The Best Lost, Season 1, Episode 25 Quotes

- What are you doing?
- Why'd you do that?
- Wait! The numbers are bad!
- The numbers are bad!
- The numbers are bad! stop!
- No, we can't!
- Hurley!
- Get back! we can't. The numbers...
- You gotta get back.
- You gotta get back.

- Where are they?
- I don't know.
- She's here.
- Danielle?
- You come out! Right now! calm down.
- Danielle, I can hear you. Come out.
- Please. He needs his mother.

- Alrighty. Here's two together. book it.
- Departure gate for flight 143 has been changed...
- "Uh-oh?" what "uh-oh?"
- It appears that your flight is already boarding in the international terminal.
- This is the domestic terminal.
- I don't think you're meant to make this flight.

- Let me go! I'll be all right.
- I got it! I got it!
- Be careful unwrapping it.
- All right.
- Now throw it in. no! It'll blow us up.
- Do it! Hurry! I can't hold him. don't do this.
- Throw it in. Now, Kate!

- That's as far as it goes.
- It's far enough.
- I'll light it. You take cover.
- There'll be enough burn time for me to get clear.
- Hurley! wait. Just a sec.

- Hey, what the hell's going on here?
- Who are you people?
- Just give us the boy.
- I'm not giving you anybody.
- Well, all right then.
- Dad! Dad! no! Walt, no!
- Dad, help!

- What does it mean?
- I don't know what Aaron means.
- They will bring him back. don't say that.
- They will. how do you know?
- Because he said he would.
- Charlie will bring your baby back.

- Oh, ok. Got it.
- Be careful.
- Can I have a flashlight?
- 'Cause the torch around the dynamite thing, not making sense to me.
- Kate, you run the fuse.
- Jack and I will rig the charges. ok.

- It's bleeding too much.
- You have to go back.
- I'm not. You have to fix it.
- I'm not a doctor. you're a soldier!
- What do people do when they get wounded?
- I'm not going back without that baby, Sayid.
- Don't move.

- They were not here.
- Danielle, you have to give us the baby.
- I just wanted my Alex back.
- I thought if I gave them the baby...

- Whoever named this place dark territory, genius.
- Yeah. I saw it.
- We gotta get out of here.
- Locke! What are you doing?

- That what I think it is?
- Something's out there.

- Twenty minutes?
- Look, I can't miss my flight.
- My mom's birthday's tomorrow.
- Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Cool.
- Some of us have a bloody flight to make.
- Excuse me. Coming through.
- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Come on. Come on.

- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Coming through! Look out.
- Look out, look out.
- Coming through.
- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Look out. Heads up.
- Coming through. Look out.
- Coming through. Coming through.

- There never were any others.
- You started the fires yourself!
- No. I heard them whispering.
- You're a nut job.
- You heard nothing.
- I heard them say they were coming for the child.
- The others said they were coming for the boy.

- Locke! Locke!
- Jack?
- Locke!

- Come on!
- Please, god!
- It's coming back!
- It's coming back!
- Yes! hell, yeah. Ok?
- All right. Ok. I know it.

- No, that would be fine.
- Here we go.
- Here's your seat.
- I'll get your bags, sir.
- If you need anything, press the "call" button.
- Ok. Thank you.

- Why's a guy who only cares about himself wanna risk his life to save everyone else?
- Way I see it, there's only two choices.
- You're either a hero, or you wanna die.
- Well...
- I ain't no hero, Mike.

- What? that number? 23?
- The guy who called the feds on me back in Australia did it for a $23,000 reward.
- Mean something to you?
- Nah. It's just a number.
- Better catch up.
- I can barely see 'em.

- Gunpowder? remove the towel, tilt your head back.
- Remove the towel.
- This is because I hit you, isn't it?
- This is not going to be pleasant.
- You ready?
- One. Two. Three.

- She did you well.
- I hope you know how lucky you are, man.
- Back in business?
- Ai rig hty.
- Oh, hey...
- It's yours.

- I made you some tea.
- I'm fine.

- If we survive this, if we survive tonight...
- We're gonna have a Locke problem.
- And I have to know that you've got my back.
- I got your back.
- Are we ready?
- Wait a sec. Wait a sec.

- We survived, and there's a whole group of people on the island.
- Well, ain't that something. yeah.
- Only, the thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy.
- What? What'd you say?
- The boy.
- We're gonna have to take him.

- Here we are. you.
- What?
- Thank you. Thanks.

- Sir, the jetway's closed. please.
- For the love of all that is good and holy in the world, let me on this plane.
- All right, one second.
- Hunter? This is Gina.
- We've got one more.
- This is your lucky day.

- She has a head start.
- If we leave now, we can catch her.
- Get him back, Charlie.
- I will get him back.
- Is this where Boone fell? the plane was loaded with heroin.
- So, dude, what do you think's inside that hatch thing?
- Hope.
- I think hope's inside.

- It could be anything. Junk.
- We don't know if Sayid's radar works.
- He ever fix something that don't?
- It's moving away.
- Junk knows how to steer? we're moving. It doesn't mean...
- Are you gonna give me the damn gun or am I gonna have to take it?
- What're you gonna do? Shoot me?
- It's almost gone!

- The hatch, Jack. All of it. All of it happened so we can open the hatch.
- No. No, we're opening the hatch so that we can survive.
- Survival is all relative, Jack.
- I don't believe in destiny.
- Yes, you do.
- You just don't know it yet.