.
Valkyrie: So what do we do?
Loki: I'm not doing 'get help'.

Thor: [aboard the Commodore] Where are the weapons?
Valkyrie: There aren't any! It's a leisure vessel.
Bruce: What?
Valkyrie: The Grandmaster uses it for his good times: orgies and stuff.
Bruce: Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?
Thor: Yeah. Don't touch anything.

Bruce: [on Loki] I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us.
Valkyrie: He did try to kill me.
Thor: Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Blergh, it's me!". And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.