The Best Alias, Season 5, Episode 6 Quotes

Sydney: You're not going to be alone Rachael, not for second. I'll be on coms the whole time... The way Vaughn was for me.

Jack: This is no different than when you were sent back into SD-6.
Sydney: It's completely different... I had Vaughn.
Jack: And Rachael will have you.

Michael: [the camera is panning around Sydney's bedroom and we see pictures of Vaughn] You okay?
Sydney: Just having some trouble picking a lock, my fingers are kinda numb.
Michael: [laughs] Hey, you're almost home. Just get inside and plant the bug.
Sydney: Easy for you to say, it's twenty below out here, you're nice and warm.
Michael: I'll tell you what, I'll talk to Langley and see if we can send you someplace nice and warm next time.
[We now see Sydney in the rocking chair holding a tape recorder next to her belly playing back the audio from a mission where Vaughn was in her ear]
Sydney: It should have a beach.
Michael: Absolutely, I'll find a bad guy who owns a really nice beach resort. And you'll have to go undercover for like a month.
[He laughs]
Michael: Hey you know what, that sounds pretty dangerous, maybe we both should go.
Sydney: [laughing] You'd do that for me?
Michael: Hey, we're in this together right?

Sales: [In baby store, Sydney is sitting in a rocking chair watching a dad with a little girl] Oh we get so many dads in the store these days, I don't think my husband ever bought so much as a diaper.
Sydney: Yeah... My dad wasn't exactly hands on either.
Sales: What about your husband, is he doing his part?
Sydney: He's been great, wishes he could do more.

Rachel: Thanks... For being in my head.
Sydney: You're welcome... I know how important that voice can be. Vaughn talked me through all my early missions with the CIA.
Sydney: Sometimes his voice was the only thing that kept me going.
Rachel: I wish I could have met him.

Rachel: Your father's kinda scary.
Sydney: Tell me about it.

Sydney: Who was the sluttiest girl in your high school?
Rachel: Mandy Camarino.
Sydney: You didn't have to think very hard on that one.
Rachel: Tramp; stole my date at junior prom. She had red hair and a pierced tongue.
Sydney: Okay, now you're Mandy Camarino.

Thomas: You okay?
Rachel: If by okay, you mean freaked and embarrassed, I'm great.