The Best Hiko Yoshida Quotes

Francine: [to Hiko] My son's gonna win the National Spelling Bee.
Hiko: Ha! That's impossible because Akiko is going to win. She's already won at her private school in Maryland and if Steve does make it to Nationals, Akiko will be there to crush him.
Francine: No, Steve is gonna be the one who destroys Akiko. Your skin is amazing. I can't tell how old you are.

Francine: Oh, come on, Hiko. Let 'em have some fun. College is years away.
Hiko: That attitude is why my children will attend Harvard while Steve will be lucky to be wait-listed at an online, offshore college.
Francine: Oh, you whore.

Hiko: [to Toshi] I've got half the Yakuza looking for your sister. In the meantime, take the bloodhounds and search the city.
Toshi: [English translation] Shouldn't we call the police?
Hiko: What? Why do you only speak Japanese? I don't even speak Japanese.