The Best Arlene Riley Quotes

Arlene: [while in the judge's chambers, referring to Junior Soprano] your honor, this man should not be removed from custody for "medical reasons." Every time we get these elder Mafioso's incarcerated, we get the same "bag of tricks"
Attorney: Your honor, I take offense to the "characterization" of my client as a "Mafioso." Mr. Soprano has not been found guilty of anything: his awaiting trial for "alleged offenses"
Judge Greenspan: Noted
Attorney: With all due respect to the state's medical facilities, in his condition, Mr. Soprano has every right to pursue the best possible medical care he can afford
Arlene: Mr. Soprano is suffering from a very benign illness: a few clogged arteries, your honor
Judge Greenspan: I'm leaning towards on releasing this from lock up, unless you can demonstrate a "serious flight risk"?
Judge Greenspan: Mr. Soprano, if I approve this, you will be under what is called "house arrest", do you understand this concept?
Junior: Not really
Judge Greenspan: It means you must remain in your primary residence, you cannot leave... except for doctor's appointments and food shopping
Ralph: Your honor, the government asks for an electronic bracelet
Attorney: Your honor, while we certainly agree to house arrest, we are "asking" that Mr. Soprano not to "persecuted" for yet to be proven allegations. He shows no prior arrest since 1968, he pays his taxes and he's a veteran of the Second World War
Judge Greenspan: Mr. Soprano, do you have any "problem" wearing an electric bracelet?
Junior: It sounds like Nazi Germany to me
Judge Greenspan: Obviously, you need a history lesson... sir
Attorney: I don't think that "we", you and I should let our "shared sorrows" or "biases" enter into this judge
Judge Greenspan: [Ignoring his comment] his wearing a bracelet... to avoid any "risk of flight"