The Best Lost, Season 2, Episode 23 Quotes

- Dharma nutrabar? no, thanks. I'm not hungry.
- You serious?

- I kind of tripped one with Jack.
- We ended up... never mind.
- What?
- When the doc told me y'all got caught in a net,
- I thought he meant... something else.
- And since when did you and Jack start talking about me?

- You want a ride?
- Not with you.
- Get in the car.

- Eight. Seven. Six.
- Five. Four.

- You all right?
- Yeah, just getting some more firewood.
- Not feeling too hot.
- You shouldn't be out here alone.
- I'll give you a hand.
- Hey, thanks for coming out here, risking your neck for my boy.
- Live together, die alone, man. yeah.

- The man out there pounding on the door.
- His name is Mr. Eko.
- Why does Mr. Eko carry around a stick covered in scripture?
- Because he's a priest. open the door, please.
- Can you hear me? Open up!
- We looked out a priest?
- John!

[Charlie plays the guitar]
Mr. Eko: Charlie! Do you know how they got the hatch door open?
[Charlie stops]
Charlie: No, but if you hum it, I can probably play it.
[Charlie plays again and Eko holds him]
Mr. Eko: How did they open it - the door that says "quarantine"?

- You can't even spell, and now you're correcting me?
- What do you think, freckles? keep moving, we're being followed.
- What? just keep smiling.
- There's at least two of them across the river.
- In five seconds,
- I'm gonna turn the tables on them.
- Well, wait a second. you in?

- I'm inman.
- Kelvin inman.
- What...?
- What happened to my boat?
- I found you washed up on the beach.
- There was no boat.

- I don't know what is more disquieting, the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has four toes.

- John! Can you hear me? Open up!
- I hope you're sure about this.
- I'm more sure about this than anything in my entire life.
- Don't do this! John!
- All right then, box man.
- We wait.

- You hear that?
- Damn it!

- And you know why?
- Because this is it.
- This is all there is left.
- This ocean and this place here.
- We are stuck in a bloody snow globe!
- There's no outside world.
- There's no escape.
- So just... just go away. Let me drink.

- Are we rescued? Are we saved? Hey!
- Hey! hey!
- Perhaps it's them.
- You see anything? no.
- Maybe it's a trap. what do you mean, a trap?

- Are you him?
- What?
- What did one snowman say to the other?
- What are you talking about?

Hugo: Did that bird just say my name?
James: Yeah it did. Right after it crapped gold.

Sayid: [looking at the huge stone foot] I don't know what is more disquieting; the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has four toes.

- And I saw a film there.
- An orientation film, and it said that everything that was happening in our hatch... wasn't real.
- That it was a test.
- A psychological experiment.
- You're lying.

- It's too late to go back now, Hurley.
- We caught them following us once.
- If they don't believe we trust Michael, they'll kill us.
- I'm sorry that I didn't say anything.
- You have to know that I would never bring you out here if I didn't have a plan!
- What plan?

- then just stop pushing the button.
- Well, I have, except, unfortunately, someone else decided to start.
- So you're gonna sober up.
- And we're gonna get a good night's sleep, and tomorrow, we're gonna find out what happens if that button doesn't get pushed.

- Who's radzinsky?
- He was my partner. what happened to him?
- Just make sure you put that back behind turn of the screw when you're done with it.
- Why do you wear that suit?
- So I don't get infected out there.

- Michael?
- Michael has been compromised.
- Why would he lie to us?
- I believe he's leading you to a trap.
- I have to get my son back. we're gonna help you, Michael.
- It's gotta be the way I said, man.
- You, me, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley.
- That's it.

- Nice idea. As long as you know when you're gonna die.
- Lance corporal Desmond David hume, your sentence is hereby complete, and you are now and forever dishonorably discharged from the royal Scots regiment of her majesty's armed forces.
- Long live the queen.
- Enjoy your sodding book.

- Did that bird just say my name?
- Yeah, it did...
- Right before it crapped gold.
- Sorry, man.
- I guess I forgot to load that one.
- Want to hand me the mag?

- Did you bring me a present?
- Actually, two presents.
- One of these boxes contains your past, hume.
- The other, your future.
- Go ahead. Open it.

- He wanted to sail to the mediterranean, but he never...
- He passed away... about a month ago.
- I'm sorry.
- I want you to have it.
- I can't take your boat, miss. but you have to.
- He'd want you to.

- When are you getting married, pen?
- We haven't set a date yet.
- I'll be back in a year. what if you were back right now?
- I'm going to win this race, pen.
- His race. And in a year, I'll be back.

Desmond: Ignorance is bliss.

- What was your husband's name?
- And what did he name his boat?
- Elizabeth.
- He named it after me.
- Then I thank you, Elizabeth.
- And I shall win this race... for love.

- What was all that about, then?
- Just saving the world.

- Would you excuse us, please?
- I'll be at the shore.

- Off to see the hostiles, are you? the what?
- You know what? Ignorance is bliss.
- The boat's all yours, brother.
- For all the good it'll do you.
- I don't know how to sail.
- Then I suggest you find someone who does.

- With money and determination, you can find anyone.
- Did you read your beloved book?
- The one you were saving?
- Not yet.
- I thought you might have read it while you were away.
- I was in prison. Not away.
- Why didn't you write to me?

- Are you still pushing it?
- Yeah, we're still pushing it.

- Desmond, what are you running from?
- I have to get my honor back...
- And that's what I'm running to.

- Costumes, makeup, fake beards. They want us to think they're hillbillies.
- Listen. Listen, I was there.
- I saw them.
- They are hillbillies. They live in huts.
- They eat fish. They're probably more scared than we are, and they have no idea we're on our way.
- All right. Enough jibber-jabber.
- Let's roll.

- Is the... is the father here on the island?
- Nope, he's been gone a long time.
- Just sort of walked off the moment he got a bit scared by the situation.
- Well, maybe he knew he'd be a lousy dad.
- Thought he was doing what was best for you.
- He was doing what was best for him.

- I hear he's a little despondent as well.
- What? oh, that's right.
- You weren't there for the dramatic arrival at the funeral.
- I think he's pushed your button too many times, if you ask me.
- Desmond? yeah, Desmond.
- I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about.

- You cannot push that button!
- No, it's not real! We're only puppets!
- Puppets on strings!
- As long as we push it, we'll never be free.
- Well, you're free now, John.
- Do not come back. no.

- I'm sorry if what I said was confusing, but I asked Jin to come.
- You need someone to translate, and you need at least two people who know how to sail.
- Desmond managed by himself. and look where he ended up.